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Magic Tech High

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:17 am
by rosebarks
“As far as me like being the like real Lily frost, yes I like totally am. I am like Robby Frost's only daughter, the like heiress to the name of his like entire status...and yet I know like everything, and everyone, in place...and Yes Vito I would like totally be in your same like class. I can like show you around....but don't like expect me to always be like, this nice to you” She said watching them all. “and don't like think of like trying to insult me, it totally won't like work” she said flipping her hair over one shoulder. “So like what are your names?”

Magic Tech High

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:03 am
by 3kul
"Are we to be stuck in an endless loop of introducing ourselves?" Vito asked, a little irritated by Lily's sudden and inconvenient new-found desire to get to know them when mere seconds ago she was flippantly dismissing them all. "The bell has already gone, I'd prefer not be tardy on my first day (although it's quite likely that I already am), lead us to our classroom so that we may do something a little more productive."

He paused for a moment, rethinking about what she'd just said. Show them around? Asking them their names? These were strikingly unusual things to do for people that you can't stand, and from what he understood about schools it was a little excessive for the kind of etiquette that one usually received from classmates... "You can learn everybody's names in good time, should you so desire it." He added, deciding to observe Frost some more before dismissing her as a lost cause.

Magic Tech High

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:52 am
by rosebarks
She watched him. "Well then like come on...Though I doubt the like teacher is gonna say much, you are after all like with the number one student in the like entire school I'll just explain I was like showing you around so that you like don't totally get lost" she explained starting to walk up one of the spiral stair cases that lead to the second floor of the school. Even being high tech it had staircases for people, like her, who enjoyed walking and not using elevators.

Magic Tech High

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:27 pm
by Swix
Paola bowed her head lightly to Vannis Sidhe, though his smile and wink made her wonder if he knew something more than he was letting on. Vito too got the same acknowledgement, as well as a "Nice to meet you too" and then came the one they all referred to as Frost. This one reminded her of her mother and her sister of all people, they had a similar attitude. But then, theirs was a genuine attitude whereas this one seemed more forced. Paola tilted her head slightly, studying the girl in the overstated clothing as she followed her up the spiral staircase. Unfortunately, even digging in to the rather fuzzy genetic memory of her mother Paola could not put her finger on what would make someone act like that. Her father's, though a lot clearer (as it was from him this ability was inherited from) and spanning far more generations back theirs were next to useless. Lily Frost was a puzzle alright

((EDIT: Yes Paola has siblings, quite a few actually, but you won't be seeing them around here :P))

Magic Tech High

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:13 pm
by Jodie
Daisy was a little puzzeld at Paola she never saw a creature like her before "Hi i'm Daisy Nice to meet you" then looked at Lily "I would like a tour of this Place I'v never seen sutch a hightech place in my world" She paused "What did you actraley mean about me trying to survive? Is this place realy that dangerus?" her tail was between her legs as she was nervius as she thought about it

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:20 am
by Tav
Vannis wrinkled his nose. "I apologize, but I will not take directions from one who does not show their peers respect." He nodded, and walked towards an elevator, taking it.

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:35 am
by 3kul
"See you in class then... Assuming that we're in the same class." Vito said to Vannis, farewelling him as he entered the elevator. He was a little surprised by Vannis' behaviour as well, for although he spoke somewhat crudely at times when it came to proper manners and etiquette it seemed that he was a bit of a stickler. Well, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing either, but it would probably make it difficult for him to get along with those who had more abrasive personalities like Frost.

Although he did not particularly like Frost either, Vito could at least stand to be around her if it meant getting to class, especially if it was a legitimate way to excuse himself for being late without upsetting the teacher. His designated parental drone had specifically warned him of the dangers of this before school earlier this morning, and of the benefits of having a teacher who viewed you as a valuable member of the class as opposed to a misbehaving nuisance or an unproductive pest.

"If you are certain that the teacher will not mind Frost, then I will follow you with the others." He said, following her up the staircase. Mere seconds later his face went bright red and he had to turn to one side so that he wasn't looking right up her skirt and at her bright green undergarments. How could she walk about in an outfit like that and still hold her head so high?! And yet, somehow, HE was the one who seemed to be the most embarrassed in this scenario... He didn't know why, but he felt that Frost was deliberately trying to humiliate him, continuing her earlier taunts from before, but this time in a much more covert manner.

