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Post by Borg12345 » Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:54 pm

Well I'm miffed off today because my god damn bitz STILL HAVEN'T ARRIVED YET! Seriously, I ordered them last Tuesday, was assured they were sent off and they always send their bitz with 1st class post. The stupid bloody useless post office is gonna ruin my plans for Wednesday at this rate. I WAS going to come along to the Kill Team Conversion event at Games Workshop then, but apparently there's gonna be little to no point at this rate! DX


So, any of you got anything to rage about? I feel a bit better already...
Last edited by Borg12345 on Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Swix » Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:31 pm

Swix's original FB post

Apparently worlds in my head
aren't satisfied until they've split
into two not quite identical
mirrors of each other. Oh well,
least they've got names now

What are the
names dippy and dorky perhaps?

Very funny lol
XD. But no, one's Arashal and the
other I'm not divulging just yet.

FB friend
r u alright mate?

Other FB friend So you've
named different halves of your
mind? That borders closely on

Swix Erm, you've all
completely misunderstood what
i've put... :S

Last edited by Swix on Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Swix » Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:57 pm

Doublepost bump of Doom! As, I know this is an old topic but I feel like I need to let out some RAGE to people I trust right now.

So, I am so infuriated right now! :@

*rant follows below, beware the curses*

Right, i've got all my holiday slips right, and they say the holidays asked for have been approved. I wanted the Monday 27th August off, as it's my birthday, and a few days before, and I've got this horribly worded letter now that states things that never happened, happened and I can't have those days off, because noone can, cause it's the busiest time of the year and they need everyone in. To cope with it. And if I end up not being able to show up during those days, for any reason at all, they'll 'have to investigate it' Noone said anything about this when we put the slips in, in October I think, or even when they decided in December that suddenly April holidays weren't allowed at all.

Apparently a socially and ethically inept company told a manager that that was ok, as long as the business was ok! WTF?! Who in their right mind would say something like that? This kind of thing is just one of the reasons why I joined the Zeitgeist Movement, support Occupy and am trying to help start/encourage at least an actual resource based economy! :@
Last edited by Swix on Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:23 pm

Not so much rage but The Binding Of Isaac was gonna be given a 12+ rating in GERMANY of all places. The only reason it got bumped up to a more reasonable 16+ was because of blasphemy. Yep. Edmund Mcmillen was fairly pleased though, it's the first game in Germany to ever get a 16+ rating for that reason.

Why the hell was a game that features Blood, guts, poop, pee, suicide, self harm, drugs, dead babies, mutated and mutilated children (possibly), demons, Satan, gambling, cross dressing, murder and at least one abortion gag depending on how you look at it OKAY FOR TWELVE YEAR OLDS!?! It'll be another case like Happy Tree Friends, they glanced at it for five seconds and decided it was fine. (Happy Tree Friends got the lowest american rating possible if I remember correctly.)

This is why video games are seen as "hurting the children". Dumb ass parents who refuse to check out a game before hand simply because it's video game and so "must be for kids!", and now idiot censors who'll let a nasty (a very good, but still nasty) game like this be legally sold to children.


(PS: Swix, you may be pleased to know that my brain reads this back to me in Foamys voice. :P)

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Post by Borg12345 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:46 pm

I miss pre-Microsoft Lionhead Studios. *sigh*

They're bringing out a "new" game this year. I say "new" because it's ANOTHER FREAKING FABLE. The best bit? It's an on rails shooter type affair for kinect. Hey, remember when Lionhead were imaginative? And had the freedom to go wherever they wanted? Sure, Peter Molyneux has only just learnt when to keep quiet but it was great to see someone with that much enthusiasm going where he wanted. They made some of the most original games I know and were my favourite developer, to the point where I'd know for sure a game would be fantastic if Lionhead were behind it. Now? Oh deary me.

For the last 5 years they've been working on Fable, and Fable alone. No development of the Black & White games, where there were supposed to be 5 leading up to the modern age, each advancement questioning your power as a god. No new ideas to the table, and hell not even PC support! It's just been Fable Fable Fable. Don't get me wrong, I liked the first Fable (beat it in a weekend XD), but I've not been able to try the second one due to a lack of a 360 and Angi tells me the third is awful (and she's far from the only one). And I fully blame Microsoft for this, particularly the lack of PC support.
It's Microsofts aversion to PC titles that's probably marked the death of Black & White, seeing as both previous attempts to bring it to console were cancelled. It wouldn't work, and they obviously felt the same way. So with Lionhead firmly under the boot of Microsoft and by extension the 360, I highly doubt we'll get another Black & White game. In fact I hope we don't, if it has to be twisted to suit the Xbox.

As you can see, this is kind of a sore topic for me. I used to adore Lionhead, and not just for Black & White. It's horrible watching them crank out increasingly worse Fable games when they can do so much more!

