The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
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- Location: Alberta, Canada
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Outside the known universe.
Shape, Form, Structure, Sleep, Hunger, Thirst, Matter, Gravity, Time, Space... concepts that no longer exist or are simply ignored.
This is the realm of the Aeloci.
The God to Gods. The Masters of Everything.
Each world has one, or many. Some prefer to police the Immortals, while some prefer making sure that the populace live safely on the world.
Others, however....
Shape, Form, Structure, Sleep, Hunger, Thirst, Matter, Gravity, Time, Space... concepts that no longer exist or are simply ignored.
This is the realm of the Aeloci.
The God to Gods. The Masters of Everything.
Each world has one, or many. Some prefer to police the Immortals, while some prefer making sure that the populace live safely on the world.
Others, however....
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Level 15
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:00 am
- Location: Alberta, Canada
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
This is actually the training thread, of sorts!
Yes, through a series of interactions with an actual Aeloci, you too can learn the fundamentals of the RP world! For only 19 payments of $9999.99, a member will help you brush up with grammar and post formation, while an Aeloci works on a character of your choice, testing their moral fibre<small>*</small>.
<small>*<small><small><small><small><small>And in some cases, physical fibre. The Everywhere. The Nowhere thread is not to be held responsible for decapitation, splatterfication, being turned into a gas, being turned into a liquid, being turned into an animal, death, sudden abandonment of morals, death, having your soul eaten, death, being turned into stone, eaten, slight nausea, major nausea, apoplectic attacks, Psychopathy, sociopathy, dipped in acid, dissolved, eaten by wild badgers, or being torn through the fabric of time and made to kill your own ancestor.</small></small></small></small></small></small>
Yes, through a series of interactions with an actual Aeloci, you too can learn the fundamentals of the RP world! For only 19 payments of $9999.99, a member will help you brush up with grammar and post formation, while an Aeloci works on a character of your choice, testing their moral fibre<small>*</small>.
<small>*<small><small><small><small><small>And in some cases, physical fibre. The Everywhere. The Nowhere thread is not to be held responsible for decapitation, splatterfication, being turned into a gas, being turned into a liquid, being turned into an animal, death, sudden abandonment of morals, death, having your soul eaten, death, being turned into stone, eaten, slight nausea, major nausea, apoplectic attacks, Psychopathy, sociopathy, dipped in acid, dissolved, eaten by wild badgers, or being torn through the fabric of time and made to kill your own ancestor.</small></small></small></small></small></small>
Last edited by Coolpikaaa on Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Site Admin
Level 15
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:00 am
- Location: Alberta, Canada
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Yay, first <del>victim</del> use- No wait....
That's what I wanted to say.
A big round of off topic applause for Jodie, who successfully posted the $9999.99 into my account, and will now be trained by my horrible, horrible RP skills! Typical post set up will be as indicated, the top being our off topic training, and the bottom to be our in character training.
Once we have the basics down, and her character comes away in a *mumble* condition, the posts will be moved out into the Archieve and a new Aeloci can pop in. This will keep the thread fresh and bog free!
Also, may I ask that whilst the training is commencing, no one other than those involved post here? Just something to keep me sane. goes!
Outside the known universe, a space exists.
Undefinable, incomprehensible, it serves only to "be", and to this point, has been never touched by the hands of lesser beings than the Aeloci.
But that was about to change.
See, the Aeloci, as powerful as they were, had a small crisis on their hands. The lifeforms they had drawn from the multi-verse, often found themselves in outlandish dangers, and with their numbers rapidly rising, it was becoming ever so hard to keep all of them balanced. The lifeforms needed direction.
And that is how Jasmin, the young plant person, was ripped from the universe and thrown rather haphazardly into Aeloci territory. The "room" she found herself in, if it could even be called one, consisted of shapeless fog, no floor for her to eventually hit, no walls to lean against, and no ceiling to stare up at.
At least not yet.
As the helpless plant girl hurtled through space, a strange voice would enter her mind. A memory? An instinct? It was impossible to be sure, but the voice pleaded, a whisper and a simultaneous roar...
That's what I wanted to say.
A big round of off topic applause for Jodie, who successfully posted the $9999.99 into my account, and will now be trained by my horrible, horrible RP skills! Typical post set up will be as indicated, the top being our off topic training, and the bottom to be our in character training.
Once we have the basics down, and her character comes away in a *mumble* condition, the posts will be moved out into the Archieve and a new Aeloci can pop in. This will keep the thread fresh and bog free!
Also, may I ask that whilst the training is commencing, no one other than those involved post here? Just something to keep me sane. goes!
Outside the known universe, a space exists.
Undefinable, incomprehensible, it serves only to "be", and to this point, has been never touched by the hands of lesser beings than the Aeloci.
But that was about to change.