Damn you, Frost! Vito silently thought to himself as he begrudgingly chalked another point up to spiteful heiress. He also made a mental note to do more detailed research on the nature of high school social interactions, for he clearly did not understand them very well at all.

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:41 am
by rosebarks
Lily just seemed to ignore the blush. "They know not to like take an issue up with me, Dad like has their jobs here....and like if I bring a group in, there is like a reason for them not to be messed with" She stated shrugging as she smiled. "something like wrong Vito?" she asked turning slightly the front of her g-string showing ever so slightly as she put weight on a hip.

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:26 am
by Okura
Lucas smiled to himself as he observed the interactions going on around him. If he hadn't been cheerfully eating a muffin as he wandered through the corridors filled with people, he may have extended a hand of friendship and exchanged a few kind words. Though despite staying silent, he seemed to have gained quite a number of people trailing behind him. At first he thought it was natural, but they were actually following him. Very few of the faces seemed familiar which was a little worrying. He stretched and put a hand through his messy, burnt orange coloured hair before smiling brightly, though the smile faded a fraction when he swore he saw someone faint. "To those who are following me because you want to get closer to my parents, I am very sorry, but they are no longer taking clients," he told the group. The crowd decreased a fraction. " everyone else, I don't give signatures until the sport season starts."

He shook his head as he slid his classroom door open when those who had tagged along went their own ways, the bright smile still apparent on his face. His eyes glanced around the room so that he could take things in while he let the cool air in the rather empty room tug on his hair and flow through his sky blue t-shirt. 'Well I guess I'm early,' he thought to himself as he sat an empty table.

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:35 pm
by Swix
Paola rested two hands on the railing of the spiral staircase when Lily stopped, turning to look at both Vito and Daisy, tilting her pretty little head the other way. Vitos face had gone bright red, and he appeared to be trying to hide it. Paola was not at all bothered by Lily's clothing, so his reaction was puzzling to her. Daisys expression was far easier to read, with her flattened ears and her tail between her legs-the cat girl was frightened. Paola frowned at them "Whatever is the matter with you two?" she asked genuinely concerned

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:48 pm
by Jodie
Mary looke'd at Paola and said nervously "I'm just Nervous about surviving here" her ears slowley moved back up "I guess it isn't going to be that bad" her tail moved back to normal then she giggled "Like my sister used to say Unless it means meeting a dragon then it's ok through I like dragons my Sister Mary well..." she then sigh'd "Is afrade of Dragons" she looke'd at Vito and try'd not to giggle at his red face

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:08 am
by rosebarks
Lily looked at him as she shook her head. "Like come on" she asid as she started to walk again her eyes catching Lucas' just slightly as she watched the crowd. she was far more observant than anyone acknowledged her being as she smiled leading them to the classroom, they happened to be in Lucas' class as well. "Well this is like the class room. up here is like all English and like a few extra classes like fashions for the girls and like art for who likes to do art class" She told them walking in. "And you like get to choose where you sit and like the teacher is always..she is like never on time!"

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:23 am
by 3kul
"something like wrong Vito?"

"Whatever is the matter with you two?"

"I'm just... cold, that's all." Vito replied, further averting his eyes from Lily. Yes, a drop in temperature often results in an increase in the cutaneous blood flow to decrease a potential loss in body heat, this was an entirely plausible excuse... For a complete moron, that is. It was perfectly fine in here, and the school had a no-doubt flawless temperature moderation system in place. There was no way that anybody with half a brain would actually believe his ridiculous claim, but if he was lucky they might put it down to his unusual physiology. "Let's get to class already."

It wasn't long before they reached the classroom, which was surprisingly unsupervised. "English, fashion and art? I didn't come to the most advanced school in the world to study such trivial things." Vito scoffed, brushing a hand to one side to further emphasize just how pointless he felt these subjects were. Of course, it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter. Even if he did want to study these subjects, as a member of the Serpells family he was expected to focus solely on science, so that when he finished his education he would be well equipped to further expand their corporate empire. All of his electives must be used for subjects with a science base, save for one, which he could choose for himself. That one would allow him to further develop unique aspects of his personality, an important part of any Serpells child's development, as otherwise they would all wind up being far too similar to each other. Even such limited variety in education nurtures new ideas and new ways of thinking that could ultimately prove to be useful to the Serpells family... or could render a child completely useless, or worse, detrimental to them.

