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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances


Post by Swix » Mon May 19, 2014 3:46 pm

The white rabbit grinned, the remaining spiders wandered off (even those with irreversible damage done to their jaws), the pair of chocolate chickens made a meandering bid for the exit, and when Claymolder poked his 'opponents' form, the thing suddenly burst into laughter.

"Why did it take you so long just to knock me over? A pathetic display really. But, I'll do as I was asked... You get three questions, and that's it"

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Post by Jent » Tue May 20, 2014 9:48 pm

"Best not throw caution to the wind, as seen by my friend Kemosabe."

The automaton waddled about on its hind legs, mumbling incoherent words at each step. Grathon otherwise began to felt the paralysis slowly wane. Muscles and tendons loosened, skin regaining sensation, the Claymolder banged a fist at his chest. "Sorry -cough- clearing out my -cough- throat. Strong -cough- poison there," he gargled out.

Simultaneously, he broadcasted a weak string of thoughts to Coolpikaaa. The aforementioned wheezing aided the transmition to him, given his lack of experience to living organisms. ~Rabbit. Three. Questions.~

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Wed May 21, 2014 3:26 am

Coolpikaaa still couldn't move, pulled inside The Claymolder's body in the exact same pose he had been frozen in. As weird as it was to be encased in living clay, the electric mouse was relieved to not be out in the open. At least no spiders could further crawl on him or any other terrifying chocolate creatures.

~Rabbit. Three. Questions. ~

There was now another voice in CP's head, one he came to the conclusion had to be Claymolders. The electric mouse had zero telepathic skill, so he wasn't even sure he could reply, but honestly he was unable to do anything else with his time.

~What questions?~

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Post by Jent » Sun May 25, 2014 1:27 am

~What questions?~

~For. The. Rabbit.~

Clay Molder evoked a few words words for the rodent before it strained his mind too much. Perhaps he should still to only talking to his creations this way? In any case, the first one must be cast soon, otherwise it might decide to scamper off. The grathon thought for a few more seconds on his inquiry.

"My first question: in one word, describe to me your reasoning as to why you are doing this?"

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Sun May 25, 2014 8:39 am

Questions for the rabbit?

Coolpikaaa had completely misread the fractured mindspeak on that one. If he had been out in the world, able to move he would have picked up exactly what was being conveyed.

Every nerve was burning for the imprisoned electric mouse to ask how long this poison would last. Unfortunately, with only three questions to ask, CP would have to put his own wellbeing aside for now.

~Ask if he's doing anything else to the town people besides chasing them with chocolate animals. We can stop them better if we know what thier game is.~

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Post by Jent » Tue May 27, 2014 11:17 pm

~Ask if he's doing anything else to the town people besides chasing them with chocolate animals. We can stop them better if we know what their game is.~


Having stalled enough for a second question, the grathon parroted the it back to the rabbit. "Second: what are your other plans involving the town." Not wanting to risk being attack for such a straight-forward query, he shuffled some of the serpent servants to his back. The automatons in response slowly vibrated around the rodent. Whilst not the best method to heal, the frequency should accelerate his recovery process to some extent. "Before I ask my final one, I rather hear my answers to my first questions first."

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Post by Swix » Fri May 30, 2014 8:47 pm

"Well' the rabbit started, almost sounding bored at the first question "In my own words, I'm doing this because I was asked to by a very old friend. Very old indeed. As for your second, our other plans for the town. That will stay here, but the people will not. We're going to empty it. Final question, don't waste it now"

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri May 30, 2014 9:22 pm

~Empty it? How are they going to empty it? Where are all the people going? And what does chocolate have to do with it?~ Cp thought hard in Claymolder's direction. Any number of terrible fates could be happening... and he was currently powerless to do anything about it.

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Post by Jent » Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:12 pm

An old friend of the rabbit? The grathon's memory unable of serving any reliable sources to a potential ally associated with spiders, or even chocolate for that matter. Down to one question, he had to be most direct. Claymolder clenched his fists, enraged at the possibilities his enemy implied. "No skimping on the details. How do you and your friend intend on cleansing the town of its residents? "

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Post by Swix » Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:33 pm

The white chocolate rabbit grinned, showing off it's crooked teeth again. "You really should have said that earlier.... We're going to empty the town, by getting you two to follow me out of the way and letting you ask me questions whilst I get the spiders that have already snuck into people's houses to paralyse them and drag them off to where my old friend is hiding. The last person is leaving as we speak"

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Post by Jent » Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:17 pm

- The last person is leaving as we speak."

<big>- leaving as we speak."</big>

The faithful clay porcupine growled at the grinning rabbit. Claymolder's emotional upheaval struck a loud cord, his ichor began fuming violent vapors out from pores. Such a burden on the clay shell leveled tiny cracks and heavy fissures across his visage. Cp's weight alone broke through the weakened armor. His tiny body falling to the ground, shortly before the concentration of the acidic became a troubling aftermath for the pokemon.

"Well then," serpent tendrils flared from the grathon's arms, hissing profusely whilst each of their scales constantly reshuffled about. "Shouldn't we be going to visit your old friend now?"

On que, Kemosabe gnawed at the concrete below. Swiftly assimilating the various dust and rocks broken up by the automaton, its size swelled to that of an large orca. The lumbering robot diverted the spines off its back, providing plenty of space on top of it for the designated riders. Claymolder stretched several snakes at the rabbit, attempting to capture him.

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Post by Swix » Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:37 pm

"Oh, are we going on a trip?" the rabbit jested, not even attempting to get out of the way of the grathons snakes "You know, you really don't have to go to all this trouble to take me with you. Oh, by the way, your friends paralysis should be wearing off soon"
Last edited by Swix on Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:55 pm

Cp was suddenly moving, though not of his own will. He crashed through the Claymolder's side, tumbling out along with broken shards. It wouldn't be too bad, except some kind of fluid was seeping after him, which smelled strongly of acid and burned his nostrils.

Coolpikaaa was surprised when he was able to roll out of the way of the chemical, coming to stand on all fours, though stiff.

"We need you in order to find your boss." He was finally able to say. "Unless you'd like to volunteer that information?"

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Post by Swix » Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:53 am

The rabbits grin was suddenly gone, this time, replaced by a rather ugly snarling look "Really? I give you the key and yet you still want me to walk up and open the door for you as well as unlocking it?" he shook his head "She gives you far too much credit I think"

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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances


Post by Jent » Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:21 pm

Stepping aboard the spiky steed, Claymolder bounded his captured piece to the bulbous tail of the automatron. The rabbit, ensnared tightly by the prehensile coil, only given the luxury of breathing during the trip. "No, you only gave us the hint of the door, not the key or a map," the grathon's brazen stare took notice of the remark. "Besides, I still a few pawns in play."

Been awhile since his freed tongue, the once silent jackaloupe leaped from his shoulder, fusing to Kemosabe's head. He trudged his fingers against the impressive antleers. His mind drifting to the remaining robots he sent out in the city, sifting through their wild thoughts for a suitable one. In a stark grin, he gestured to Coolpikaaa to ride aboard the anxious porcupine.

"A scout of mine sighted a few spiders moving a few minutes ago. Time to knock on your friend's door"

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