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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:00 pm

Nah, I like it.

They've gone quite a ways since where the started, and I haven't personally run into any game breaking bugs. Also, after I got my new graphics card, this game really opened up for me. It's probably the prettiest game on my machine right now. (That may not be much- My machine isn't exactly a wonder, but I enjoy the starry look around.)

Plus it's free! You can't hate anything if it's free! XD

There are some elements that want you to pay- they have to turn a profit somehow. But they arn't intrusive. You'll find drop boxes in your loot every so often that need a real money key, and the inventory screen has a small button saying you can get more slots. But what I thought was pretty cool was that you can play the whole game without putting a dime into it. The real money currency can actually be earned simply by playing.

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Post by Borg12345 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:46 am

EA apparently want to make Dead Space "appeal to a wider audience." That'll go well I'm sure!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an idiot who thinks anyone who isn't HARDCOOOOORE isn't a gamer (people like that are more concerned with their e-peen than anything else), but this'll mean either:

A) They tone down the gore. Okay, not a massive issue per-say but I feel that's defeating the point somewhat

B) They tone down the horror. Big issue there, I play (or try to play :P) for the horror. Leave that alone.

C) They change the mechanics drastically. This may make things slicker, but it'll probably just ruin it. Arrrgh!

So yea, I'm a little worried about that.

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Post by Borg12345 » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:45 pm

I watched Indie Game: The Movie today. Such an emotional documentary, it was fantastic. I felt so bad for Phil Fish though (creator of Fez). Poor bastard couldn't catch a break. :(

I'm so glad Fez did as well as it did, otherwise that movie would have ended with an obituary. Seriously.

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Post by Tav » Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:14 pm

I've been playing this game called The Void (or 'Tension' or 'Turgor' in certain localities) and it's. . a very strange game and hard to describe. . but I would call it one of those games that are more 'interactive art' over anything.

The concept is. . . *takes a deep breath*

You're an amnesiac lost soul who, while dying, you get saved by a strange lady in the afterlife, and said strange lady tells you to collect 'color'. Color comes in seven sorts, and serves as. . every resource imaginable. It's your hitpoints, your ammunition, your currency, your food. . Everything. you find out there are other strange ladies and they're all 'Sisters', and they require color to live, so you need to give them color or they don't have the power to let you through to the rest of the game.
So while you're starving and giving away your only resource, these other guys show up, and they're all nightmarish, twisted giants called 'Brothers', and they're all jerks. All of them, even the nice one.

It. . gets more complex from there. And difficult. Really difficult.
Last edited by Tav on Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:02 pm

Dernit, Creatures 4 got delayed again.

*Waits for Q4*

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Post by Borg12345 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:27 pm

I can honestly say I forgot about that. :P

Don't get me wrong, I'll probably give it a go when it comes out but I have a gut feeling it's just gonna be "meeeeeh". So far it just doesn't feel like a creatures game. :/

EDIT: Hang on, just been reading through some comments and stuff like the inventory and a day/night cycle won't be in the initial release? Don't they strike you as basic game features?!

<small><small><small><small><small>mustn't be cynical, mustn't be cynical, mustn't be cynical, mustn't be cynical, mustn't be cynical, ...</small></small></small></small></small>
Last edited by Borg12345 on Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:28 am

Now now, Don't be Cynical. :D

They simply had the idea of an including inventory and it didn't work out. If they get something to work, it'll be in it.

... And... When has Creatures ever had Day/Night cycles? :D

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Post by Borg12345 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:29 am

Didn't the first two games have them, being on a planet and all? And I'm sure C3 had them too, or at least periodically changed the conditions.

Either way that's mostly me putting modern expectations on a game coming out in 2012 (probably). Like an idiot. :P

*sigh* I'm doing it again aren't I?

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Post by Swix » Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:48 pm

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Borg12345</dt><dd>Jun 28 2012, 05:29 AM</dd></dl><div>Didn't the first two games have them, being on a planet and all? And I'm sure C3 had them too, or at least periodically changed the conditions.[/quote]Nope, C1, C2 and C3 didn't have day/night cycles at all, as far as I remember. Nor did Creatures GBA. Although C3 did have male/female seasons with the eggs ^_^

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Post by Borg12345 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:22 pm

Fair enough, I was remembering it wrong.

