Magic Tech High

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Post by 3kul » Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:22 am

Vito intended to argue with Lily over the flushing of his face but had missed his opportunity, now in the middle of a class full of males and females their age it would be foolish to draw attention to his blushing from earlier. Yet another point went to Frost in whatever diabolical game of one-uppery it was that they were entangled in.

While he waited for Lily to respond to his question one of the other students in the class saw fit to introduce themselves to him. "Theiskore?" Vito queried raising an eyebrow. The name rang a bell, belonging to yet another of the families of the upper eschelons of society. He supposed that he shouldn't be too surprised; as he himself had just stated, this was undoubtedly the most advanced school in the world, so it made plenty of sense for the children of the richest families around to be here. "Seems that our class will be full of famous folk... Or at the very least, folk with famous names. It is nice to meet you too, Lucas." He took a moment to greet the polite young lad while he waited for Lily to answer his question.

Lily proceeded to answer his question in some detail, but not quite as much as he would have liked. Seemed that he'd have to use the school's advanced computer network system to get all of the information that he desired. He would admit that he didn't know a whole about this school, but he'd seen a few students use the floating holographic screens by now and with Lily demonstrating it with such ease he felt confident that he could do the same. A screen appeared almost instantaneously, and he began to look through the school's databases to find out more about each class. "How many of these classes may we choose?"
Last edited by 3kul on Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jodie » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:55 am

Daisy's eyes lit up "summoning class and magical creature handling? COOL!" she was very exited "Do I have any of those classes?, Dose the magical creature handling class have any Griffins?" Her eyes was sparkling like stars because Griffins where her faverite magical creaturs

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Post by Swix » Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:42 pm

After having entered the classroom, Paolas expression fell somewhat at hearing Lily tell Vito this was to be an English class, perhaps with fashion or art as extras. "English? I already know English" she muttered under her breath "and what good is fashion or art? Mother says fashion is only good for getting people with weak willed minds to do what you want"
The strange little girl ruffled her feathers in mild annoyance, it would seem she too was under some parental pressure to choose suitable subjects. Truth to be told Paolas mother had rather high expectations of her-that's why she'd been sent here before her other siblings. If a school with such a high reputation couldn't provide her with any suitable subjects or skills that she didn't have with her genetic memory, then where could?
Her expression leapt with some hope however as Lily explained that even the myriad subjects she'd just listed weren't the only ones they had here. Unfortunately for Paola, she wasn't nearly as comfortable around computers as either Vito Serpells or the heiress-mainly because this was the first time she'd encountered the things. But, she could learn by observation-they surely couldn't be that hard to use.
So Paola walked over to stand next to the Serpells child so she could watch what he was doing. Of course, Paola was only about 4'5 feet tall so this proved to be more difficult than she'd thought. However, a small height boost wasn't that hard for her, as she added a few more inches by floating off the floor.
Last edited by Swix on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by rosebarks » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:56 am

"How many of these classes may we choose?"

Lily heard it as she typed the escape command as she looked at him. "depends on how long each is and how many you wish to take. after all the science classes we have here are some of the best..if not the best" she said suddenly dropping the preppy tone as she watched him. "either way...enjoy class, find a seat...and i suggest you ignore the..."

"Ignore the what Miss Frost?" Said a much more mature voice that made Lily freeze in her boots. it was the teacher..someone she personally disliked. The teacher stood about five feet and seven inches tall as she towered over the five foot four child. "well...spit if our Miss Frost"

"ignore the sounds in the halls" she said her voice stiff as she new that the teacher was a favorite of her fathers and one of the many who gave her the status that she had at the school. she put on a fake smile going to her desk.

"Alright, I'm Miss Listner.. Your English and homeroom teacher. I will call out your name and when you hear it please call present or acknowledge that you have been called...anyone caught fooling around about it will be given homework on the first day, is that understood?" She was strict it seemed and yet she wore clothing that spoke she was not all strict but also had a wild side to her.

Her white blouse tended to show off her rather nice curves and was low cut but only to a point while her skirt was just up before the knees and in a tight leather her high heels being all black and laced to her just under the knees. her hair a glossy silver that seemed to shine even under the florescent lighting in the school.
Last edited by rosebarks on Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Okura » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:01 am

Lucas went back to his seat after introducing himself because it seemed the group was involved in discussion once more. Once he had managed to successfully pull up a screen himself, he decided to look at the subjects as well. The subjects were vast and impressive which made him curious as to how many classes they were able to study.

"Do I have any of those classes?, Dose the magical creature handling class have any Griffins?"

