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Post by Swix » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:45 am

Upon Ana, the hub of the activity within the world for many different races, the place known by all as The Encampment, was having a pretty good day. The sun was shining down gloriously, the marketplace was bustling, and the tavern known as The Horn and Halo had only seen a few of it's patrons thrown out for breaches of the 'no fighting, no weapons, no magic' rules.

There had been an odd visitor earlier, though, odd even for this place. A gigantic Shadow Mirror Dragon had landed near the Horn and Halo, had a brief conversation with one of the occupants of the rooms and then flown off with him. It was certainly not out of the ordinary to see different species in this place-in fact, a lot of vastly different species lived here-but even a Dragon that big would have been bound to have attracted some attention.

What would likely be attracting attention again was the large shadow in the sky that got ever larger, as that same Dragon flew back over to The Encampment much later in the afternoon. The large beast was carrying something that glinted in the sunlight, that as she got closer, turned out to be a gilded brass birdcage holding a bright yellow canary trapped within it in one foreclaw. The other foreclaw held something both less and more fantastic than the gilded cage-a paintbrus, who's bristles were covered in constantly colour changing paint that didn't drip, just stayed stuck right where it was on the bristles.

The massive, beautiful, mirror scaled Dragon landed right outside the Horn and halo on her back legs, before folding her wings to her back and turning her bright red eyes upon the populace, announcing in a loud, authoritative voice "I am the Shadow Mirror Dragon Lili, and I claim this Encampment as part of my territory. Resist and, well, I can think of a lot of things to turn you into" Lili twirled her paintbrush, then turned to swipe it over the top of the taverns roof, changing wooden beams to smooth black marble via the morphic paint that coated the brushes bristles.

One of the drunks that had been thrown out looked towards the large creature, ponting at her unsteadily "Oy, you carghn do dat, folks *hic* doughn like dat idea will shhtop you" Lili, looked at the man, grinned, showing off her sharp, ebony teeth, and said "You seem have had far too much to drink, I think, you should be what you ingest"

"Eh, what?" the drunk said, confused.

"Like this" Lili moved the brush over the man, and with a few swipes of her brush, the living man was turned into a six foot tankard of beer, there for all to see-and panic, if that's what they chose to do. And some of them certainly did, screaming and yelling. Lili relished every moment of it. "Run, run, as fast as you can... if you think I can't get you, you're very mistaken" she sang, before turning back to the Horn and Halo and continuing her transmogrifying modifications on it to be what she wanted it to be.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:12 am

Crunch.... crackle... crunch.

Across the street from the now rapidly transforming bar, a very large reptilian slunk along the roof, her claws digging in and creating footholds at cost to the owner. The creature was also a Dragon, and also female, though much younger and smaller than the absolutely regal one wielding the brush. She watched for a while, the house creaking underneath her before she decided to speak.

"Hey, hello there!" She called out rather cheerfully to the other beast, despite her increasingly frightening powers. "You must have been the one that triggered the proximity alarms earlier. Now, that woke me up I'm afraid. It seems the little electric rat stuck a emergency communicator to me and some point. He seemed to think I'd actually come to help if the situation was dire enough."

She paused, letting the other Dragon absorb her words before she suddenly let out a giggle.

"That's not why I'm here though. In fact, I quite like what you've done with the place so far, and would be happy to let you continue your work. I'm more curious... Why would the alarm have skipped to me?"

She moved forward, now clinging to the forward face of the house. Apparently this next bit made her quite happy.

"You wouldn't have happened to already have done away with that annoying do-good rat, would you?"
Last edited by Coolpikaaa on Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Swix » Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:39 am

Lili continued her ministration on the Horn and Halo, listening to the younger female Dragon as she worked, changing the wooden inn into a much larger, black marble building of twisted gothic spires that would probably have collapsed the entire building had two of the four walls not also been turned to the smooth black marble, just so that that didn't happen.

The Shadow Mirror Dragon however, stopped at her last sentence, to turn and grin and the young one with a glint in her bright red eyes. "Why, yes, I certainly have. In a sense" Lili held up the gilded brass cage to put the bright yellow canary on show, and shook it "He's right here, right where he can't be annoying or meddle in anything anymore" she grinned wider.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:49 am

"Wonderful. Though I personally would have gone with something a tad more soul-crushing... and maybe something without a heartbeat." The blue dragon replied, quite happy Coolpikaaa was in a situation he would not be helping anyone. This black dragon, whoever she was, seemed to have a wonderfully unique plan, and all the means to carry it out, unopposed.

"That's a nifty little tool you have there. I eagerly await to see what you do next with it. I'm Tetsu-ko, by the way. If you need anything at all, don't be shy." The baby dragon nodded, pleased with the information she had recived. She stretched her wings, apparently ready to leave for a better vantage point to observe the chaos.

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Post by Jent » Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:15 pm

"What an honor it is to be in the grace of two lovely ladies."