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Post by MDude » Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:15 am

Portal 2 has a nice level editing system now, though I'd like it if I could use the plasma balls from the first game. Also maybe the rocket turrets. If anyone else here plays it, I've published a level already.

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Post by Borg12345 » Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:01 pm

I just subscribed to it, I'll let you know when I give it a go. :D

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Post by Swix » Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:17 pm

I finished Arkham Asylum :D. Arkham City and StarCraft 2 are up next for playing and finishing.

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Post by Borg12345 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:57 pm

My my, how interesting&#33;

IF you've not clicked the link, it's basically about how EU courts have ruled that people should be able to re-sell used digital products, after a software company tried to sue Usedsoft for re-selling licenses to their product.

It's early days yet, but this could be a massive change in the industry.
Sam's Optimistic Side: "Hurrah, a victory for consumer rights&#33; Now I can finally do what I like with the games I've bought&#33;"

Sam's Pessimistic Side: "You know how Blizzard have been trying games as a service with Diablo? About that..."

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Post by Swix » Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:51 pm

I have finished StarCraft 2's Campaign mode (on Casual, since I wanted to see the storyline as much as I enjoy playing the RTS) and well, it's pretty awesome&#33; They've even made it so that people who never played the first one could understand what's going on. Although if you haven't played the first one and like RTS and 3D storylines I'd recommend getting it.

As for SC2-the game is awesome, the units between all the different races are well balanced whilst being equally unique, the storyline was really good and the moral choices were sufficiently hard to make you never quite sure you did the 'right thing'. I only have one minor personal annoyance and one other annoyance to complain about in it-the latter being that they should have called it StarCraft 2 part one. Not just StarCraft 2 as it was being proclaimed, the game waits until after the very last cutscene after the very last battle to tell you 'congratulations, you've finished the first chapter&#33; Out of three. To see the next chapter, be sure to buy the next game&#33;' Wth Blizzard? I know you want to ensure players keep giving you their custom but did you have to do it that way? I remember exclaiming 'What the... Godsdamn you Blizzard&#33;' at the screen. Just seeing that message kinda deflated my victorious feeling and replaced it with a hollow one.

The first game that was just called StarCraft had three campaign modes for each of the three races following an overall story arc whilst letting you see it from each races point of view. The expansion pack StarCraft: Brood Wars added an extra three campaigns detailing a whole new overall story arc from each races POV along with brand new units to play around with and two hidden missions if you met the hidden terms to unlock the hidden missions. Along with the skirmish missions, skirmish itself, the map editor and custom game making plus multiplayer, maybe I was expecting too much from the sequel? It has a Terran campaign, with a small side dish of Protoss. I really wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't for that message. It still has most of it's charm and all the online and custom skirmishes are still there. But, I can't get over that message :S.

As for my personal annoyance. I like the Zerg. I like playing as them, I love the fact that everything about them is alive, so I played them much more than either the Protoss or the Terrans on the first games. So after finding out there were a couple Protoss missions in the campaign that would allow me to learn their units, I waited eagerly for a Zerg mission. Any Zerg mission so I could learn them and their new units in the campaign setting. My patience was pointless-there are no Zerg missions in the campaign, that disappoints me. Seems the idea with the Zerg in SC2 is 'learn on the fly', you only get to play this awesome race in custom games or on multiplayer, neither of which are exactly ideal places to learn how a race works. I feel even sorrier for brand new players because I remember being very confused about how they worked the first ever time I played as them in the first game. If it wasn't for the campaigns hints back then I don't know what I would've done.
EDIT: I know there are Tutorials but who uses them nowadays XD. What with 'most' games tutoring you through the campaign anyway.

As a bit of a side note, I tried one of the custom skirmish games after to play the Zerg-and either they've become a lot faster at building things, or I've got StarCraft strategies stuck in my head from the first one and have morphed into a slightly better player over the years... of not playing it XD
Last edited by Swix on Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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