See, the Aeloci, as powerful as they were, had a small crisis on their hands. The lifeforms they had drawn from the multi-verse, often found themselves in outlandish dangers, and with their numbers rapidly rising, it was becoming ever so hard to keep all of them balanced. The lifeforms needed direction.
And that is how Jasmin, the young plant person, was ripped from the universe and thrown rather haphazardly into Aeloci territory. The "room" she found herself in, if it could even be called one, consisted of shapeless fog, no floor for her to eventually hit, no walls to lean against, and no ceiling to stare up at.
At least not yet.
As the helpless plant girl hurtled through space, a strange voice would enter her mind. A memory? An instinct? It was impossible to be sure, but the voice pleaded, a whisper and a simultaneous roar...
Last edited by Coolpikaaa on Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Jasmin looked around her eyes full of confusion of where she was she loked around the place "Hello?" Jasmin squeeked as she heard the voice in her head saying "Create" her mind was buzzing with questions she wanted to ask but wasn't sure she wisperd to herself "I must be having a weird dream..."
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Level 15
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:00 am
- Location: Alberta, Canada
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Thanks for the quick reply!
It seems like a fairly good start, just one thing I noticed with your post, here and other wise, is that they are all one sentence, regardless of how long they are. What I mean is that you don't seem to have any periods, exclamations or other sorts of punctuation. When posting, try and have your ideas all separated into their own line of thought.
Also, speech should have it's own line, separated from the body of the paragraph. It promotes easier reading, and allows speech to exist separately from thought.
But like I said, good post so far. Just keep those in mind and your post could look like so...
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>"A Quick fix"</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Jasmin looked around, her eyes full of confusion of where she was.
"Hello?" Jasmin said, squeaking as she heard the voice in her head saying "Create". Her mind was buzzing with questions she wanted to ask, but wasn't sure. She whispered to herself, "I must be having a weird dream..." [/quote]
Now to the RP side....
Confusion wasn't the response they were hoping for. Perhaps this one simply needed some... incentive?
Thousands of meters below, the fog dispersed to reveal a massive land of solid concrete. Before Jasmin could even blink, she would feel a sudden tug, it didn't take long to realize Gravity had just been created, and the girl was rapidly speeding to her doom.
As the ground quickly began to move closer, the voice repeated it's dire instruction one more time.
It seems like a fairly good start, just one thing I noticed with your post, here and other wise, is that they are all one sentence, regardless of how long they are. What I mean is that you don't seem to have any periods, exclamations or other sorts of punctuation. When posting, try and have your ideas all separated into their own line of thought.
Also, speech should have it's own line, separated from the body of the paragraph. It promotes easier reading, and allows speech to exist separately from thought.
But like I said, good post so far. Just keep those in mind and your post could look like so...
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>"A Quick fix"</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Jasmin looked around, her eyes full of confusion of where she was.
"Hello?" Jasmin said, squeaking as she heard the voice in her head saying "Create". Her mind was buzzing with questions she wanted to ask, but wasn't sure. She whispered to herself, "I must be having a weird dream..." [/quote]
Now to the RP side....
Confusion wasn't the response they were hoping for. Perhaps this one simply needed some... incentive?
Thousands of meters below, the fog dispersed to reveal a massive land of solid concrete. Before Jasmin could even blink, she would feel a sudden tug, it didn't take long to realize Gravity had just been created, and the girl was rapidly speeding to her doom.
As the ground quickly began to move closer, the voice repeated it's dire instruction one more time.
Last edited by Coolpikaaa on Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Jasmin Screamed, "No this isn't a Dream it's a nightmare!"
As She was falling she garbed some seeds out of her Handbag and threw them on the Ground using her powers, she made a large Group of vines shoot up to catch her and the vines slowly moved down with her on them
Jasmin Sighed "That was close..."
The vines turned back into seeds and she picked them up and put them back into her handbag
Her eyes scanned her surroundings and all she could see was a concrete desert
"H..Hello? whos there?"
She looked around and thought this place needs more plants
She giggled "If they want me to create then I guess there won't be any harm with a cuple of flowers there and a few trees there"
She walked around spreading the seeds around it onley took about 3 minites and it was impossibal to belive it was a concrete desert or any Desert at all realy.
As She was falling she garbed some seeds out of her Handbag and threw them on the Ground using her powers, she made a large Group of vines shoot up to catch her and the vines slowly moved down with her on them
Jasmin Sighed "That was close..."
The vines turned back into seeds and she picked them up and put them back into her handbag
Her eyes scanned her surroundings and all she could see was a concrete desert
"H..Hello? whos there?"
She looked around and thought this place needs more plants
She giggled "If they want me to create then I guess there won't be any harm with a cuple of flowers there and a few trees there"
She walked around spreading the seeds around it onley took about 3 minites and it was impossibal to belive it was a concrete desert or any Desert at all realy.
