March of Madness

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March of Madness


Post by Jent » Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:09 am

Table of Contents

* Act 1

* Act 2

* Act 3

* Act 4

* Epilogue
Last edited by Jent on Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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March of Madness


Post by Jent » Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:11 am

<big><big>Act 1: Tarchies's Ghost</big></big>

“You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?â€

The distressing chill of stagnant air drowned the room as he heaved in the center, mouth dry and eyes glazed. Jent merely been with his huldra friend moment's before this sudden awareness of change, clenching his face harshly at gloom encroaching closer, loathing the world that has become the new reality. Agonizing, inexplicable fissures wavered in view of the numerous slanted walls, wailing against the dread emanating from unseen mouths adjoining him, bar one. Oh by Pax, he shouldn't seen the face of the wretched being. The spirit: a ghoulish reflection of a mage fallen not long ago.

“You, how are you here&#33; Why am I here&#33;?â€

Tarchies, by his proper name, hovered with an ethereal form translucently showing the harboring chains encircling. The azure phrygian cap laid limped above the forlorn ridge of his brow, it sovereignly marking rest of ghost's glamour; familiar robe thrashed to ragged ends against the dim glow seething from the shreds that fluttered. Moaning, the metals links grasping at him at every which way slithered eerily in an endless cycle from breeches to shoulder side. The jentil petrified by the ghastly phantom found himself staring past his waist, to three archaic archways at the far end, housing doors unsettling to the heart.

It had to be a delusion, a ruse by the villain lurking from his earlier assault of fanged fey lashing at limb, denying him the chance to save Swix. Even now, every second wasted standing in the strange cell diminished his luck further, by and by. The jentil felt the ghost's vacant stare at him, seldom twitching with jaw restrained by chain, stepped ahead by quaking feet.

“Does it look like I have the time to watch the world descend to darkness and anarchy? Leave me delusion, runaway simulacrum of the mind; I have to get back to the Encampment. Farewell&#33;â€

“Much good&#33;†Tarchies voiced, imperceptibly the same as in life.

“How so?â€

“Ask my why so.â€

Disgruntled, Jent cleared his throat. “Alright, WHY so?†he said with great impatience. The mage wasn't nearly as confusing back when he roamed the living, that is including the days he only spoke in paradoxical riddles. “I normally wait longer, but I must get to-&#33;â€

“You're digging your own grave, Jent.â€

"I don't believe you, I'm always doing risky things and I haven't died; not for thousands of years&#33;"

"Why do you doubt your senses?"

"Hehe... hehe... really? There are so many things churning in my mind, how do I know you're not just the aftermath of the apple I had, or one of Solveig's odd deserts?" The counter-question he tossed seemed to detour the ghost's own line of inquires, leaving the both at a stand still in the eerie room. However, doing nothing wouldn't aid in Jent's escape. Taking in a deep breath, he tried to imagine himself awake. After all, if this was just his mind playing tricks with him, he be too just-

At this Tarchies sounded a jarring roar, his chains clattering throughout the room in a surreal explosions, stunning the grieving corridors to silence. Jent fell back with eyes apart, witnessing one who was a cherished friend that he himself saved from death once before, had became an atrocious adversary in the current moment.

"Is your mind sound now&#33;?"

"It is&#33; Tages, please, tell me why you have come here?"

"To save you, so you may not suffer as I in the afterlife."

Trouncing the floor with the extensive chains, Tarchies groaned. "These bear the pains of regret, my guilt over what I haven't done, had caused the chains to carry on with me in death. Your years, by the thousands you claim, will drag you through an endless march in Pax for all entirety."

Trembling, the jentil examined the dull metal hung over the ghastly being. "Or, you may cast away misfortune, allowing your consciousness ascend to a state where you might be able to save both the world and yourself," the ghost spoke. "Hear me, fellow immortal&#33; I have not long here."

"I am, oh mercy just tell me&#33;"

The apparition skittered to the side, directing a faded hand at the path ahead. "Past those doors, three ghosts shall retell your past, present, and future transgressions; where in the end you may finally accept truth and lead a fulfilling life."
Last edited by Jent on Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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March of Madness


Post by Jent » Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:11 am

Act 2

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March of Madness


Post by Jent » Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:12 am

Act 3

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March of Madness


Post by Jent » Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:12 am

Act 4

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March of Madness


Post by Jent » Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:13 am


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