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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:22 pm
by Jent
Inside the building, a man in midst sculpting a clay sculpture noticed the thieving rabbit stumble out of a open door. “So, did you find what I was looking for?” He leaned down to the rabbit, staring at the white sock hanging from its mouth. Shaking his head in disbelief, he attempted to shove the rabbit outside until he saw a weird creature in the distance. Intrigued, the man calmly strolled towards the alley where the Humanoid rabbit and Coolpikaaa stood.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:09 pm
by Swix
"Five... Four... Three... Two... One" The giant rabbit sang, then stopped and did a twisting bow to the 'chu and the man, as all of it's fur fell off, exposing white chocolate skin beneath it "Surprise!" he yelled, and ran off... Whilst the eggs in his basket hatched and the animal shaped treats revealed themselves to be alive. Every bunny and chicken that had been handed out or placed by this creature turned on their possessors, trying to seriously injure them.

Even the one CP had been carrying, twisting around to bite him.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:52 am
by Coolpikaaa
"Happy new year?" Cp said at the end of the oversized rabbit's countdown. "I think you have your holidays mixed up, Mr-"

Cp turned around after watching an odd man slowly walk down the path. He wasn't sure what to make of the guy, but he strode towards them as if wanting to talk, so that made the electric mouse curious. What a time it was, to look back at the "Estre" bunny.

"Oh Gods... What are you...? RAAAGGHH!" Cp screamed as the chocolate rabbit in his arms also turned alive, and proceeded to try and rip his throat out with it's oversized teeth.

To Coolpikaaa's credit, he managed to pull the cursed confectionery away from anything vital before it ultimately sank it's teeth into the electric mouse's shoulder. Screaming, he continued to fight as the white chocolate monster fled, it's surprise unveiled. Cp could see movement in it's basket - the other chocolate animals coming alive. The decorative easter eggs also seemed to move, be he couldn't make out what was hatching from them.

"Agh, dammit. GERROF!" He bellowed, finally just blasting the evil creature with everything he had.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:50 pm
by Jent
The man eyes lit up at the sights of animated chocolate creatures swarming the startled Pikachu. Was he too late in his investigating? Even his own hoard of rabbits yielded zilch in an clues to the peculation feeling in the air, then again, it always felt like something was off during the holidays. Scavenging in a coat pocket, a flurry of clay orbs rained over the the resenting rodent.

“I would imagine you need some help!”

As the material settled, the particles summoned crimson snakes out from tiny capsules. These artificial serpents sought after the deranged chocolate, with a few already swallowed by them.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:24 pm
by Swix
The bunny that had been attacking the mouse immediately dissolved into melted chocolate after being blasted by electricity, but not many more came over. They were too busy attacking their own owners.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:19 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"It.. really is chocolate?" Cp asked aloud after the bunny he blasted melted to bubbling sugar on his fur. He had expected to maybe throw the carnivorous dessert clear away if anything. How had they managed to give it life? And more importantly, who?

The tiny electric mouse stood up painfully, blood flowing down his chocolate covered arm. The area was in absolute chaos, with every last one of the treats handed out turning violently on their owners.

“I would imagine you need some help!” Yelled the man CP was watching earlier, throwing blobs of clay at him. Cp wasn't sure exactly how he thought that helped. "Uhm... thanks, but I really don't need anything else stuck to my fur at the moment!" He called back, firing bolts of electricity in rapid succession at the chocolate animals closest to attacking their masters.

Of course things had to get weirder. The blobs of clay squirmed and somehow resolved into a nest of fully developed snakes around the electrical mouse. They didn't resemble anything of clay now, moving fluidly and just as beautifully adorned with intricate scale patterns as the real thing. Coolpikaaa would have probably found them fascinating if he wasn't instinctively terrified of the reptiles.

Luckily, they didn't seem interested in him. The newly formed army quickly spread out and began to viciously bite and crush the chocolate animals, the larger species even swallowing some whole. It was simply put, an effective counter attack.

"Nicely done... You got any other tricks?"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:40 pm
by Jent
"Oh, I got plenty still." Said the old man, smiling as he approached Coolpikaaa. Poking his bridge of his nose, the man's skin rippled over his body. Wrinkles and blemishes faded away as a more youthful complexion bubbled from below. "Besides a few parlor tricks, here is a more practical one."