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Level 15
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:00 am
- Location: Alberta, Canada
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Very good Jodie. I see you carried over to other RPs as well. Thats totally awesome B-)
At first nothing, but suddenly, from the smallest recesses so far away, a tender breeze spread out. The fog cleared. A sun appeared in a brilliant blue sky.
And an odd presence was felt. Not something to be afraid of... but... happy?
The breeze blew again, toying with the flowers Jasmin had spread, but through the moving petals, one could see something else was there. A distortion in the air, as if one was watching static on a Television screen. And once again, the voice inside Jasmin's own mind spoke.
"You have done well. We are pleased."
At first nothing, but suddenly, from the smallest recesses so far away, a tender breeze spread out. The fog cleared. A sun appeared in a brilliant blue sky.
And an odd presence was felt. Not something to be afraid of... but... happy?
The breeze blew again, toying with the flowers Jasmin had spread, but through the moving petals, one could see something else was there. A distortion in the air, as if one was watching static on a Television screen. And once again, the voice inside Jasmin's own mind spoke.
"You have done well. We are pleased."
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Jasmin smiled proudley as she was happy she pleased whatever was watching her with her abilities but was confused of Who or what was watching her
"Hello um I'm just wondering who you are exactley?" her voice was full of confusion but this time she had no fear
"Hello um I'm just wondering who you are exactley?" her voice was full of confusion but this time she had no fear
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Well, CP wanted my help, so I get 97.5% of all of his profit, and now you have -two- aeloci to help train! Only $15035.55, and you'll get our elite RP training!
A new, odd force shimmered through this pocket realm. The ground quaked, and the tip of a small blue crystal poked out of the ground. Rising slowly, it soon revealed that the crystal was larger than a man. The spire of crystal burst apart, blue shards spewing across the ground, revealing. . .
Just a simple man, with a generic face and short white hair. His eyes were clouded over, as if he were blind, and he was wearing no shirt.
"The Keeper requested my assistance." He said, looking down at the girl. He looked unhappy. "So you're the Mortal that he wants trained. Bah, no matter."
Raising his hand, an unholy monstrous machine made of muscle and scale appeared, with two enormous forelegs, claws digging twenty feet into the ground, and an ever-churning maw made up of a hundred sets of black needle teeth. There was no surge of energy, there was no quake, no shimmer. All that happened was it appeared. It's hindquarters were stuck in the ground, as if it were a burrowing creature that had come up for air. It howled with rage and anger, a careening roar that shook the entire pocket-world, so loud that one of the nearby trees shattered. The man, however, didn't even flinch.
"This is your first task, useless fledgling. Slay this beast."
A new, odd force shimmered through this pocket realm. The ground quaked, and the tip of a small blue crystal poked out of the ground. Rising slowly, it soon revealed that the crystal was larger than a man. The spire of crystal burst apart, blue shards spewing across the ground, revealing. . .
Just a simple man, with a generic face and short white hair. His eyes were clouded over, as if he were blind, and he was wearing no shirt.
"The Keeper requested my assistance." He said, looking down at the girl. He looked unhappy. "So you're the Mortal that he wants trained. Bah, no matter."
Raising his hand, an unholy monstrous machine made of muscle and scale appeared, with two enormous forelegs, claws digging twenty feet into the ground, and an ever-churning maw made up of a hundred sets of black needle teeth. There was no surge of energy, there was no quake, no shimmer. All that happened was it appeared. It's hindquarters were stuck in the ground, as if it were a burrowing creature that had come up for air. It howled with rage and anger, a careening roar that shook the entire pocket-world, so loud that one of the nearby trees shattered. The man, however, didn't even flinch.
"This is your first task, useless fledgling. Slay this beast."
Last edited by Tav on Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Jasmin looked at the man in disbelief as she saw the monster like creature
"Y...You want me to slay THAT!" She said in shock
She slowly moved her hand over to her handbag to get some vine seeds but she didn't take her eyes off the Monstrous creature and flinched as she saw one of the trees Shatter
"NO! that was one of my prized Glass trees!" her face went Red with Rage "NOW YOU ARE SOO GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!!" she shouted as she threw some of the Vine seeds at the Creature and attacked hitting the beast with her leaf like arms the vines where hitting the Creature too
(She has rather soft leafs/arms but they are sharp on the edges)
"Y...You want me to slay THAT!" She said in shock
She slowly moved her hand over to her handbag to get some vine seeds but she didn't take her eyes off the Monstrous creature and flinched as she saw one of the trees Shatter
"NO! that was one of my prized Glass trees!" her face went Red with Rage "NOW YOU ARE SOO GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!!" she shouted as she threw some of the Vine seeds at the Creature and attacked hitting the beast with her leaf like arms the vines where hitting the Creature too
(She has rather soft leafs/arms but they are sharp on the edges)
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- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:00 am
- Location: Alberta, Canada
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Glass trees. Nice touch.
