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Post by Borg12345 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:03 pm

Double post. Again.

Do any of you guys have Terraria? I'm trying to get a bunch of people together for a big ol' game of Terraria. If you have facebook and fancy being added to the event then the link is here: (you may not be able to see it, let me know if that's the case).

So yea, it's just a big game of Terraria sometime, I thought it'd be fun, and you guys are more then welcome to join in. :D

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Post by Borg12345 » Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:20 pm

And another post. And shame on me for not posting this a couple of days ago. :P

There's a very cool sounding game on the way called Nekro. It's an overhead randomly generated RTS/RPG type affair, similar to overlord as I understand it where you play an evil Necromancer, the titular Nekro, to destroy the slightly less evil king. It's inspired by games like Dungeon Keeper in it's tone, and will have a a comedic but dark quality to it.

This game is one of many with a kick starter to get the project off the ground, and whilst so far the team has been working for little or no pain to get a game ready to show us, if this kick starter fails the game will never be finished, and that would be a crying shame.

At the time of writing, they've reached 86% of their goal, but with only 5 days to go it's really on a knifes edge as to whether or not the game gets funded. $15 here, $15 there and before too long the game will succeed. I've personally donated $60, because I fancy some of the extras and I'm desperate to help as much as possible. I hope you guys will take a look and have a think about it, any little helps.

Good lord, have I been positive? I think I have! I must be ill. :P

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Post by Borg12345 » Wed May 02, 2012 8:17 am

And again. Sorry. :P

I finished the main quest of Skyrim! All I have to say is that the next person to say video games are too easy in my presence is gonna need to eat through a straw shortly afterwards. ¬_¬ I had to cheat to do it, because ramping the difficulty as low as it would go wasn't enough. Was anyone selling any health potions before the point of no return? Not bloody likely!

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Post by Tav » Thu May 03, 2012 4:12 am

I found skyrim kind of easy. But then again, I had that one thunderstorm spell by that point, and had -100% mana regeneration from gear, so I was just able to stand there and channel the thunder ability, creating some kind of. . .lightning-based laser.

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Post by Swix » Thu May 03, 2012 3:17 pm

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Borg12345</dt><dd>Apr 21 2012, 03:40 PM</dd></dl><div>Speaking of the whipping boy that is PC these days, it's been announced that Dark Souls will have "minimal" keyboard and mouse controls, and that you should play it with a pad. OH BOY. I won't rant about it here (but I'll be sure to post the blog post I'm gonna make about it), but what I will say is that if games companies will not even bother with anything bar the bare minimum for PC controls, I'm not buying your game full price, or at all.
It's also rumoured that it'll not be improving graphics for PC, and will be stuck at 30fps. At this point I'm forced to ask... what's the point of porting it to PC? Seriously? What possible reason other than to make a quick cash grab for as little cost as possible would there be to make this version?[/quote]Errrm Borg, there actually was a reason for that other than the quick buck thing, not that your keyboard and mouse controls thing isn't relevant, but, the only reason they're porting Dark Souls over to the PC is because both the console and the pc crowd made a petition to get them to port it over :S.

Also, the graphics thing, as a mainly console gamer who plays Dark Souls on the PS3 the fact that the game slows down noticeably in a swampy area called Blighttown is, well, rather insulting. I mean, really? Slowdown? On a PS3? Really? Why, just, why? They were so eager to patch the suiciding Drake exploit, why can't they patch that?

One other thing about the pc port that really irritated me as a console gamer, was the fact that they advertised the pc port as 'something exciting for all Dark Souls fans'.
Pretty sure every console player was very annoyed at that. If it was a DLC announcement that was, say, going to be bundled with the PC edition, that I could understand.

But no, no, apparently Dark Souls fans are people who haven't even played the game yet&#33; Grrr&#33;

And you can read the combined glee/anger/disappointment here
Last edited by Swix on Thu May 03, 2012 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Thu May 03, 2012 10:48 pm

I'm very aware that there was a petition, and that's why it annoyed me. It looked like they were reaching out to the community and it turns out they're cutting as many corners as possible to sell another platforms worth of games. That's terrible.

In contrast we have CD Projekt, who are doing everything in their power to being a rock solid Witch 2 experience to Xbox and are rewarding their current PC players will all the improvements to the game for free.

In happier news, I've picked up Saints Row 3 for a tenner though Was a little wary of them at first (too good to be true and all that), but they take Paypal payments and I got the steam code the second I finished the checkout process. So I'd certainly recommend them. :D

The game itself is extremely good fun, I've just finished a 5 hour stint on it. It's an incredibly dumb, silly game and that's why I love it. It's nice to play something where you don't really have to think occasionally. :P Although I have to say it's worrying how satisfying it is to bash people over the head with a giant purple, *ahem*, adult toy. :P

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Post by Swix » Fri May 04, 2012 3:56 pm

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Borg12345</dt><dd>May 3 2012, 06:48 PM</dd></dl><div>I'm very aware that there was a petition, and that's why it annoyed me. It looked like they were reaching out to the community and it turns out they're cutting as many corners as possible to sell another platforms worth of games. That's terrible.[/quote]Fair enough, as long as you were aware of it. Heh.