PS: What the hell happened to the B&W2 multiplayer update?! ¬_¬

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Post by Alakin » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:35 am

I know exactly what you mean Borg. There was a time when I'd actually be excited about a Lionhead game, follow the news on it, read the articles about the features, etc. Nowadays my reaction to it is all just 'meh'. The first Black and White was amazing, the second was good and Fable the Lost Chapters was great, the Movies was also a cool game with an interesting concept. Nowadays though, they just seem to rehash Fable again and again. I mean, the third Fable wasn't bad but it was just 'meh'. It was enjoyable for a single playthrough, but quickly lost all its allure. Like they had a good idea and completely failed to do anything with it. And 'Fable: The Journey' just looks to be even worse, just some kind of on-rails shooter? Seriously Lionhead? Seems to me they're just (whether it's Microsoft telling them to or not) trying to get into the Kinect bandwagon.

Companies as a whole seem to be moving into full-blown sequelmania in the past few years. Before you only had that kind of thing involving RPGs like Final Fantasy - but at least a lot of the RPGs that did that did it well because they brought innovation at the same time and often had great stories along with it - but nowadays it seems every major developer is refusing to make something original and simply going back to an overused formula for fear of upsetting some kind of balance.

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Post by 3kul » Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:39 am

I agree with you both about Lionhead. I really loved Fable 1 & 2 (even with the lackluster ending for 2) but 3 was incredibly disappointing on so many levels (I can elaborate but I don't think I need to), so I've got pretty much no hopes for the next Fable game. Black & White was also a great game, though I still haven't tried B&W2 (is it good?)

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Alakin</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>nowadays it seems every major developer is refusing to make something original and simply going back to an overused formula for fear of upsetting some kind of balance.[/quote]That 'balance' is probably better defined as 'profit'. Why go with something original that might fail when you can go with a sequel that you know will succeed and net you millions? :-/

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Post by Borg12345 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:01 am

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>3kul</dt><dd>Mar 3 2012, 10:39 PM</dd></dl><div><blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Alakin</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>nowadays it seems every major developer is refusing to make something original and simply going back to an overused formula for fear of upsetting some kind of balance.[/quote]That 'balance' is probably better defined as 'profit'. Why go with something original that might fail when you can go with a sequel that you know will succeed and net you millions? :-/[/quote]<small><small><small><small><small>quoteception&#33;</small></small></small></small></small>

Indie developers aside, this is gaming in a nutshell right now. For every Half Life 2, there are 5 CODs. :/ The worst thing is publishers keep getting proven right, original IPs rarely do very well these days when it has to compete with the same old monolith franchises. Hell, even franchises that deserve decent sequels (like Black & White, Dungeon Keeper, etc.) get shoved aside for titles that will always do well, no matter the quality. Since when was a Fifa style business model (pretty much the same game every year) considered good?&#33; It's a sad state of affairs only perpetuated by little Timmy wanting the latest Call Of Battlefield and many more adults who refuse to move out of their comfort zone. It also seems to be the case that players of titles such as COD and what not aren't that interested in gaming beyond that. They're the "socially acceptable" games to play other than Angry friggin' Birds and you can play with your "Bros". Not to sound like a snob or anything. :P

Also, yes 3Kul, B&W2 is great&#33; A fantastic progression and refinement of the game play with plenty of new mechanics (as all sequels should be), and it still looked gorgeous today. And you don't have to brutalise your creature to get them to learn anything&#33; :D

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Post by Alakin » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:21 pm

Yeah B&W2 is definitely worth getting, it's a fun game with only two features worse than B&W1 as far as I could ever see; less miracles, and just the feeling that you're more constrained when doing missions. In B&W1 you had two ways of finishing a mission, good and evil, which both net you a different reward, but in B&W2 though either I failed completely, or there's only one way to complete most missions if you want the reward; the vaguely good way. That aside it really is a great game.

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Post by Borg12345 » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:45 am

I'm hoping this doesn't turn in a lesson in stupidity.

I was looking around to see how cheaply I could get a copy of Arkham City, since I finished Arkham Asylum a while ago and wanted to play the sequel. I found this site:
It sells CD keys, most of them steam, some of them not. Anyway, it was a fair amount cheaper and didn't see anything bad about the site online, so I thought I'd give them a go. This is about 7 hours ago now, and I still don't have my key. According to them they send them out within 10 minutes.

Oh. Dear.

So I've sent an e-mail like they suggest. That was four hours after purchase. If I don't hear anything from them tomorrow I shall be going on their live chat. If nothing happens then I'll be taking it up with PayPal. I hope I've not been conned. It looked legit, couldn't see anything suggesting otherwise, and they used PayPal so I'd think everything was kosher. Here's hoping it is legit, because it looks like a good service otherwise.

*UPDATE* Everything's fine :D I'm currently downloading my game (3 hours&#33;), and I have the key to activate it. Whoop&#33;
Last edited by Borg12345 on Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:02 pm

Well, the CD-Key didn't work, and after talking to tech support I've been given refund. Ah well. They were very helpful either way. It's interesting though, I now have a full copy of Arkham City, but no CD Key to activate it...