It was for this reason that the Serpells family was extraordinarily large in number, Vito being one of countless children, but one of the very few allowed to leave the Serpells' controlled facilities to grow up in external environments. Though the Serpells family viewed the Frost family as corporate rivals in many aspects of their business, they concluded that the Frost school as a facility worthy of their attention. Vito was the guinea pig in this regard; if his education here proved to be beneficial other Serpells children would be allowed to enrol, but if his education proved to be anything less than what the Serpells family hoped for they would move swiftly to end his time here.

"When are we finding out about our curriculum?" Vito asked Lily, figuring that, in the absense of a teacher, if anybody here knew this, she would. "I imagine that this school offers a far broader range of subjects than the typical government institutions, and I'm keen to see everything that it has to offer." He didn't really want to take a seat yet, for he hoped to greet the teacher in person. A personal greeting leaves the best impression, after all.

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:41 am
by Okura
Lucas looked up from his notebook when he heard more people enter the room and he glad to see that it was the group he had been observing earlier. That would make things more interesting.

"English, fashion and art? I didn't come to the most advanced school in the world to study such trivial things."

He coughed quietly to cover up a quiet chuckle when he heard Vito's statement. Of course he found it interesting that an advanced school would teach subjects that could be found anywhere, but it did not bother him. As long as he excelled in whatever he did, he had no pressure from his parents to take scientific and logical based classes and he was rather open to trying anything. Well, almost anything. He decided he would leave learning about fashion to the girls. Besides, even the smartest of people needed to have the ability to read and write.

"I imagine that this school offers a far broader range of subjects than the typical government institutions, and I'm keen to see everything that it has to offer."

He smiled as he finished writing something in his notebook and got to his feet then to walk over to the small group. "I'm glad to see that there is someone here who is enthusiastic to learn," he told Vito as he extended his hand. Of course Lucas had noted on his way to the classroom that the male showed a displeasure to having so many introductions on the way to the classroom, but he hoped that was because he was trying to be punctual. "I'm Lucas Theiskore. It's a pleasure to meet you face to face, Vito Serpells."

Magic Tech High

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:11 am
by rosebarks
"I'm just... cold, that's all."

This made Lily laugh slightly as she heard him say that. "Cold doesn't like make your face turn red. hot a scientific background like yours should tell you that like you now more than that about the like body, honestly..." She stated.

"English, fashion and art? I didn't come to the most advanced school in the world to study such trivial things."

Lily heard the words come out as she let out a gentle laugh. "Like, some of us enjoy the like trivial classes" She told him walking and setting her stuff at the farthest corner in the back of the room. Lily preferred the back corner cause she couldn't be called on...or at least not nearly as much back there.

"When are we finding out about our curriculum? I imagine that this school offers a far broader range of subjects than the typical government institutions, and I'm keen to see everything that it has to offer."

Once more this made Lily look up as she just shook her head. "There are like so many classes it's ridiculous" She said. "Like this is just a small list...and like get our curriculum from the teacher" she said smiling. "Necromancy, Keno class, summoning class, designers class, biology, chemistry, physics, basic science, Alchemy, Magic Economics, Transformations, mystic physics, magi relations ,purification, flight,"

"pyrotech, ninjutsu, band class, forensics, filmography, sorcery class, math, social studies, history, magical creature handling, simulations, construction, foods, dark arts, earth arts, light arts, spirit arts, air arts, fire arts, water arts, metal arts, witch and wizard craft, ritualism, Arcana, Arcana history, Holy magics, Ether-tech, Dragon arts, gym, and archery....there are like a ton more but that's like the small list of what this place has to offer... not to like mention that if you ever need to search for something or use the maps you just need to type on thin air and the computers will pop up...they're everywhere" she said showing an example as she had one pop up in front of her like a screen just an image more than anything but it was a real computer.