Darkness Takes it's Own

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Borg12345 » Fri May 31, 2013 10:58 pm

Markus caught the bag, inspected the diamonds and smirked. Seems his luck was changing. But then his self satisfaction turned to dread, as he realised what he'd potentially gotten himself into.

"Is this end of the world nonsense, or just end you you nonsense? 'Cause if it's the latter I'm willing to try and help you. If it's the former however..." Markus paused, deciding if now was the time to be tactful. "I don't know about you but I'd like to get off this rock. Nothing personal."

Behind the grim look he now wore, Markus was mentally kicking himself.

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri May 31, 2013 11:06 pm

Cp frowned. He had no recollection of a Unicorn being resurrected by him. He knew of a dead one, and a knife Swix had thrown at him, but other than that, was complete unsure of what she just asked him to do. Everything Swix had been recently doing puzzled him. He couldn't help but raise a quizzical eyebrow at paying off Markus to not shoot C, should she appear. The only reason Swix would do that was to protect the man, and that was interesting in itself.

"Look, Swix, nothing's going to happen to you. We won't let it."

"I won't."

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Borg12345 » Fri May 31, 2013 11:16 pm

Markus looked at the yellow... mouse... creature, and raised an eyebrow. He was being heroic, and this worried him.

"Again, nothing personal but I'm not responsible for your...friend, I suppose, am I? He seems the heroic type."

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Coolpikaaa » Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:10 am

"... Responsible? For me?"

That caught him off guard. Here he was, having a very serious moment with his friend as she may very well die, and some... hitman talks as if CP was a child. Did he live under a rock? Who the hell was this guy anyway?!

"Perhaps you should go back upstairs, Son." Cp said calmly, fighting the anger banging around in his head. "It could get... rough down here."

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Raven » Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:11 am

Raven snorted, looking at CP. He did have a point, though. They would not let anything happen to Swix. Swix belonged here. Therefore, she would remain here. Raven would not allow failure.

So, Raven refused to say anything to Swix. Merely listening to the other conversations around her. Mentally she cataloged everything she had on her. Minimal potions, her daggers and her wallet. Brilliant. Well prepared for a battle then. Oh yes.

She sighed.

It was then she noticed the burly figure in a cloak. She had seen him when she came in, but the cloak had obscured the face. That dick, he was probably here to try and kill her again! Damnit, this was NOT the time.

Quickly she buried her face in her hands. Maybe if she didn't look at him, he'd just go away. See she was busy. Not try and add more problems onto an already problematic night.

Unfortunately she was wrong.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Laxus swept through the bar, bent on getting towards the strange yellow rodent he saw. It was similar to the description that vile demoness had given him. However... it could still be a trap.

Speaking of vile demoness', it was at that very table. Damn it all! It was a trick! He stormed up to the table, anger vibrating in his veins. "YOU!" He yelled at the sorceress. "You tell me I can find a noble Guardian here, yet all I find are the rodent scum minions of darkness! You lied to me!" He moved forward, menacingly. Her hands were still on her face... but wait... she was shaking. Had he scared her? Was she crying?

Oh shit.

Oh shit. What did he do?

The expression on his face raced from menacing, to confused, to horrified and apologetic. He went to reach out to console her with a hand on the shoulder, when she finally took her hands away from her face.

She was laughing. In fact, she was laughing so hard she couldn't hide it. She was laughing at him. That tratoruous bitch! "HAHAHA! Rodent Scum! Hahahahaha! CP, you hear that? You're my rodent scum minion." Raven continued to giggle as Laxus looked on in utter confusion.

What in the world was going on?

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Borg12345 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:23 am

He couldn't help it. Something in his mind screamed that it was a bad idea, but it was ignored as Markus began to laugh.

"Bahahaha! I-I'm sorry, ahahaha, but come, ahehe, come on! Son? Really?" He just about forced out, as he took off his now steamed up goggles. As he wiped them down, and replaced them, he controlled his laughter and addressed CP directly.

"My apologies, but heroic types get people killed. Or limbs cut off" He finished rather flatly, flexing his mechanical hand. "Call me a pragmatist."

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Coolpikaaa » Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:53 am

Cp opened his mouth with a snappy comeback to Markus when someone else came charging in. Now accusing CP of being a "rodent scum minion of darkness", whoever this cloaked clown was, he really began to push the electric mouse over the line.

Raven was laughing behind him now, Markus was being a dick, some whatever was whatevering, Swix was suicidal, and C was going to be here any freaking minute to kill them all.

"Everyone..." Cp said slowly, paw pressed into his eye and ear twitching. He could keep control. He could...

A thunderclap rocked the outside so loudly the lights in the bar shook and even Tetsu turned around to see they weren't under attack.

<big><big>"SHUT. UP. AND. FOCUS."</big></big>

"You. Stop laughing. You. Have some respect. You. I don't know what the hell your problem with Raven is, but take it somewhere else.

