by Borg12345 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:28 am
Life Outside the Encampment - A Mercenary's Travels
A book on Pax eh? I don't know what good it will do, seeing how often the landscape, both politically and LITERALLY, seems to change. But hey, I'm getting paid for this so why not. Also, before I start, why do people seem to think I'm dead? I'm not dead. I mean I probably should be, but I'm not dead. Unless of course you're reading this and I have died, in which case yes I am dead. But I'm not. Unless I am.
So as we all know the Encampment is the capital of Pax, pretty much. Now I know from my travels that not everyone is particularly thrilled with this state of affairs, but I'll get into that later. There are, however, a great many settlements outside the boundaries of the Encampment, from tiny fishing villages to sprawling cities in their own right. This section will NOT list every REDACTED little village out there mind, just the ones of potential interest. If you're missing and feel put out, address your complaints to the publisher of this guide, because quite frankly I don't care.
(Editor's note: The views of Markus do not reflect those of the other authors of this book or it's publisher. We also told him not to use profanity and he did it anyway.)
I'll start with the largest city outside the Encampment, and by far the oldest we know of on Pax, Kalli.
Kalli is the Psiot home city and has definitely been around longer than the Encampment, proving that we certainly weren't the first to arrive on the dual worlds. It is a city of trees, and a place teeming with magic. You could say the Psiot are somewhat in tune with the forest and their home reflects his. My first piece of advice if you wish to explore this city: learn to love climbing. Their extensive use of kinetic magic means their city is designed largely around the idea that you can float. There have been efforts to accommodate for ground-bound creatures such as myself however this takes the form of rope ladders, strong vines, or even just hand holds. Some of the Psiot may be willing to assist you move around the place, but don't count on it. Oh, and ask nicely.
Something else to bear in mind, you will see a lot of animated golems in this city, they seem to do most of the manual labour. I would HIGHLY suggest not ticking them off, they are A) very, very strong and B) psychically linked to the Psiot Council of Twelve. If you give the golems trouble, you're giving the council trouble.
((More to come soon. Hopefully I've not strayed too far from the original vision of the Psiot as they were one of Tavs first ideas for Pax and I want to do them justice. I also feel it's important that they're in the book. I think the only possible deviation is that I imagine them having a bit of an Aztec flair, hence the city name of Kalli (I don't know if the Psiot capital has a name already).))
Last edited by
Borg12345 on Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.