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Kicking things off: World Events

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:51 pm
by Borg12345
All it would be is just finishing the thread itself, rather than trying to weave it into the others. Normal adventures would stay independent of each other, whilst world events affect everyone, hence why we feel it's a good idea to wrap up the independent threads first, so that world plot doesn't affect them.

Kicking things off: World Events

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:54 pm
by Coolpikaaa
So, just to sum it up so I make sure I have all this.

The Horn and Halo, and When bad guys go mad will keep running, while the other RPs get a proper ending. Once we get enough solidified, then we start the world event based off the ideas we have for the world?

Also, seems like we have two major players for World Event as well, the complete destruction of everything is a fire planet collision, or a major undead outbreak.

I'm more partial to the Zombies, but if everyone could vote....

Kicking things off: World Events

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:32 pm
by Swix
I think that's right. The Horn and Halo never really had an ending, doesn't have a plotline other than the ones that people bring in with them and pretty much just added, well, itself XD. Plus it's had recent activity, so ending it would be weirder than letting it keep going.

And WBGGM is a recent RP with a plotline and recent activity. So I'm definitely not shutting that down right now, it would be unfair to the players-including you CP! :P.

I have an idea on how to finish the others whilst taking into account what happened though *grins... sinisterly*

EDIT: Actually I can see problems with resolving the Hope of Nightmares and Christmas thread through epilngue :(.

Kicking things off: World Events

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:54 pm
by Borg12345
I've just wrapped up House of Madness, and I've left it open enough that your characters can still be alive. :D

Of course you may want to have a good think about where they are... I shall leave it at that. ;)

Kicking things off: World Events

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:18 am
by Swix
Everything of mine that needs it has now been epilogued ;)

EDIT: Also I vote for a real zombie outbreak ;)