We are here to save Swix, and the entire planet. If you are not here for that, leave. Now."

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Raven » Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:57 am

Raven's laughter reduced to a minimal snigger. "Oh come on, we'll be fine dearest. Have a bit of humour and take care of Swix." Laxus however, was frozen there. "Save the entire planet?&#33; What the hell?&#33;" He exclaimed, obviously none too pleased.

"Yes, idiot. Save the planet. Essence of evil, coming here, trying to take away my property. That sort of thing." Raven taunted at him. He glared at the demoness before turning to CP. "How can I help?"

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Borg12345 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:03 am

"Save the planet? Well screw that noi-" Markus was about to exclaim, before his self preservation instincts kicked in. Or maybe his conscious, it was getting hard to tell.

"... now, CP I think, respect is earned where I come from. However I did offer to help Swix here and we also keep our word. it's a nasty habit I'm trying to break don't you worry about that." Markus finished, somewhat moodily.

Without really thinking about it, he checked that the new rifle was loaded and ready to go.
"But I'm going to need filling in. Can't do a job blind, aye?"
Last edited by Borg12345 on Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Swix » Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:10 pm

Swix blinked, first at Markus with her mouth opening and closing as she couldn't quite find the words to describe how ridiculous the idea of him or anyone being 'responsible' for CP was, then again as the room around her revolved into chaos. CP and the mercenary got into some sort of argument about respect and some guy she'd never seen before stormed in and started yelling at Raven-but at the guy calling CP a 'rodent scum minion of darkness' barked out a laugh herself and quickly put a hand over her mouth whilst she shook with laughter.

Until CP lost it and a loud thunderclap rocked the entire inn that is, when she too stopped it.

"Look" she started, first talking to Markus "you want to help me, help them. CP, Raven, I don't... I..." suddenly having trouble with her words, Swix seemed to need to concentrate and so closed her eyes. Her head lolled forwards and her entire body suddenly seemed to go limp, including the four black tendrils that came out of her back.

The woman remained in that position for several minutes, as they watched the living darkness began to seem to ooze out of the womans skin. Much smaller tendrils that were only about two inches long grew all around, until it looked like she was covered in spikes. The large ones on her back seemed to grow longer and were raised back up before she opened her eyes again, but now humanoid hazel eyes had become pools of oily black liquid. These disturbing eyes stared at them all before the woman opened her mouth to speak in a siken, sultry, sinful tone that was definitely not Swix's voice.

"Well well well" the Collector purred, forcing the womans face into a leer "look at the party going on in this place. Here I was thinking I'd be finding my agent half dead in the woods somewhere, ruined, and you've managed to bring her back to the one place she didn't want to come, unspoiled. Aren't you the little hero of the day" the possessed woman turned to CP "dear interesting one. Of course, now you've gone and made me have to change locations, and it was such a bother getting my body together in just the right form I'm going to have to borrow Swix's now her time's up. Such a fortunate coincidence there's a pool and a portal nearby, wouldn't you say?" the entity gestured with the womans hand to the door, where a thick oily liquid seemed to be pouring through on it's own power past the dragon into the inn, on it's way over to the table.

"Now let's see... CP I know, you are Raven, demoness of The Evil Council who commits such delicious acts. You" she looked the mercenary up and down "are quite scruffy, have you ever heard of a little thing called a shave and a haircut? It might help you out a bit with females. You" she turned to the confused looking Laxus now "I don't know what your name is but I don't like you. I get the feeling I should kill you before you become a problem"

The entity sat on the table, swinging Swix's legs as the liquid began to form a pool on the floor nearby that grew steadily. "what are all of you misfits doing in here together hmmm? I do hope you're not getting all soppy or anything. I despise compassion"
Last edited by Swix on Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Raven » Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:22 pm

Raven chuckled. Of course she came through Swix's body. "I know, a battered body is no fun to toy with." She purred, looking at the... thing. Raven was meant to be the most evil being here. Damnit, this wench was ruining her plans.

"I'm sorry to say... you seem to be in my subordinate. Might I convince you to leave her alive? I have use of her." She stepped forward, smiling. She would not lose Swix. It would NOT happen. She belonged to HER.

However this... C. Creator? Condemner? Collector? Whatever her name was - what did it really matter? - could be useful. Perhaps she could offer something of greater value. In fact, she knew just what.

"I understand she had a deal with you, however perhaps we may come to an arrangement? After all... you seem like a woman with good taste in business." Raven leaned back against the table, half sitting on it. "I believe we could come to a pleasurable deal between us."

--- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Laxus glared at the terrifying creature and grasped the hilt of his obscene sword. He was making ready to charge when Raven stepped in. What? Bargaining with the thing? She was insane. Dumb bitch was probably going to get herself killed.

Well, let her. One less demon in the world to worry about.

