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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances


Post by Swix » Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:19 pm

"Oh look, you made it all the way in here" the rabbit said, still grinning like a maniac. "Whatever are you going to do?"

Meanwhile, the grey cloaked figure hadn't noticed them at all, so busy was it with it's work.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:40 pm

"Serious?" Cp said, dazed. He had just been sucked up by a tornado and thrown across the forest into a wall, only to be chastised for goofing around. The electric mouse stood, mumbling something mean to himself.

"We're gonna get to the bottom of this." Cp said, in reply to the chocolate rabbit. Cp walked right up to the wall, staring at it through double vision. He bent down and sprang up, aiming to jump right up it. He only managed a quarter of the way before sliding slowly back down.

"Okay..." He said, stumbling further back. He gave his head a shake to clear his eyes then ran at the wall, springing up last minute. Though he had to cling and scratch some if the way up, the heroic mouse finally came to stand behind the grey cloaked figure.

"Alright. Game is over. Now we get answers." He said to the person in his best authoritative voice. "Why have you taken our people and what are you doing to them? How have you given chocolate life? Who... are you?"

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Post by Swix » Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:22 pm

The light grey cloaked figure looked down at CP after he started talking, now he was right next to her, he should notice that what was holding this creature up was a six foot long tail, with the body showing no difference to what it was attached to. At about where a humans chest was this being had a lower set of arms, and at the shoulders a higher set. This being had grey-green scales, and a very faint blue aura surrounding her.

The upper arms with their three digited hands pushed the cloak back over her very snakelike narrow head, and she stared at CP with lidless, slitted green eyes "Coolpikaaa? I must say I'm surprised you don't remember me, and that you are here. We only met briefly... I am Kheesth"
Last edited by Swix on Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:22 pm

"Wha...?" Cp said, his mind reeling. The female reptile with four arms seemed like something he wouldn't forget. Yet... he had no idea who this was. She seemed to know him, and admitted it was only for a brief moment that they met, but absolutely nothing was coming back to him. Ultimately, at the moment, it didn't really matter. "Alright. That's one question answered. You've still got two more pretty big ones to answer for."

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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances


Post by Jent » Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:37 am

"Don't go breaking your back or something," the grathon mumbled in a daze. Both of the rodents left little of an impression, being too focused on the machinery in question than their babbling. With an idea agreed on, Claymolder swabbed a large scoop of clay creation's bare back in his hands. "Nice and easy..." Sculpting what resembled a striped yellow egg, he hurled the refitted automaton at the massive wall.

~Now. Climb.~

The amorphous blob obeyed. He scrutinized the final details in the new form's mind before turning back to Kemosabe. Snapping of an antlers, his hands went about transforming the material into a new state.

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Post by Swix » Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:34 pm

"Oh, you mean about the chocolate? Well, it wasn't exactly me giving it life, and it wasn't exactly what you'd call 'life' either. They're simply animated, shaped chocolate" Kheesth slithered from one tube to another, the townsfolk snug in their unconscious captivity, suspended in a thick green liquid with masks fitted over their mouths, which in turn were attached to machines next to each capsule "I assume you must have spoken to my very old friend, or you wouldn't be here. But you can't have asked him who he was, or you would understand how chocolate has 'life'. Speaking of which, where is my old friend? I heard his maniacal laughing nearby. What has he let you do to him?" the Tezcan adjusted a mask before giving CP her full attention "You seem to have upset my Air Summons as well, whatever did you say to her?"

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:10 pm

"The chocolate rabbit was the one that gave the other creeatures life...?" Cp asked, surprised. He hadn't expected that at all. The rabbit had simply seemed like just another pawn.

"Hey! Cut that out!" The electric mouse shouted after she began to adjust masks. All the townspeople had been placed in tubes with mysterious ooze. He could only assume it was for nefarious purpose. "I'm not here to small talk about how we found you, or your damn bird. You've kidnapped literally all of our people. Why?!"

