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Post by Swix » Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:48 pm

What's a .pkm file MDude?

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Post by MDude » Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:46 am

It's an image format that GrafX2 uses. It seems like it'd be fairly easy and interesting to parse. Now I'm stuck with not knowing how to load the resulting comma separated values either.

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Post by Borg12345 » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:21 am

"What are the kids listening to these days? Stepdub? Sure, stick that in our trailer!" - At least two different games companies now. This is why I think Dubstep is just a meme.

EDIT: Although the Borderlands 2 trailer sorta took the mickey with "Now with 98.6% more WUB WUB", so that can almost be forgive. Almost. :P
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Post by Swix » Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:06 pm

Dubstep? What's that? XD.

Damn if that's showing up on games trailers then I'm not gonna be able to actively avoid it much anymore :(.

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Post by Tav » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:06 pm


I am no longer busy with life! Hooray, now I can spend all my time on the internet like real men were meant to!

Hahaha, I enjoy dubstep. Sometimes. Bad dubstep is worse than bad any-other-genre-of-music, but good dubstep is better!

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Post by Borg12345 » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:52 pm

Was watching a lets play of Dear Esther and... I'm lost for words. I have never seen such a beautiful, emotional and stunning game as that before. Breath taking!

Also, very morbid, and that's not getting into what the story could mean...

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Post by Tav » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:53 pm

I heard about Dear Esther, but I hadn't actually gotten an idea about what the entire thing's about, other than it's morbid and uses an FPS engine. I'll have to take a look at it.

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Post by Borg12345 » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:57 pm

It's a semi randomly generated story basically. It's more of an experience but if ever there was an argument that games are art, by god that's it. I'll have to give the original mod a try, since I can't afford the game right now.

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Post by Tav » Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:00 pm

I've run into quite a few games which tend to lean more towards art than gameplay, so I can believe that.

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Post by Alakin » Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:07 am

Oh, this again indeed. ^_^

Yeah, quite a few games are more into storytelling/art than gameplay nowadays it seems to me. I guess what with games being more open to the general public and with better systems it's more feasible/easier/marketable to do so. Obviously some do it better than others. I'll have to look at this Dear Esther when I have time, sounds interesting!

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Post by Tav » Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:05 am

Man, I need coffee. I've really become a coffee drinker lately. It's funny, because recently I've been drinking coffee and my insomnia hasn't been a problem. I don't think they're related. . but they -might- be.

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Post by Borg12345 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:13 pm

Aaaand, a third game trailer is using Dubstep. Hey, at least we're past the hump as it were. It'll soon die down. :P I'm just sick of it being eveywhere! It's not even THAT bad, just over used and over rated in my less than humble opinion. It's like when "Rockstar" got played every five seconds, or last summer when all that generic indie rubbish got played in every advert ever. I didn't mind at first, now it's driving me mad. *foams at the mouth*
Come to think of it though it's mostly facebook to blame for this one, in my experience. XD

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Post by Swix » Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:18 pm

I've not seen much of Dear Esther other than a still picture ad on Steam that showed nothing but a house on top of rolling hills-which to be fair was far more compelling than some ads I've gotta say. I'll have to look at a review of it later.

Tav my partner found a study of sleep patterns and it's history recently, your insomnia might not be as unnatural as you might think. I'll have to see if I can find it for you so you can have a read of it.

EDIT: Here we go, found it: The Myth of the Eight Hour Sleep Cycle
Last edited by Swix on Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Tav » Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:47 pm

Okay, I'll take a look at it. And then edit this post when I finish it. Hooray!

Edit: Actually, this was really interesting. I think I'd heard of the whole 'bi-modal sleep pattern' thing before.
This actually wasn't what I meant by my insomnia, though; my insomnia was\is an issue where I lay in bed for the entire time I'd allotted to sleep (Usually eight or so hours before I finally say 'I give up'), not sleeping a wink the entire time, even after I'd made sure there were no distractions.
Last edited by Tav on Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Alakin » Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:00 am

I get something like that sometimes. Often it'll be - just to be more annoying - on those days I specifically go to bed early. I remember once being in bed by 9pm and then spending hours just constantly moving round unable to sleep until I fell asleep at 3am or so. Reading while listening to low-volume music sometimes helps, don't know if you've tried that or something?

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