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Level 9
Level 9
Posts: 463
Joined: Tue May 06, 2014 4:00 am



Post by TheDarkPsycho » Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:24 pm


I've been doing some ranks here on the forums. Unfortunately, there isn't a good "Multirank" addon for this forum software (that I've been able to find). So here is how it's going to work. You only get One rank. They go in priority of this:
  • Position Rank - Rank given through your position on the forum. So far there are just three - Tav, the Founder, CP, the Admin, and myself, the Co-Admin.
  • Guild Rank - A rank assigned by being a member of the two guilds listed from Zetaboard: the EC and The Blackstar Refuges.
  • Post Rank - A rank that is autoassigned based on your postcount
For your Post Rank, I've come up with a distribution that goes from 1 (the lowest, starts out at 0 posts), all the way up to Level 60 (which is 55000 posts). Considering the highest poster right now is Level 18 Swix, at a healthy 1977 posts, I've only populated up to level 20 into the system. I'll be adding the other forty as I have time.

I'd like to do the other rank in a similar fashion - but as I'm no artist, they will also take time. But Let me know what you think of this setup!

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