He smiled slightly to himself when when he heard Daisy's question. It appeared that he had more freedom as to what he chose to study than the others from strict families, but he had a feeling his parents would not be thrilled if he brought a Griffin or any other type of magical creature home with him. Well, that was one class he could rule out as well as necromancy. His mother would be equally disappointed with a zombie accompanying him at a formal dinner.

He leaned back in the his chair and looked up at the ceiling, just waiting quietly for the teacher to arrive while he listened to Lily explain things to the others. After her behaviour earlier he was surprised that she was being helpful and almost friendly to the small group, but he had a feeling that the friendlier side was closer to the way she normally was. It didn't appear to be forced. Either way, she was an interesting person to observe, especially her reaction to the teacher who had finally made an entrance.

He sat up straight then and made the screen disappear to give his undivided attention to the teacher. It seemed the wisest thing to do.
Last edited by Okura on Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Tav » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:40 am

Vannis clasped his hands together, already in the seat. It seemed that he had already divined where to go, and had gotten there first due to having taken the elevator. He nodded respectfully. "Understood, Miss Listner." He responded, and kept his attention on her.

~Pfft, this frost girl isn't even showing our mentor any respect.~

He waited for his name to be called.
Last edited by Tav on Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Swix » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:52 am

Paola sighed in mild exasperation, dropping back down to the floor with a very slight 'mmph' sound when her feet hit. She should have just asked if there were classes for those with psychic abilities-telekinesis and telepathy in her case. The handling of magical creatures would go down well too, and she should definitely learn about computers whilst she was here. Biology, chemistry and genetics would be on her list as well, though that was less her wish and more her mothers. Well, she could find out about any psychic classes later, she thought as she made her way over to a seat not far from the front so she could see, but not close enough to be conspicuous. Her lower arms rested on her legs whilst the top pair rested on the desk in front of her as she waited for her non-famous name of Paola Leonards to be called out.
Last edited by Swix on Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by 3kul » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:24 pm

The computer flashed Vito's curriculum up as Lily explained how many classes he could enrol in. It seemed like a very flexible system, but unfortunately for him he would not be able to enjoy such freedoms. The computer informed Vito that he had been enrolled in several subjects, but... there must be some kind of mistake. Many of these were far more complex than what he'd been led to believe he'd be studying, and none of them involved the kind of medical sciences that the Serpells family usually focused on.

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Custom Curriculum for VITO SERPELLS</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>ASTROBIOLOGY - the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe.
ASTROGEOLOGY - the study of celestial bodies and the processes by which they are shaped and changed.
EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY - the study of evolution of life.
ECOLOGY - the study of the relation of living organisms to each other and their surroundings.
PARASITOLOGY - the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them.
VIROLOGY - the study of of viruses and virus-like agents.
XENOBIOLOGY - the study of extraterrestrial life or life beyond this world.


He frowned to himself as he read the brief descriptions of each subject. Why had his family enrolled him in these subjects? His sharp mind processed a wide variety of possibilities, but many made him feel very concerned... Just what kind of intentions did they have? He wished that he could discuss this with his designated parental drone but that wasn't really possible right now.

He intended to keep his curriculum a secret for now, but he'd been so puzzled by the bizarre subject selection hadn't even noticed Paola hovering close by him, and she had probably seen it all...

"either way...enjoy class, find a seat...and i suggest you ignore the..."

"Ignore the what Miss Frost?"

The teacher had entered the room, and had quickly taken on an authoritarian tone. Vito's eyes widened slightly as he caught a glimpse of the teacher, whose proportions were even more Amazonian than those of Lily Frost. Her outfit alone screamed 'scandal', how could she dress like that in front of students?&#33; It was one thing for Frost to dress that way, but teachers were supposed to be role models for students&#33;

"well...spit it out Miss Frost"

"ignore the sounds in the halls"

Lily's strange warning snapped Vito back to reality, and he promptly stopped gawking at the curvaceous teacher to turn his attention back to her. Sounds? Why would there be sounds in the halls that students aren't meant to be listening to?

"Alright, I'm Miss Listner.. Your English and homeroom teacher. I will call out your name and when you hear it please call present or acknowledge that you have been called...anyone caught fooling around about it will be given homework on the first day, is that understood?"

Vito quickly decided to forget about introducing himself to the teacher. It was clear that she wanted to get things started, but even if she'd adopted a more casual attitude for some reason he felt that he would be quite likely to make a fool of himself if he attempted to greet her. He felt that he should be careful to leave at least one row of desks between himself and this teacher, and so he quickly made his way to the nearest vacant seat that fulfilled this condition.