A older man greeted the dragons in a friendly tone from nowhere. Smiling, approached the younger Tetsu-ko hand waving. What a weird gentlemen unafraid of the winged arrivals. His skin onset with wrinkles, draped the broad forehead down the toes, yet inept at inflecting the muscular physique. Brushing back his mangy grey hair, the contrasting black beard shone a crescent of colors glittering in the mass. He stood beside her in his grayscale garb, holding on a aged silver staff in his other hand.

"So, what does this meeting entail today?"

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:46 pm

Tetsu twisted her neck slightly, hearing a voice just before she was about to take off. Surprisingly enough, it was a simple, well dressed human. An old one too. She tried to hide a laugh.

Had he not seen the last man to strike up a conversation be turned into a beverage? Had he just walked right through the screaming wave of terrified people running the other way? Was he absolutely oblivious to the transformation of the wooden bar into twisted, dark marble happening at this very moment?

Old people were weird.

"I was just leaving, actually. But I do believe my friend would like to show you something. You'll have to move in close." She gave a twisted little smile to the mirrored Dragon, and launched into the sky.

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Post by Jent » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:39 pm

"Oh, why leaving so soon?" Devon interjected at the sky. "Must have a busy scheduled. Anyways, miss dragoness, I would like a word with you." Shoving past the glaring crowd, the man diverted the oncoming flow of people with his staff.

"What a interesting brush you have in your talons. Never seen too many reality-altering artifacts in my time, where did you happen to find such a marvelous piece of work?"

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Post by Borg12345 » Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:26 pm

Markus had travelled most of the night to reach the encampment, and the lack of sleep was beginning to get to him. Every step felt heavy, as did the rifle on his back. Normally he would have waiting until morning to set off, but time was of the essence today, and Markus was not looking forward to discovering why.

Arriving at the edge of the Encampment, Markus took in the sight of... a disappointingly small town.

"This is it?!" He cried "I've been gone for how long, and all that's sprung up are a few sodding buildings and-" Markus stopped mid sentence as the sight of a large, twisted looking building of black marble... and a large, shining dragon accompanying it. All he could do was stand there, taking in the sight. No fear gripped his heart, no anger or even surprise.

All Markus could do was let out a long sigh.

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Post by CaptainParrot » Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:32 pm

"I'm guessing that great big mess isn't supposed to be there?" quizzed Mayra, gesturing towards the black marble structure.

"And are you ever going to give me an answer about that pistol?"

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Post by Borg12345 » Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:54 pm

Scowling a little, Markus looked over to Mayra. She was far too chipper, he had decided.

"Once again, the pistol seems to be magical in nature, although that's a wild guess on my part. It doesn't load bullets, but it doesn't fire on it's own either. I WAS coming here to try and find out what it did and possibly sell the thing..." Markus trailed off, the obvious dawning on his foggy brain.

"Why? Were you interested in it?" He asked, slowly.

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Post by Swix » Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:47 pm

Lili smiled at the retreating Tetsu, deciding that she liked the baby blue Dragon already. Maybe later she would turn CP the canary into something more edible.... or maybe she'd make a cat and have it chase him, after she clipped his wings...

My aren't you the bold little man" Lil said, talking to Devon. She seemed rather pleased at his assertion that the brush was marvellous though 'It is a brilliant little thing, isn't it?" Lili twirled the brush in her foreclaw in a showy manner, then gripped it tightly and brought her full attention to Devon "I didn't find this, it's mine! Why, did you think I was some sort of petty thief? How amusing"

Lili continued her painting of the tavern, deciding that she was finished with the conversation already.

<hr />

Fade had arrived at the scene with Markus and Mayra, the assassin stood there quietly watching the Shadow Mirror Dragon as the pair talked about the gun. "This is going to be bad for my business" the assassin commented "Does the Dragon or the town make you sigh, Markus? There is a hospital here now, finally. It should have been a priority, but it has only recently gone up"
Last edited by Swix on Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:12 pm

Markus snapped his attention to Fade at the remark about the hospital.

"First of all... yes. Second of all, are you seriously telling me the HOSPITAL was one of the last things to go up?" Markus asked in a disbelieving tone. The long look on his face suggested that he very much didn't need clarification.

He looked back to the dragon, and grimaced. "I hear the forests are lovely this time of year...?" He suggested, knowing what fate was about to befall him.

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Post by Swix » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:22 pm

"That is part of the reason that I do not live here" Fade told the mercenary, her emotionless tone as smooth as ever. She could understand the frustration, even if she was unable to feel the sentiment herself.

The assassin waited and watched for the next part to happen.

((I might have to wait until later for Lilis next part, for posts and time XD))
Last edited by Swix on Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:31 pm

((That's fair, I'm in a similar boat with Markus really :P))

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Post by Jent » Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:05 pm

Not that unusual for dragons, the caliber. Hmm... what else could she be concealing?

With most of the residents cleared from the area, Devon decided to up the ante. "Never said that you stole it, Miss. Besides, why would you even need to resort to stealing anyways?" he teased. "Dragoness of high magical aptitude? Transforming matter and energy to whatever you most desire. Your skills used here a mere child's play."

Right now, extracting information deemed most crucial. Rotating the staff in his hands, the old man gave a concerning glance to Lili. "Tell me, is there something I'm not quite comprehending?"

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