In Skyrim news, I've been thiinkimg about making a Skyrim mod. Not sure if anything'll actually come out of it other than an idea, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Just gotta familiarise myself with the Creation Kit and how-tos and I should be good to give it a go

I hope XD.

EDIT: Uh, one question though. If anyone's familiar with modding, the original idea that this second one grew out of would probably be much more simple to implement. So., would it be better to start with that one or just dive straight in? XD.
Last edited by Swix on Fri May 04, 2012 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Tav » Fri May 04, 2012 9:00 pm

I'd implement the simple one first, just so you can get a hang on how to use the creation kit. Then once that's done, you could probably dive straight in.

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Post by Alakin » Sat May 05, 2012 11:55 pm

I remember I tried making a mod soon after the Creation Kit came out. It ended up as a crazy maze-tomb-cave full of crystals because I didn't even think about what I was trying to make, just that I wanted to make something. I spent ages making a huge deep hall that went down several levels with a pair of large crystals floating in the middle. Each level of the place was lined with draugr sarcophagi with the intent that they'd open up when you entered, to force you to fight through the horde of undead, but I never got round to learning to script it. It was fun to make, but there really was no proper planning put into it or anything. It's probably still lurking on my drive somewhere.

That aside, I agree with Tav, best to go with the simple one, get the hang of things, then you can move onto bigger things. Learn to walk before you run or something like that.

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Post by Swix » Wed May 09, 2012 3:10 pm

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Borg12345</dt><dd>May 3 2012, 06:48 PM</dd></dl><div>The game itself is extremely good fun, I've just finished a 5 hour stint on it. It's an incredibly dumb, silly game and that's why I love it. It's nice to play something where you don't really have to think occasionally. :P Although I have to say it's worrying how satisfying it is to bash people over the head with a giant purple, *ahem*, adult toy. :P[/quote]Giant purple adult toy huh? It's always fun to go around bashing people on the head with something unexpected. But that's gotta be at the top of the list of unexpected and satisfying XD. Sounds like lots of fun. We had the first Saints Row and pretty much came away with the same feeling.

@Tav and Alakin: Fair enough, I'll do that then ^_^. I'll let you know how it's going.

I was looking around in the kit the other day and trying out different appearances on a Khajiit NPC, though in the end I managed to break it's arm so all it had was a floating ring where it's hand should have been. That's probably not a good thing though XD-so that guy wasn't saved XD.

Also, I'm on SWTOR now, using one of them 7 day free trials the friend that kept encouraging us to get it sent me over e-mail, and this is the second day. I have been playing as an Imperial Agent ^_^.
Last edited by Swix on Wed May 09, 2012 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Sat May 12, 2012 1:54 pm

I've started playing Super Meat Boy. In other news there have been a series of gruesome murders all within a 5 miles radius from my computer desk. :P

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Post by Swix » Tue May 15, 2012 10:00 pm

Sooo EA/BioWare want people who live in the same place, share the same pc, and already have a physical copy of SWTOR to buy a separate digital copy of the game for £44 in order to get a product code to set up a second account subscription using the copy they already bought. I don't think so, you money hungry scumbags&#33; I 'was' going to subscribe, the trial 'had' actually convinced me to want to play it for longer. But they can go fall off a cliff now&#33; No wonder people are leaving this game&#33; I knew this was gonna happen during the Spore fiasco.
Last edited by Swix on Tue May 15, 2012 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Swix » Wed May 23, 2012 9:07 pm

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Borg12345</dt><dd>May 12 2012, 09:54 AM</dd></dl><div>I've started playing Super Meat Boy. In other news there have been a series of gruesome murders all within a 5 miles radius from my computer desk. :P[/quote]Remind me to not come within 5 miles of your computer desk then Borg XD.

I am making a Fort in Skyrin. Or at least I'm trying to XD. Um, anyone know how to make first floors or basement floors because teh interwebs seems to be quite bare on this subject.
As well as exterior curved walls, both in Imperial style. I got so annoyed with it last night, today when I turned the pc on to try and continue I started a new game instead to try and get rid of the ''grrrarrrgh' Creation Kit&#33;' feeling I got when I saw the icon for it.

Made a female Khajiit that looks like a white/blonde tiger called Felina. Think I might actually join the Imperials this time around. And be more... mercantile ;).

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:45 am

I have been playing a lot of Star Trek Online lately...

I'm not even that much into Trek lore, but flying around in space with your very own ship is just... Addicting.

Also, it's completely free on Steam, so it has that going for it. If anyone wants to give it a shot, i'd be happy to blow up some Borg with 'ya.
Last edited by Coolpikaaa on Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:28 am

I take offence to that&#33; XD

But seriously, is it any good as a free game? When you had to pay for it, it got some pretty scathing reviews.

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