It was only when he sat down that he realized he'd selected a seat next to Paola. This was a little vexing, as she was also distractingly beautiful in her own way, but thankfully he now had too much on his mind to spend much time gawking at her. What to do about these subjects...

((Vito will also respond when his name is called, but just in case anything interesting happens between now and then I'll avoid locking myself in just yet :P))
Last edited by 3kul on Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jodie » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:16 pm

Daisy woners what she ment by the ignoring the sounds of the Halls and was confused with the teacher she knew that at her schools on Vana'diel teacers would get in big truble of dressing like that

"Alright, I'm Miss Listner.. Your English and homeroom teacher. I will call out your name and when you hear it please call present or acknowledge that you have been called...anyone caught fooling around about it will be given homework on the first day, is that understood?"

Daisy thought not to ask why Miss Listner was dressed like that because she didn't want any Homework on her first day Daisy just sat down next to Lucas and looke'd at the Teacher waiting for her name to be call'd

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Post by rosebarks » Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:57 am

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Custom Curriculum For LILY FROST</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>PURIFICATION- The higher level of white magic class which teaches you ho to purify many ways and items as well as people.
FLIGHT- for those wishing to learn how to fly using wings, brooms, or magic in general.
CHEMISTRY- The science of matter and the changes it undergoes. The science of matter is also addressed by physics, but while physics takes a more general and fundamental approach, chemistry is more specialized.
RITUALISM- the art and skills to do a proper ritual and how it may backfire are taught.
ASTROGEOLOGY - the study of celestial bodies and the processes by which they are shaped and changed.
VIROLOGY - the study of of viruses and virus-like agents.
GYM: a range of physical activities and sports that will alternate regularly.
COOKING: many different techniques and styles of cooking will be taught.[/quote]

looked at their teacher who was droning on about the usual first day things with the syllabus and how the classrooms worked, that they would report here first every day before anything else to be marked present at the start of the day. "god this is boring" she said putting her head down in complete boredom wanting the class to just be over and end. it was making her sleepy with how boring miss Listner was being.

(EDIT: She's taking gyms not ecology xDD)
Last edited by rosebarks on Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Okura » Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:41 am

Lucas listened quietly to the teacher while showing as much enthusiasm as he could muster. It might have been the usual routine, but it was important to understand how things worked, especially in an advanced school run by the Frost family. On top of that, it was a little hard not to pay attention to Miss Listner. He started to understand why English might be a popular subject. It was difficult to tell which way was appropriate to look.

As he continued to listen he pulled up his screen to finalize his subjects because he hadn't had a chance to do so before the teacher had come in.

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Custom Curriculum for LUCAS THEISKORE</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>ART: studying different techniques of art to understand the beauty of life.
ASTROGEOLOGY: the study of celestial bodies and the processes by which they are shaped and changed.
COOKING: many different techniques and styles of cooking will be taught.
ENGLISH: used to develop the understanding of language and culture through the analysis of various forms of literature and studies.
GYM: a range of physical activities and sports that will alternate regularly.
NANOTECHNOLOGY: the study of exploratory engineering or manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular level.
PARAPSYCHOLOGY: the study of paranormal or psychic phenomenon that cannot be explained scientifically
PYROTECHNICS: the use of materials for self-contained and self-sustained exothermic chemical reactions to produce heat, light, gas, smoke and/or sound.

A small smile appeared on his face when he saw the list of subjects that appeared on the screen. Apparently his freedom was limited just as much as fellow classmates. Although he had expected his grandfather to put some input into what subjects he chose, he didn't expect his parents to take any interest in his studies. If it wasn't for his father's interest in investing in nanotechnology and his mother's passion for cooking, he would've thought it was all his grandfather's doing. Though he was surprised that there were no financial or business related subjects in the mix. Well, he had a feeling that he might have had a lighter load than others, so he didn't let it bother him. He made a mental note of the subjects and made the screen disappear so he could listen to the rest of Miss Listner's introduction.
Last edited by Okura on Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by 3kul » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:42 am

A figure outside the school watches carefully in secret. This creature is wearing a long robe and a strange mask, so it is impossible to tell exactly what it is, or what it's intentions are, though it is certainly up to something. Seven red orbs float about this figure, one of which is glowing brightly, allowing him to observe a single student. Unsurprisingly the school has exceptional defenses against a wide variety of magical and technological infiltration techniques, and although it was unable to stop this particular technique, it has already triggered several alarms. Keh&#33; The figure curses silently to itself. It had thought that these particular magicks were so ancient by this point that they'd be long forgotten, but unfortunately somebody still remembered them. Best to move quickly. It thought, hastening it's plan along. Thankfully the child was in a rather weak mental state, and would be all too easy to manipulate...