He blanched as she purred out her ending. 'Pleasurable' indeed. For some recent he had the distinct feeling he should be wary of her 'deals', should he ever make one. But then again, who would trust a demon? Not him... but then again this thing was even MORE evil.

Maybe they'd get along after all.

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Coolpikaaa » Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:29 pm

"No... that's fair, Markus." Cp sighed, thinking about their predicament. The mercenary probably wasn't too bad of a guy. He was still here to help Swix. "That's fair. The Collector, or more "affectionately" known as C, is bad news, plain and simple. She is literally composed of evil itself, which makes her a versatile and deadly shapeshifter. She also, for whatever reason, has decided she's rather fond of our little planet here. I'm sure you've seen the hole in our sky?"

He was about to continue on, which Swix began to speak again. Unfortunately, she sputtered out.

Cp's fur bristled.

"Well well well..."

Tetsu the Dragon roared, smashing through the front door and landing with an earthquake in front of the approaching darkness that had slipped past her.

"We are here to stop you from taking Swix, C." The electric mouse said sternly for such a little frame, beginning to spark. All their plans had involved The Collector showing up in physical form, and not taking over Swix's body. They couldn't attack her now, not without causing harm to the one they were here to protect.

Raven stepped forward, and for a minute, he thought the demoness may attack anyway. Oddly, Raven approached The Collector with a smile, and Coolpikaaa felt his stomach drop.

"What are you doing, Raven?&#33;"

No one made deals with The Collector unscathed. That's why they were all here in the first place.

"Guys&#33; Not part of the plan&#33;" Tetsu yelled, the approaching dark starting to get awfully close. Thinking she had to do something, the Dragon took a battle stance and brought out her vines destroying several tables in the process.

"No, this wasn't."

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Borg12345 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:38 pm

Markus listened to the yellow mouse, nodding as he did so. He was also slowly regretting walking downstairs.

"So" He thought "THAT'S what the hole was. Here was me thinking it was just some magic experiment gone wrong."

He didn't have long to think to himself however, as the black form of this "Collector" suddenly appeared in the bar. The creature had evidently used Swix as a conduit of some sort, and better yet the woman known as Raven immediately struck up a deal. The poor mercenary was torn, personally he was getting rather ticked off about the entire situation, professionally however he had to give her credit. That woman had nerves of steel and the cheek to match, if the Collector was really that bad.

However, on a professional AND personal level, he wasn't keen on being screwed over. After CP's exclamation, Markus grabbed the womans throat and squeezed. Just enough to force her to use as much energy as possible to breathe mind, killing her was no good right now. She might be useful. Of course the hand itself was strong enough to crush metal if he wanted, a throat would be effortless.

Just to be on the safe side however, he also began to extend the blade hidden within, also just enough to make her throat highly uncomfortable.

"I wouldn't. I really wouldn't. And if you insist, I'll make it worth your while."

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Raven » Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:36 pm

"That's right&#33;" Laxus shouted, horrified that he hadn't realized her intentions. That filthy demon, of course she would sell them out&#33; If the rodent really was what she'd said, she could kill all who oppose her and get her sevant back in one fell swoop&#33; That harlot&#33;

He cheered for the mercenary. But then again... it did seem like the man didn't know what he was dealing with.

Oh dear. He didn't. Laxus began moving forward when something not like what he expected happened.

--- --- --- --- ---

What part of pointed ears, fangs and purple eyes didn't just scream demon? Raven pondered that as she unamusedly stared up the offending arm towards her would-be-assailant.

Dear Gods, these mercenaries got thicker by the year. Really, attacking a demoness of unknown skill. She rolled her eyes, and began to channel heat into her hand.

"Really darling, as... kinky-" She paused, lifting her heated hand to melt a heart into his metallic arm with a white-hot finger. "As I'm finding this assault on my personage..." She purred, moving her hands up to the one on her throat.

"Leave him alone&#33;" Shouted the demon hunter in the back, moving towards them. "Don't touch him you murderous scum&#33;" He yelled - causing Raven to loose her suave calm.

"I do believe it's at a quite inopportune time." She growled. With that, she grabbed his hand with her molten one and pulled his hand with her demonic strength, aiming to throw him to the side near CP. She turned to CP as she did and snarled. "I'll handle this, now you handle these two&#33;"

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Darkness Takes it's Own


Post by Coolpikaaa » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:12 am

Despite the idea briefly crossing his mind, Cp didn't think anyone would actually strangle Raven for her apparent double cross. It really wasn't a good idea. The mercenary really should have known better, despite his best intentions.

As Raven melted a heart into Markus' mechanical hand, and got dangerously close enough to break him, CP cringed. When the other guy was thrown into the wall beside him, the electric mouse shook his head. Yet, something was clearly happening. Raven was stressing words, and seemed to have some idea what she was doing. He certainly hoped so.

"Perhaps we should let the women talk." He said, addressing the two she had dispatched with. "Just for a minute."

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