The hidden Aeloci shimmered, caught off guard by this sudden turn of events. Shifting quickly out of view, he reappeared beside his immortal cousin.
"What is this...this Abomination you have called forth, Warrior!? I requested this favor of you to assist me in training, not to have my lifeform torn to shreads!"
Frantically looking back, he saw that Jasmin had begun... hitting it with her leaves?
"Stop this madness at once, Warrior. Can't you see that in her current form she has no chance?"
Glass trees. Nice touch.

The hidden Aeloci shimmered, caught off guard by this sudden turn of events. Shifting quickly out of view, he reappeared beside his immortal cousin.
"What is this...this Abomination you have called forth, Warrior!? I requested this favor of you to assist me in training, not to have my lifeform torn to shreads!"
Frantically looking back, he saw that Jasmin had begun... hitting it with her leaves?
"Stop this madness at once, Warrior. Can't you see that in her current form she has no chance?"
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
"Bah, very well. We shall start small." The warrior said, waving his arm over the abomination. It became a great statue, and from it's mouth climbed a single generic human, holding a dagger.
"This man will attempt to fight you, Fledgeling. Do not let the dagger touch your skin, or you shall be wounded. I recommend you disable him, or learn his attack pattern."
And with that, the man leapt from the statue's mouth, landing on the ground. He raised his dagger towards the girl. "Hello, girlie. Let's see what you look like inside out."
And then he jabbed the dagger towards her.
Also, I was bored so I made a little 3D model of the monstrous abomination, and threw it on a background. It's my avatar now! 8D
"This man will attempt to fight you, Fledgeling. Do not let the dagger touch your skin, or you shall be wounded. I recommend you disable him, or learn his attack pattern."
And with that, the man leapt from the statue's mouth, landing on the ground. He raised his dagger towards the girl. "Hello, girlie. Let's see what you look like inside out."
And then he jabbed the dagger towards her.
Also, I was bored so I made a little 3D model of the monstrous abomination, and threw it on a background. It's my avatar now! 8D
Last edited by Tav on Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Jasmin was at first confused as the creature she was fighting turned to stone then she saw the man climb out of the creature statues mouth
"This man will attempt to fight you, Fledgeling. Do not let the dagger touch your skin, or you shall be wounded. I recommend you disable him, or learn his attack pattern"
Jasmin thought to herself as she took in of what the strange man said then she jumped off the Statue to the ground and so did the strange man that was inside the statue
"Hello, girlie. Let's see what you look like inside out"
Jasmin felt angrey about what he said
"Girlie? GIRLIE!? who on wherever I am do you think you are?" she shouted as she staired at the man waiting for his move
As she saw the man jab the dagger straight at her she jumped out of the way and waited to see if she could pick out a patten.
She didn't want to waist her vine seeds the man attacking her nor did she want to get hurt trying to disarm him so she chosed to dodge evrey attack he did to see if there was a pattern, Well she hoped she would dodge all of them
"This man will attempt to fight you, Fledgeling. Do not let the dagger touch your skin, or you shall be wounded. I recommend you disable him, or learn his attack pattern"
Jasmin thought to herself as she took in of what the strange man said then she jumped off the Statue to the ground and so did the strange man that was inside the statue
"Hello, girlie. Let's see what you look like inside out"
Jasmin felt angrey about what he said
"Girlie? GIRLIE!? who on wherever I am do you think you are?" she shouted as she staired at the man waiting for his move
As she saw the man jab the dagger straight at her she jumped out of the way and waited to see if she could pick out a patten.
She didn't want to waist her vine seeds the man attacking her nor did she want to get hurt trying to disarm him so she chosed to dodge evrey attack he did to see if there was a pattern, Well she hoped she would dodge all of them
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
The man had a simple attack; Jab towards the gut, snarl, and try again. Obviously, the Slayer didn't work too hard on making a mind for this opponent.
The Slayer, in fact, was nodding; The girl had dodged every attack. "Now that you know his pattern, you can decide how to dispose of him, and then you do so."
The Slayer, in fact, was nodding; The girl had dodged every attack. "Now that you know his pattern, you can decide how to dispose of him, and then you do so."
The Everywhere. The Nowhere.
Jasmin was trying to think of a plan but kept being interupted... Which made her evan more angry
She then started to run around the man in circles in attemp to confuse him
Jasmin giggled to herself "I learned this trick from the younger members of my spicies"
She ran so fast it looked like their was 10 of her running
She then started to run around the man in circles in attemp to confuse him
Jasmin giggled to herself "I learned this trick from the younger members of my spicies"
She ran so fast it looked like their was 10 of her running