Vito had been listening very carefully to Ms. Listner's explanation of how the school and it's classrooms functioned, the school rules and other important things that all students would be expected to know. He was taking notes using one of the holographic computer screens available to him, saving them into the personal drive space that was made available for each student.

~Hey, what about your extra subject?~

Vito jumped a little and peered about. It seemed like somebody was speaking to him, but... nobody was here? ~Ahhh, don't jump about like that, somebody will notice and think that this is strange.~ There it was again&#33; But it felt like it was coming from inside his head... So nobody else could hear it? ~Relax, we're just thinking. We're in a stressful state of mind at the moment, right? Pretty difficult to know who to trust when our family is forcing us to enrol in this strange school, and now these subjects? Maaaaaan, what is up with that?~ 'We'? 'Our'? This voice, why was it speaking in such a way? Surely it couldn't be a part of him? He hadn't heard of any sort of family history that might indicate him being likely to develop split personalities, but it wasn't like his family kept him in the loop on anything that they felt that he didn't need to know. ~It's not like we can't trust any of them though. We just need to think outside of the box a little... This subject should help. We should pick this subject. <big>This One</big>.~

Vito noticed that, without realizing it, he'd stopped taking notes and started browsing subjects again. It was a totally bizarre subject choice and definitely not one that he had ever thought of choosing but he felt strangely compelled to do as this voice, this... other part of him said. Before he knew it he'd locked it in and the voice had gone silent. He looked about the room but nothing else had changed. Had anybody noticed him doing anything strange? He felt confident that they hadn't and returned to taking notes, trying not to pay more attention to what Miss Listner was actually saying rather than how she strutted about the classroom.

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Updated Curriculum for VITO SERPELLS</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>ASTROBIOLOGY - the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe.
ASTROGEOLOGY - the study of celestial bodies and the processes by which they are shaped and changed.
EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY - the study of evolution of life.
ECOLOGY - the study of the relation of living organisms to each other and their surroundings.
PARASITOLOGY - the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them.
NEW: SHAMANISM - the study of communing with and channelling the spirits of the dead.
VIROLOGY - the study of of viruses and virus-like agents.
XENOBIOLOGY - the study of extraterrestrial life or life beyond this world.[/quote]


Too easy&#33; The figure thought to itself, its fiendish grin hidden beneath its mask. This should drive a sizable wedge between the boy and his family, and soon he'll be one of us... The red orbs surrounding it vanished and the mysterious figure quickly made itself scarce.

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Post by Swix » Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:04 pm

Paola had been sitting listening to all the basic instructions of Miss Listner, however the strange little girl found herself cocking her head in curiousity at the way all of the males in here were staring at the 'English and Homeroom' teacher. Or in some cases, were trying not to look at her. It was rather bizarre to a girl whom had very little experience with this thing 'modesty' that her mother often talked about-apparently that was the reason she was wearing this dress rather than her usual more comfortable clothing. Well, if she was going to get stared at like that then she actually felt grateful for the dress... although that hadn't stopped Vito from staring at her before when she'd introduced herself...

Paolas thoughts were slightly interrupted when Vito Serpells decided to sit next to her, although she got the impression he hadn't wanted to. He seemed to have a lot on his mind in fact, probably thinking about the subjects he'd seen on his curriculum-ones which she'd accidentally seen in her curiousity on how to use the computers around here. Well, she supposed that had been kind of nosy but she wasn't sure if she liked Lily Frost enough to ask her about it, and she didn't want to look completely incompetent in front of three members of famous families. Looking like a fool in front of the Frosts, the Serpells and even the Theiskores would make her mother most displeased with her. Well, she had at least learned enough to bring up her curriculum-which she did by imitating what everyone else had been doing. She knew how to read and write already-a combination of genetic memory and instruction-so she was pleased to find out it wasn't as hard as she'd feared.

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Custom Curriculum for PAOLA LEONARDS</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>
EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY - the study of evolution of life.
ECOLOGY - the study of the relation of living organisms to each other and their surroundings
CHEMISTRY- The science of matter and the changes it undergoes. The science of matter is also addressed by physics, but while physics takes a more general and fundamental approach, chemistry is more specialized.
GENETICS: The study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms
PARAPSYCHOLOGY: the study of paranormal or psychic phenomenon that cannot be explained scientifically
FLIGHT- for those wishing to learn how to fly using wings, brooms, or magic in general.

