EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

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Post by Swix » Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:32 pm

"No not really" the Collector said, slithering from one side of the wall to the other in that sort of restless manner people do when they often feel uncomfortable. In the entity's case, feeling uncomfortable was something she'd much rather others did around her "Why? Are you feeling particularly talkative?"

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Post by Jent » Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:37 am

The fact he managed to stir the Collector's composure pleased Claymolder greatly, taking note of the anxious motions of the entity. "More out of curiosity," he answered in a somber tone. "the fact you were not the shadow I expected to see is rather nice, to be blunt."

His clay scales mellowing out, the grathon sat down on the ground, with a stick in hand. "No offense to your caliber, but my past incursion by a similar being left me in a rather 'dark age.'"

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Post by Swix » Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:12 am

The Collector stopped at this comment, then turned around slowly to just stand there and face Claymolder, blinking once and deliberately "So... what you're telling me is... you are 'pleased to see me?" the entity stayed stock still, until she burst out into raucous laughter.

"BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" apparently once she'd started, it was hard for her to stop, she found this whole thing so very amusing "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-HAHA! Oh, oh my. If I had sides, they'd be splitting right now. Tell me, what about this other shadow is it that you find so terrifying? I think I'd rather like to pay them a visit"
Last edited by Swix on Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jent » Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:25 am

Fidgeting at the harsh soundly laughter, Claymolder tried to endure it. "Er, this is a trouble shadow, parasitic in nature. I haven't learned of its original nature and origin, though I'm surprised you haven't notice attacking the Encampment before."

Etching in the dirt, he drew a wobbly line in the sand, separating two circles. "The thing was there... and not. It existed in two places simultaneously, yet felt both realities as easily one could hear from either ear. I don't believed we even destroyed it..."

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Post by Swix » Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:37 am

"Hmm" C slithered over to look down at the Grathons drawing, then placed a hand under her chin in an exaggerated thinking manner.

"Oh yes, I do remember something like that. I believe it attacked one of my minions. A Homunculus, yes... I removed her ability to use my gifts when I saw, I was curious to see what it might do to her. And it turned into a big black cloud at one point too. Pity it's not still present, it sounds more like family than my family"

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Post by Jent » Tue Sep 09, 2014 3:09 pm

"Given your title, I bet you two would have gone well swimmingly," Claymolder lamented. "That shadow forced me in the enfeebled state I am now." He nicked a few more lines next to the circles before rubbing them away.

"So, you have your own apprentices?"

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Post by Swix » Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:09 pm

"Mm, perhaps I will seek out this shadow of yours.." C mused absently, then turned her head rather sharply to stare at the grathon "Apprentices? Oh no, no, nothing like that. Agents would be a far better term, though some might think themselves slaves even if I granted them some freedom when I was under no obligation to" C then tilted her head at him, far too far for any real Tezcan to do without breaking their neck "Why? Do you have apprentices, or did this shadow take them from you too?"

About then is when Kheesth showed up, the pods hissing open. "We are ready to go now" Kheesth told them bluntly.

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Post by Jent » Fri Sep 12, 2014 5:40 am

"Not apprentices, though a teacher of mine-" the grathon tried to explain as Kheesth came by to inform them of the situation. "Good to hear, if you care to I can explain the rest as the villagers are returned home, safely. Unless you have other plans to attend to?"

Uneasy, Claymolder's automatons rallied beside their creator in formation. From Kemosabe, the klone-chu pinched itself off the giant, nudging Coolpikaaa to wake up.

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Post by Swix » Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:33 am

"Oh, I always have other places to attend to" C said, her voice as smooth as slime "But I pick and choose when I go to attend to them. This minor delay will be but a blink in my memory, and you have managed to pique my interest. I think I will join you"

Kheesth simply bobbed her head in a silent agreement, and eyeing the entity she took a place that put the others between her and It, with Seegk on the other side of her. The people in the pods were taken out of them by the Spirits chocolate spiders, who hoisted them above them and were this time careful about not getting them scratched on the ground, and lined up behind the small, strange group.

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Post by Jent » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:08 am

Pique her interest? "Very well then, Collector," Claymolder replied calmly. "And yes, we should get going back the Encampment." Looking back ash he started on his march, his two clay animals stayed in the rear formation of the odd group, chattering wispy sounds to one another.

The spartoi, essentially bounded to the Grathon's will, partitioned themselves around the spider horde line-up. The free-roaming automaton Echion had its own view of the matter. This... thing the Tezcan collaborated with, having nearly transformed the villagers into chocolate statues, is just 'talking' with Claymolder? Data files involving the previous shadow being were quickly skimmed over in the robot's records. 'Her' word alone held no saw of its distrust towards it.

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Post by Swix » Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:08 pm

"Well?" C said, eager to hear about this other shadows deeds, the entity's bright red eyes seeming to glow almost a bit brighter at the idea.

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Post by Jent » Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:42 pm

"Ullikummi... tethered itself to our reality to rewrite it anew," he said to C wistfully. "This shadow is akin to a parasite, siphoning the life-force of the worlds attached to it for survival. Only during its appearance in Pax did either of the two mages I know began to comprehend how dangerous it was. Ullikummi was a being that was, and is not part of the realm naturally; for it existed concurrently in both here and the world beyond which we can see."

A surge of dread flooded the grathon's body. Was it wise to even speak of this to the Collector? While it has vanished for now, there was nothing to confirm it couldn't arrive again. Tense, the Claymolder breathed in deeply as the traveled through the flatland, trying to reassure himself of his conviction. Provided this entity is unable to summon Ullikummi, then a mere chat shouldn't be a problem.

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Post by Swix » Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:08 pm

"Is that so? " C spoke in silky, slippery tones as they walked and she listened. "This realm and the 'realm beyond which we can see?' Do you know how many realms beyond which you can see that are side by side with it exist? I can assure you it is far more than just one. I know of at least, oh, eight, maybe nine, probably more I have forgotten. Anyway " the entity waved her arms dismissively "Do get on with it"

The fact that CP was stuck behind her not saying anything whilst this was going on pleased her immensely.

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Post by Jent » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:56 pm

"There are quite a few worlds besides this one, though being aware of the exact place can make my context clues a bit misleading," Claymolder clarified. "It was the mirror universe closest to ours that is rode simultaneously. The beast had the capacity to mend and shred the bonds of those it touched, infusing it a vast hoard of power as it traveled through the two sides of the coin."

Breathing deeply, the grathon realized his ichor started to settle down. Wouldn't be much longer before he can revert back to his previous form, still retaining the bond to Kheesth. "The age of the beast I am uncertain, but the mages' found it had absorbed at least thousands of planets in order to find certain components."

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Post by Swix » Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:01 pm

"How interesting" the entity commented, though she sounded still far more intrigued and curious than anything "Whatever did it want these components for?"

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