A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by addman » Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:24 am

So there I was, trying to rupture the fabric of spacetime with a pair of craft scissors, when all of a sudden this bizarre portal appeared in front of me (technically, the scientific term is "large swirly thing"). Before I knew it, I was sucked through, leaving behind the Blackstar Dojo and 2008.

My current location is weird and scary. I have been informed that the current date is 2014. People are walking around listening to something called "Dubbed Step" and they keep insisting that their phones are somehow smart. Random strangers have asked me if I watch "Badly Breaking". I don't understand this world at all.

So you can imagine my relief when a friendly face contacted me out of the blue. Coolpikaaa told me that I could find some of my old pals on this here PAX forum. Now I finally have a place to spend my [cl] , since they are apparently useless on the stock exchange.

Since I've been gone so long, I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't recognise me. For the uninitiated, I am addman, a possessed puppet who used to try and destroy the Blackstar Dojo with my Evil Council compatriots. If you do remember me, then sorry for everything!

I'm very rusty at RP and unfortunately, I don't intend to take part again. I just wanted to pop my head in for nostalgia's sake. So, hello friendly PAX people!

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by Jent » Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:37 am

Either way, it is great to see that lovable mug on your face again :D . Yes, Ever since your departure, there were various peaks and falls in the popularity of Blackstar. To the point of it shutting down, I can't remember if it was solely because of that or possibly financial reasons too.

Before that, however, there was another attempt of a revival forum called the Void. Of course, the Void collapsed on itself. Fortunately now, we are at Pax! And a few of us managed to save a fair amount of Blackstar's old history. Though, if you have any stories from the Dojo libraries from the likes of Goron40 or Embri, those would be appreciated. Otherwise, enjoy the nostalgia and a skull-shaped basket for whatever sanity that clung to you that portal.

BTW: In the case you recall, I was once TROT84.

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by Swix » Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:45 pm

Well, well. Hello there Addman, good to see you on a forum again. :). Shame you don't plan on taking part in anything but that's okay. I still read your writing so I know you're busy.

... You'll be happy to know I still cause a bit of chaos now and again ^_^
Last edited by Swix on Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by Coolpikaaa » Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:49 pm

*A massive cake is wheeled right up to Addman, giving him a whole minute before a bloated and ill Coolpikaaa falls out the side making a mess.*

It was supposed to be full of cookies... but I ate them all.

Addman! I'm glad you managed to find us alright. How was the vacation? I was getting a little worried due to my phone troubles that my emails hadn't reached you properly after the first. I've really got to figure out how to work this thing.

Anyway, Jent seems to have summed up everything I would add. I KNEW his name used to be TROT. I always had that feeling. XD

But yes, welcome back! I've restored you as a member of the EC, and if you wander a bit, you can probably find the cave most of them are hiding in. It's kind of a terrible place. Very hot, significantly less wall slimes. Nothing like the old cave on Blackstar I used to infil- I mean, enter easily... since... you remember me joining the EC...

Swix! Make some more cooki- Blegh!

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by Borg12345 » Thu May 01, 2014 8:13 am

Welcome to the good ship Pax, I hope you enjoy- what the hell CP, THERE'S CRUMBS EVERYWHERE! How can we look nice for our visitors if you're MESSING UP THE PLACE?!

Get it together man!


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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by Swix » Thu May 01, 2014 11:14 am

... You 'want' me to make you some cookies CP? You do remember what happened to you the last time you ate my baking, right?

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by addman » Thu May 01, 2014 2:45 pm

@Jent: I do remember you, although I don't think our paths crossed very often back in the day. Even so, it's great to see a familiar face and thanks for the warm welcome. I'm afraid I don't have anything archived from those days, but I noticed that you managed to scavenge a few skull-shaped baskets.

*puts hand in basket*


@Swix: I'm pleased to hear that you still have an appetite for destruction. I remember having an RP fight against you where we pretty much set a whole forest on fire. You also cut my arm off and I had to spend two posts sewing it back on. I don't know if I can forgive you for-wait, are those cookies?

I'm pleased to hear that you still read my stuff. If anyone else is interested, I might as well sell out here:


@Coolpikaaa: *sighs* you obviously underestimated me *tries to prise open coolpikaaa's mouth to retrieve the cookies*

Don't worry, I got your emails safe and sound. Thanks for making me a member of the EC again, that seemed a lot easier to join than when I was first voted in. Are you suggesting that you were spying on the EC? That sounds like just the sort of thing an EC member would do. How would you like to become an honorary member?

@Borg: Crumbs? What crumbs?

*points to a spotlessly clean floor and burps*

Thanks for the welcome :)

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by Coolpikaaa » Thu May 01, 2014 4:45 pm

Did you hear that gang? I can be an honorary EC member! With access to all your- Agh!

*Is attacked by Addman, who tries to force him open.*

Gah! Swix! Make the cookies! Make the cookies!

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by 3kul » Sat May 03, 2014 5:05 am

Good to see you alive and well, addman! Much has changed in the years since you vanished, but unfortunately part of that also involved the first ever worldwide non-disclosure agreement so we can't really talk about it.

*door bursts open and a team of lawyers drag 3kul away*

No! I wasn't talking about it! I was just talking about talking about it!

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by Jent » Mon May 05, 2014 5:00 pm

*Glad that he popped on some earmuff before addman screamed.* Jeeze, imagine how loud Fort would song? Erg.... Oh?

*Watches as both 3kul and Coolpikaaa are tormented by a respective foe. Intrigued, he began to hurl cookies at addman.* Hey, lawyers! The cookie monster hasn't been eating his daily vegetables and eggs!"

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by addman » Tue May 06, 2014 12:20 pm

@3kul: Damn, those lawyers have gotten rather sophisticated. I didn't even hear their ice cream truck arrive. I'm pleased to see you're not dead. How's Holloweyes?

@Jent: Actually, I discovered a pack of expired cookies from 1998 and ate them. They were covered in moss and spider eggs, so I've actually had a rather balanced meal today.

Since joining, I've realised that I still have a connection to the one and only Dark Psycho himself. I don't know if he's aware of this place, but he might get a kick out of seeing what happened to the Blackstar community upon it's closure. Would you like me to invite him?

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by Jent » Tue May 06, 2014 12:52 pm

*The lawyers still dragging 3kul, Jent threw some legal documents concerning banned members of Blackstar before facing addman.*

Oh, that's good. At least they haven't forced you to remove your excess stuffing.... Wait, the Dark Psycho? Well sure, I wouldn't mind him seeing the spirit of the Dojo still trudging along, he might have more old files. Anyone else agree?

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by Coolpikaaa » Tue May 06, 2014 7:44 pm

Yes, yes, invite him!

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A Mysterious Blue Puppet Appears


Post by 3kul » Thu May 08, 2014 12:25 pm

I sort of retired HE and LS as characters, they just got too convoluted (even by my standards) and overpowered. I've experimented with a whole bunch of different characters since but none of them have really stuck... -_-

*sighs as he continues to be dragged away by lawyers*

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