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Blackstar Refuge
Blackstar Refuge
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Post by rosebarks » Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:59 am

Alright, so I don't have many characters for here...yet but I will have them all mwhahahahaha xDDD

Name: Lily Frost
Gender: Female
Race: half blood wolf half angel
Appearance: often wears her hair hanging to her ass, in nothing more than a corset, the ones that covered the breasts but yet showed the entire arms off while her black leather skirt showed off her neon green g-string from all angles.
Abilities: uses basic magic, fire if possible.
Personality: ditsy and preppy yet at the same time, deep under the popular mask, caring and loving to those around her.
History: Since she was a pup she lived with her father, Robert Frost, she's been rich ever since she could remember however she has been punished for looking like her mother and not listening to her father. her mother died when she was 7 but she doesn't remember anything but the fact her father did it since she could smell her mother's blood on his body after the fact.
Notes: she tends to act popular but it's a front. when her mask is put down she's a nice person, she has a very rich daddy.
Last edited by rosebarks on Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Blackstar Refuge
Blackstar Refuge
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Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:00 am



Post by rosebarks » Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:46 am

Name: Eli'ri
Gender: female
race: n/a
Appearance: her hair about shoulder length and curly, wavy and curly with eyes light blue yet they were mysteriously so. her skin a fair colour with slight freckles over her nose . she stands about 5'3 and tends to wear all black clothing.
Abilities: N/A
Personality: caring, nice. and shy.
History: N/A
Notes: she is new to Pax and doesn't know many yet, but she is more than willing to learn and to meet people.

Blackstar Refuge
Blackstar Refuge
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Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:00 am



Post by rosebarks » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:16 pm

Name: Robert (Robby) Frost

Gender: Male

Race: Blood wolf.

Appearance: Tall and skinny body that has muscle enough that he can fight on basic the looks of him. Often found wearing a suit and tie from being at work while at home, his house part of his business. Eyes blue like a husky dog, hair a pale blond starting to grey. his skin fair like his daughter's.

Abilities: Changing to and from his wolf form (though used very little), hand to hand combat, weapons combat, basic ice magic.

Personality: Nice to his workers...Not so nice to Lily.

History: Was married to Lily's mom Parmia who he later killed for disobeying him, misjudging his own ability with a sword and her inability to block his sword. Since then he's raised Lily on his own and made a name for himself with his technology and ability to make high tech equipment. He has lived on Ana since he was a child with his own parents who had started the Frost line of technology with simple computers that he later made into better versions and had continued his own parents business making it a famous name by putting his computers and technology into a highschool upgrading it to the point the board let him own it.

Notes: He dislikes his daughter for looking so much like his dead wife but treats her as a child and raises her to, some day, try take his business over.

Blackstar Refuge
Blackstar Refuge
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Level 4
Posts: 142
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:00 am



Post by rosebarks » Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:35 am

Name: Ni'tri Sola
Gender: Female
Race: German Shepherd dog demon.
Appearance: she has soft chocolate skin that is alight colour almost a cappuccino chocolate look to i with deep set orange eyes that set her deep brown hair that look like silk and yet feel like a kitten's fur with how soft it is. her outfit, unlike Lily's, is non-slutty but not pure conservative. it's a spaghetti strap shirt that shows some cleavage but not too much just a little bit and shorts but not short shorts.
Abilities: speed of a demon, powers of thunder usually.
Personality: kinda, caring, loyal, and a great person, friend even.
History: Lily's friend since they were children and knows everything that has happened to Lily and what has gone on with the family. often treated like one of the Frosts she doesn't go without money when she needs it.
Notes: Is a great friend of Lily Frost' and a loyal friend at that, not just to lily but anyone she makes friends with.

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