One of Paolas silver eyebrows flew up at seeing this, clearly her mother had been here already putting in subjects to make sure that the smallest of the brood took subjects she'd already been told to. But FLIGHT, why was that there, that had been the very second thing she'd attempted on the very day she'd hatched, so she couldn't help but feel insulted. She'd have to talk to her mother about this later, however, she did still have other subjects that she wanted to do, so she looked through the list until she found them.

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>NEW Custom Curriculum for PAOLA LEONARDS</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>
EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY - the study of evolution of life.
ECOLOGY - the study of the relation of living organisms to each other and their surroundings
CHEMISTRY- The science of matter and the changes it undergoes. The science of matter is also addressed by physics, but while physics takes a more general and fundamental approach, chemistry is more specialized.
GENETICS: The study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms
PARAPSYCHOLOGY: the study of paranormal or psychic phenomenon that cannot be explained scientifically
FLIGHT- for those wishing to learn how to fly using wings, brooms, or magic in general.
PSYCHIC PRACTICAL: For those already possessing a tendency for psychic abilities, this class teaches how to employ telekinesis, hydrokinesis, pyrokinesis, etc safely and effectively, as well as how to utilize telepathy to the best of your abilities.
HANDLING OF MAGICAL CREATURES: For those wishing to learn how to handle non-sapient magical creatures, including their care and health.
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS: For those uncomfortable with or lacking experience of computer systems, this short basic course will bring them up to speed

That was much, much better. Mostly satisfied but still a little stung, Paolas screen disappeared. The little Mutamorphffer girl put a hand under her chin and leant on it, contemplating her own subject list. But mostly she contemplated the one about flight, just what was her mother thinking? Did she want to make Paola feel like an idiot, was she perhaps disappointed with her rate of progress but had never said anything to her?

Paola barely noticed the boy sitting next to her jump as her enthusiasm for coming here began to ebb away, but she did have a sort of niggling feeling in the back of her mind that someone was there, who wasn't? What kind of sense did that make? Unfortunately for her, drifting into her own thoughts of flight and not paying attention to what she was doing had a tendency to cause her psychic abilities to flare up, her telekinesis this time, and the very desk on which she was leaning attempted to escape gravity by floating just a few centimetres off the floor. Just enough for Paola not to notice what she was unconsciously doing... However other students may find not noticing nigh impossible as their desks too began to float.
Last edited by Swix on Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Okura » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:36 pm

Lucas' attention had started to slip again because while the teacher was rather appealing to look at, the instructions and information started to seem less and less important as the introduction went on. At first he had been taking notes on the pad he brought with him so he could memorize everything when he was outside, but Lucas' mind had a tendency to filter out things that didn't appear necessary to remember. He gave up on note taking and rested his head lightly on the desk, momentarily glancing around at the students for a second to see how they were fairing.

The first thing he noticed was Vito jump slightly in his seat as he was sitting in the row in front of him. Lucas' quirked a brow when he appeared to be a little spooked about something, but he wasn't sure what. He glanced out the window slightly when he thought there might have been something the other male saw that he hadn't, but there was nothing. Although he was curious, he wasn't sure if during class was the best time to ask. Still, he was a little concerned for him so it wouldn't hurt to quietly ask if he was alright, would it? He was sure the teacher would understand.

However, just as he leaned over to carefully pat Vito on the shoulder, Lucas' hand slipped slightly and he realised then that his desk was...floating&#33;? He had expected unusual things at a technology advanced school, but floating desks hadn't been on his list. After a few seconds he noticed that everyone else had the same problem. He made a guess that someone was using their telekinesis powers unconsciously, but he had no idea who it was because he knew very little about what powers his classmates possessed. Well, he had the distraction he was waiting for.

He leaned over again and tapped Vito lightly on the shoulder. "Hey, are you alright?" he whispered with a genuine look of concern on his face. Although he still felt bad about talking to someone during class, the desks were levitating off the ground so talking in class was probably the least of Miss Listner's problems at that point. Or that's what he hoped was the case.

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Post by Jodie » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:59 pm

Daisy notaced somthng wasn't quite right with Vito Jumping then notaced somthing else wasn't right as if there was... Someone else
Her ears flickerd as she notaced the desk was floating her tail stuck straight up when she notaced it

"um miss the tables Floating"

her voice was full of both confusion and a hint of fear
Last edited by Jodie on Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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