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Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:17 pm
by Jent
((I don't mind him being a frog for a while.))

Claymolder never thought being a frog would turn out to be so useful. Given how difficult these challenges appeared to be, working as a team seemed to the most logical option to choose. While the other townspeople retracted at the sight of his hop, the first participant of the Pond Temple either didn't take a notice of him, or simply ignored him.

Ouch. That must not feel good.

Perchance, sitting on the one who mistook their first chance wasn't the best option. Given that now she shrunk down considerably and now is one false answer away from being like him. However, maybe the shock-wave of the stone's energy benefited rather than hindered him now. As presently ahead, Claymolder saw two other 'heroes' that progressed further than anticipated. Which they currently standing on what comes of as a expanse of gelatinous mass, for some reason.

With no other options materializing in his mind, the grathon leaped forward to greet his potential 'friends.'

((Wait, is it Borg the character, or do all of Borg's characters enjoy killing frogs?))

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:55 pm
by Borg12345
((That frog was asking for it. SHE OWED ME MONEY!))

The Artificer made a careful note of Swix's position, and after a moments calculation jumped towards her as far as the bridge would allow. Upon landing it's souless glowing eyes were fixed upon her, and the Artificer gestured to her to come forward, if she dared.


Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:07 pm
by Swix
((I feel for anyone owing The Artificer anything. Poor frog XD.

A heart is certainly... different, for Swix XD))

The woman turned to stare at the robot, gesturing for her to come towards him. She lifted her left hand, as it wasn't holding the torch and pointed at him. "Don't confuse me with some fool hero trying to prove her bravery" she said, and bounced away from him, deeper onto the bridge-hopefully without knocking herself out this time.


((I hope this is ok.

And Borg, I'm not going to make it 'that' easy for ya ;)))

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:02 pm
by Coolpikaaa
The chasm:
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¤= Arty
♡= Swixy
☆= Froggy

((I think it might be...

*stares at Borg ranting about frogs and money*

I think it might just be Borg, in general.

You all good with the rules Jent? And yeah Swix, that's great&#33;))

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:31 pm
by Jent
((I understand the rules, will have time to post at home. School ATM.))

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:50 pm
by Coolpikaaa
You hopped to the stone, suddenly realizing that maybe this wasn't the best idea just a second before you collide with the rock face. While the woman shifted behind you, you soared, braced, and landed on smooth rock. Before you now, there was an expanse of jelly, with two people bouncing on it.

As you settle, the cave booms with loud voice.


The others might notice the Frog, but what was the little amphibian going to do? Kill them?

On the other hand, that prehensile limb of yours could likely hold a torch...

<big><big>Objective Updated: Kill The Artificer, and Swix by allowing them to fall down the chasm.</big></big>

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:33 pm
by Swix
Swix leapt left this time, over to tile J8. The woman planted the torch she was carrying on that tile and then bounced again to get away. She landed on tile J6. Then she turned to glare behind her at the soulless robot, as well as trying to see who their new competitor was.

((That's right, right? A plant and a jump to get away?))

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:11 pm
by Coolpikaaa
All Swix would see is the robot, then a fancy looking frog that must have gotten down from the pond, somehow.

The chasm:
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¤= Arty
♡= Swixy
☆= Froggy

((That's absolutely perfect Swix&#33; You nailed it.))

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:44 pm
by Raven
Raven was enjoying a nice stroll, when she noticed a group of people coming down the road. They were talking animatedly. She caught a few words along the line of 'magic scarf', 'Swix', 'competition' and 'lake'. Before they passed her she called out to them. “Excuse me,” Raven purred at the men. “Could you tell me about this competition?”

Of course, they were very please to help her.

As she arrived at the lake she chuckled. Pausing for a moment by the water, she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. After a little while, her feet began to glow. Water was Raven's weakest element – as opposed as it was to her natural element, fire. However, with still waters such as these she had no problem literally walking across the water. Without any further hesitation, she took a step onto the water.

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:02 am
by Coolpikaaa
((Nice to see you Raven&#33; But... can no body swim?&#33; XD))

You step out onto the calm green water, magically enhanced feet allowing you to walk right over it like nothing. Below you, curious fish draw circles around your toes, wondering if you might just happen to be some kind of pond goddess.

Until a lilypad gets in your way.

Your magic keeps you above water, not plants. You catch the pond weed with the back of your heel, and have to stumble the last couple of steps to shore. You arrive, a bit undignified, but luckily all of those men so eager to always help seem to already be around the bend.

Better go see what they are up to...

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:18 am
by Raven
Raven straightened up as soon as she stumbled. She looked around swiftly in case anyone saw her, but sighed in relief. Clearing her throat and brushing off her shoulders, she continued down the path.

As she turned around the bend of the past, another lovely group of people stood. Raven once again went up and questioned them. Finding her way into the dilapidated building, she read her way through the riddle.

After reading through it, she promptly snorted. Without any hesitation, she pressed 'E'.

Hopefully she wasn't just arrogant.

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:30 am
by Borg12345
((What the hell is swimming? You mad man&#33; :P))

The Artificer was almost impressed, most mortals buckled under the pressure of their pride. Then again most mortals the Artificer faces were "mighty" warriors looking to prove their worth to long dead emperors or their own sense of honour.

It did consider just making a well aimed throw with the scythe, but the gel seemed to compound the advanced science behind phase technology, as did most most magic. This probably made the risk too great.

A well aimed torch throw however...

((I want to take my turn to throw my torch at J6, is that okay? :P))

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:36 am
by Coolpikaaa
((Sorry Borg, have to play by the rules. Go ahead and take your jumps.))

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:48 am
by Coolpikaaa
((Oh Raven, you're so close&#33; On your first try too&#33;))

The townspeople marvel, stunned by your confidence. Well, the men in the group might be marvelling at something else, but hey, that's your thing. Unfortunately, the stone isn't as impressed with you, and E turns bright green.

If you had been around before, you might have known what was coming.

The wash of green, the dizzyness that knocks you right off your feet. Being trained in the mystical arts, you can feel the magic, powerful and ancient. When the room stops spinning, you feel... odd. A quick check will reveal that while the others began going green at this point, you seem to have become shades of red and orange. Of course, most of the changes at this point have been internal, so you couldn't really know how much you were effected...

Cp's Qwik RP!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:54 am
by Raven
Raven got back on her feet, brushed herself off and walked forward again. Perturbed that her first choice was wrong, she went for her second choice.

Taking a breath, she reached out and pressed 'V'. Then braced herself for whatever was to come next.

((Now I'm really unsure of what it is&#33; I'm terrible at riddles. Dx))