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Post by Swix » Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:19 pm

"Do you want them to drown?!" Kheesth snapped, after CP yelled at her to cut it out. The Summoner folded both arms and glared at him "Explain to me why I should answer that?"

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:28 pm

"Are you kidding?" Cp asked, furious. "You and your friend have kidnapped an entire town of people, and you won't even say why you went to the effort to do so?"

"It's over. There's no point in you doing that cause you've been caught. After I zap you we'll be freeing them, anyway." He told her this confidently, sparking.
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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances


Post by Jent » Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:11 pm

The blob reached the edge of the wall. It flopped its damp self over to the two talking, staring at them as it transformed into a Pikachu. Though, instead of normal silence of the transformed jackalope, Claymolder pitched in his own voice. "Greetings. Is there something I missed?"

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:33 pm

Coolpikaaa did a double take as another Pikachu appeared, causing a slight hiccup in his authoritative tone. Cp could kind of see it. The other pikachu resembled Claymolder, if he had been born that way instead...

...Or maybe he was just delirious from hitting his head so many times. Either way, if two heroic Pikachu couldn't inspire fear in this evil doer, no one could.
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Post by Swix » Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:55 pm

"There you go" Kheesth told CP, gesturing with an arm "tell me or I'll zap you-" a flash of darkness passed over Kheesths eyes, and the Tezcans voice sounded even more slippery at the next part "was that really so hard?"

As quickly as it was there it was gone, and Kheesth turned to take in the new voice of Claymolders Pikachu "I was just about to tell why I was doing this? It's simple. I was asked to by a very powerful being in exchange for something I wanted from her. I really couldn't care less about what happens to your people. She seemed to think changing them into chocolate in this silly festival of yours whose origins none of you remember would serve her some purpose Now tell me what you did with my friend!" she demanded of the both of them.
Last edited by Swix on Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:14 pm

Cp looked surprised. Kheesth had accepted a threat as a legitimate answer? This snake was a very, very strange reptile.

"Wait... you said... a very very powerful... her?" Cp asked, the words running like ice down his back. "It's The Collector isn't it. She's behind this. What did she offer you? How could you-"

He grit his teeth.

"You're turning them all into chocolate!? Is that what these pods do?! Living or just... treats for her?!" Cp yelled, beyond furious. He knew she was watching and he didn't care. "How can you be okay with this?! Condemning a hundred people to be... food?!"

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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances


Post by Jent » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:07 am

The clone-chu stood next to CP, glaring at the Tezcan. "With a stew, one may forget certain ingredients that slip in, though what counts is the taste afterwards. These trivial chunks that we let set in this holiday are minor to what you are brewing." Its jagged tail echoed a harsh thwap at the ground. "Power... at the cost of many lives... is not something I will let stand by..."

Examining the sharp teeth in his palm, Claymolder counted twenty or so pearly spikes dazzling fresh light. His arm scattered those pieces along the flattened earth. Plain-faced, he watched several tiny holed burrowed into the soil. "Might be time for a battle. Don't you agree, rabbit?"

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Post by Swix » Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:27 pm

((Well, I spent half an hour on this post and my phone has just deleted it :S. So I'm afraid you'll just have to do with the bare bones))

"They're not food, and I don't know any Collector" Kheesth told CP, then barked out a "Ha!" at the stone 'chu's speech "It's attitudes like that that allow people like me to flourish! It's great to know you don't care about your own history... but this conversation is over" the Tezcan pulled out a bag with an embroidered fire symbol on and sprinkled the contents over the side of the wall, before jumping off herself and landing on the Fire Elementals shoulders, who in turn swiped a fiery clawed hand at the pair after Kheesth spoke in her native hissing language.

"What rabbit?" the voice of the white chocolate rabbit said as there was a thunk behind Claymolder. The chocolate rabbit itself was still held by Kemosabes tail, but it had been nothing more than a shell-and that was now all that was left of it, a cracked open shell.

The creature that was now on the ground, was the skeleton of a Tezcan whose bones had been charred black, and who was stretching "You know, you should really pick your questions more carefully"

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