Out from his collar, a majestic blue cloak protruded outwards, cascading down his back. There, he reached behind himself to pull out another oddity from a pocket dimension. Bristly in form, he rolled the object on the ground. "Now. Release!" Commanding at the summon, Claymolder cheered as a large spiky creation enlarge to the size of mastiff hound. The automaton sniffed the pavement underneath it, rows of quills shaking about uneasily.

"It still a work in progress, though the chocolate beings shouldn't be a problem for it. Kemosabe, attack!" Claymolder watched as the large clay rodent bulldoze through a pile around the corner.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:59 am
by Swix
As far as CP and Claymolder were concerned, they were standing in an ocean of calm as the snakes did their work on the carnivorous chocolate monsters and the spiky thing kept away the ones on the floor. The little creatures that had hatched out of the eggs hadn't even come near them, perhaps alerted to their deadliness by the death of the other animated treats. The two have a earned a reprieve... for now.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 4:49 am
by Coolpikaaa
"Much obliged, Mister... uh..." Cp paused, thinking. "I'm afraid I never caught your name. But thank you for the assist." Cp honestly didn't recognize the man, in either form.

Yet he did have several questions. Why had he been hiding as an old man in the first place? Why expend the energy having to switch back and forth? Even more importantly, how was he able to create life so flawlessly from clay?

The electric mouse had many questions to bombard the man with, but for now he believed the Claymolder had earned a pass from most of all that.The last of the snakes and lightning bolts had dispatched of the chocolate bunnies, and now the civilians were on the way to safety.

"So can you create anything from that?" Cp asked as he made sure everyone had gone indoors. Once satisfied, he nodded to the man, and began to walk towards where the white chocolate rabbit had fled.

"I'm going after that... thing. Are you interested in some heroics?"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 4:49 pm
by Jent
"Nearly anything, I still cannot create my own world with power, but that is just semantics at play." Chuckling at his lame joke, he followed Coolpikaaa. "I have natural limits, and I only push them to a certain extent. Constructing these automatons is my main focus. The ability to breath in life with your hands... it is outstanding. I'm still trying to learn other techniques to gain another epithet. The Claymolder is fine and all; however, I like to be noteworthy in many fields."

Cp's thief lands on top of the craftsman's head, the sock drooping over his face. Wretching it free, he hands holds out the sock to the rodent. "This seems to match your other ear, is it yours?"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:06 pm
by Swix
The giant white 'thing' had made a beeline in one direction straight out of the settlement in fact, not dodging or weaving in any way. However, they were by no means alone or unobserved, for small creatures watched them pass. Small invertebrates with eight legs and many eyes. Spiders clung to rooftops and walls down the path the two heroes followed.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:41 am
by Coolpikaaa
CP continued on the path, noting the spiders watching their every move.

"We're being observed. Means we're going the right way." The electric mouse noted. The small creatures hadn't moved to attack, which was interesting. It also likely meant there was a larger commander besides the white rabbit, observing from the sidelines. If the white rabbit was the major player, it would have simply turned around and struck up a conversation.

"It's a trap. Very obvious one. How do you feel about that?" Coolpikaaa said, keeping his composure as calm as he could. There was no sense destroying their only lead this early in the game. "Why take socks, anyway? What was with the thieving rabbits?"

He took the sock back, but didn't put it back on. Instead he held the cloth to his bleeding shoulder and continued on.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:04 pm
by Jent
"Indeed, it seems like that," he carried on with the placid chatter. "As for the rabbits, I like scout the Encampment at times. You never know what might so up at your doorstep."

Claymolder curled his fingers adjacent to an eye, adjusting the focus to examine ahead. Several snakes could be seen coiling around trash and gutters within the pin-hole. Best means to counter guerrilla tactics is with your own force.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:01 pm
by Swix
Claymolder may be disappointed, but then again he may not. No attack was forthcoming, nothing jumped out at them-some of the spiders scuttled away, but that was it.

The white rabbit lead them straight to a dead end, one way In and one way out, with the rabbit itself facing them from the opposite side.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:39 am
by Coolpikaaa
"But... why socks? What do you learn from socks?" CP asked the Claymolder, as they followed the white chocolate rabbit into a dead end. The electric mouse stopped right at the entrance, and hoped that his accomplice would do the same. There was no way in hell he was walking right up to that thing in an confined space.

"Stop evildoer!" CP said in a mock tone, sparking. "Why don't you bore us with your evil plan?"