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Post by Swix » Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:00 pm

So... Slight rage with a bit more... depression? Numbness? Oh I don't know, I'm not sure I care anymore. What's worse is, logically, I know my feelings are being enhanced in bad ways right now thanks to my bodys natural hormones. :S.

So anyway, I found out I'm overdrawn on my bank account, again. This is not an overlarge problem in and of itself but the fact this has happened twice this year just brought several other things home with it, and the more I think about it the lower I feel.

I've come to the conclusion that I loathe my job, and it's going nowhere. It's not likely to get anywhere no matter the platitudes people keep feeding me to try to convince me to stay. It's not working, I'm not falling for it anymore. Quite frankly it's ruining my life because of how inflexible it is. I'm unable to even visit or have visitors, be they friends or family because of it's hours, and I absolutely can not ever be around for special events- because people usually arrange them for Saturdays, and this job is inflexible especially at weekends. in short, it's a dead end job masquerading as a career stepping stone, and I feel cheated.

And now, the only redeeming factor has been proven null and void, as the only redeeming quality it had was that it helped pay the bills, since I've now had more money going out than coming in twice in one year, it tells me this job is now totally insufficient for my living costs.

I could go to college more, except all the courses are at night, when I work. I'd like to get a full driving licence, but I can't afford the lessons.

I'd like to get some help with this jobseeking business, but I'm being constantly told I'm overqualified.

Hell, I'd have liked to volunteer my time to something I actually feel is worthwhile, but I can't afford it.

As per the overqualified thing, I can't even get a job in an area I was trained for, because they'd rather have people who know nothing about the subject than people who know something about it apparently. I'm sick of hearing this excuse. It's either this, or they want me to have a full licence-and again, I can't afford it. I feel like I just wasted my two years at college.

I feel like I was lied to by my school, my teachers, and worst of all by my family. Until they started telling me they were disappointed with me that is.

I have talent, I know I do, I'm a good editor, I'm a fair writer, I can make artistic pencil pictures of real life objects, I know a lot about animals, wild and not, I even got what was supposed to be an aggressive dog to listen to me at a shelter, I can use a computer well, I can even do web design and there was a time I was getting good with video editing.I'm just not a bully, or pushy, or loud, or a salesperson-all of which you apparently need to even be taken seriously in this corporate mess of a city that used to mean something more.

In other words, I'm angry, disillusioned, and I feel betrayed by almost everyone around me.

And this all from a bank letter.
Last edited by Swix on Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:32 pm

Welcome to my mind for the last year and a bit. Buckets of sympathy incoming. :P

It sucks the biggest balls in the world. Great big spiky ones. And I really don't know what to say other than that. Things will get better. They will. You're calling bull@&#036;%# on that probably, but they will.
You will, probably, have to fight tooth and bloody nail for it however. And you will feel like you're getting no where, and you will probably feel like nobody has your back. But you do, I promise you. They may not the the people you'd like to have looking out for you unfortunately, but we are out there.

As much as I hate to admit it you should focus on making sure you're secure, which I understand is proving to be a bit of a pain to put it mildly. Hell, it took me 7 months to finally get my job. It's not something I was hoping to do, but hey it's work. All you can do is just keep trying, even if it's not what you wanna do long term. Again, however, it's just getting the bloody work.

But when you're in that secure position you shoot for that dream. You make a run for that end goal you don't stop, not ever. It might be long, it might be hard, and it might feel like the world and it's dog is pushing against you but damn it you push harder, and you'll get there I'm sure. And know that you have people ready to help you do it. :)

This was genuinely meant to make you feel better, sorry if I just made it look depressing as hell. :P I've learnt that stepping on egg shells and being touchy feely about things doesn't help anyone however.
Last edited by Borg12345 on Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Swix » Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:47 pm

Dear British Public,

Some of us wage slaves that work tills also happen to work in places that contain hazardous chemicals that you can buy. It is one hundred percent certain that there will be accidents involving these chemicals in these places, and sometimes those are said chemicals spilling all over my counter from the person ahead of you.

So when I inform you to be careful not to touch or put the items you want to buy on the area on my counter where the chemical's spilled that you obviously didn't see does not make it ok for you to go "Well, you shouldn't be serving people then should you?". That makes you an arrogant *bleep* and makes me wish I had shut my gate right in front of you after you'd been queueing for five minutes. I'm sure you wouldn't have cared if it had just gone all over my hands and wasn't threatening you. Hope you enjoyed my pointing out the obvious and maybe you'll pay more attention next time so as to not seem like such an idiotic jerk.

But I doubt it.

Swix-who is rapidly losing her last remaining faith in humanity.
Last edited by Swix on Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:46 pm

People are stupid. When I am king I will allow you to bludgeon idiots on sight. :P

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