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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:22 am
by Jent
"Not socks, mind you. It is what the socks entangled with."

Still blabbering supposed nonsense, Claymolder halts alongside the rodent. He knew this 'thing' had a purpose for leading them here. The clay creations hide uneasily in the shallows, their burning impatience nearly hurting his head. ~I know guys, just wait.~ He transmitted to them. Staring at this humanoid rabbit was torment enough.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:58 pm
by Ketchupface
Bordello was not particularly paying attention to himself - it was a nice spring-esque day. Flowers were blooming and sweet chocolate was in surprising amount. His bees were very pleased. He must have had half the skin on his back disassembled, all as workers just harvesting for the hive.

It was nice. It was pleasant. It was calm.

A giant rabbit stomped by him.

The bees caught wind of it first - a few were crushed. His back was bleeding from a new cut. The surprise brought him back to attention to his body.

He called his bees to return to him - slowly, cautiously, surely, he wanted them to stay safe - and started to tail the rabbit himself, curious as to what in the world might possibly be going on.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 11:33 pm
by Coolpikaaa
Before the Rabbit could "bore the two heroes with an evil plan", it seemed their romp through the town following the monster attracted some of the local civilians. Cp turned away from the rabbit to look at one of them, an oddly loner-ish looking fellow with nasty face scars.

"This place is a little dangerous, friend." He warned, gesturing with his head towards the giant white chocolate monster at the end of the dead end street.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:52 am
by Swix
The giant white chocolate monster grinned at the two heroes as they shied away from entering the dead end, stretching lips back over each side of it's cheeks grotesquely, showing off sharp fangs that certainly didn't belong on a rabbit.

"Why would I tell you it if it's going to bore you so? Sounds like you think you know what's going on already. Why don't you tell me what you've figured out... If anything"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:57 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"You're a bad bunny?" Cp said, immediately unsure why it was trying to lead them with questions. The fact that it wasn't doing anything openly menacing, was probably the most unnerving thing the creature could be doing.

"I don't know what you think we think we know. But I do know that you've tried to hurt people, and we won't stand for it."

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:43 pm
by Swix
"Won't you? You seem to be doing a pretty good job of standing up right now, maybe you should go and lie down?" the chocolate rabbit said, gesturing to the ground just in front of it "That spot looks inviting enough"

The monster dropped the empty basket now full of only broken shells, and used it's now free paw to stroke the two animated chocolate chickens, who were staring menacingly at their pursuers "That's it? That's all you've figured out? What a pity. I had been led to expect more"

"Oh, by the way... what do you know about spiders?"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 8:32 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"You want us to step on that one spot, huh?" Coolpikaaa said, skeptical. "You know there's no way in hell we're going to do that. It's obviously a trap!"

The next bit of dialogue made the electric mouse shiver.

"Spiders? They have lots of eyes... and clicky jaw things... and... they aren't nice."

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 6:16 am
by Swix
"Yep, that's right.... lots of eyes and fangs and they can be unpleasant to some" the rabbit nodded, like they were discussing the weather "but you missed out one very, very important point. I suppose I can't blame you, you don't seem to be very fond of them. Probably try not to think about them. Am I right?"

The white chocolate monster's ears suddenly went flat, and his smile disappeared somewhat rapidly "See the thing about spiders is, they have this uncanny ability of getting into places that you wouldn't expect them to be" he gestured behind them, down the road they'd just taken "my friends over there seem to have gotten bored and wandered off. Well, except for the ones closest to you"

The spiders that were left on each side of the street crawled down the walls whilst they were talking, staring at the group of now three whilst the rabbit talked "Some of them have the most interesting bites, too. I think you should experience that for yourself!"

As if on cue, the spiders nearby them jumped at them, sudden;y gaining bursts of speed to get at the group. The rabbit though didn't move at all, just stood there and watched.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 6:59 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"Where did they go-Aagghh!" Cp screamed in pain as a spider bit him. Terrible creatures, spiders. To be honest, the electric mouse would have given them a chance up until about now, as he had heard some kind words.

But now the arachnids swarmed his body, crawling all over, and biting. Coolpikaaa had enough.

"THAT'S <big>IT&#33;</big>" He yelled at the top of his lungs, his yellow coat flashing for a brief moment before an absolute explosion of electric energy pulsed outward from him. The shock wave spread outward, vaporizing the spiders on his body, and unfortunately likely knocking Claymolder and Boredello over if they had been too close.

"I am DONE with these GAMES&#33;" The electric mouse yelled threateningly. Energy coursed all over his tiny frame, deterring anyone from even thinking of touching him right now.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:50 pm
by Swix
Poor CP, sparking so angrily. The sight of such a display would have been quite pleasing to one.

Pity that, angry as he was, the spiders still managed to bite him. Pity that that outburst only had a short time to come out, for even these chocolate spiders, like all arachnids, carried venom. But these particular spiders venom caused paralysis which the electric mouse should be feeling soon.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 10:23 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"I... am... not feeling..." CP mumbled, dropping suddenly to all fours. Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.

The electric mouse ran his tongue around his mouth, it quickly going dry. Without warning, it quickly froze solid in his mouth. In fact, his whole body soon stiffened as solid as stone, leaving the poor mouse frozen in that pose.

(( D: ))

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 3:29 pm
by Jent
Claymolder couldn't have enough time to either dodge, nor kill all the spiders that bombarded him. Fortunately, his unique nature gave him an advantage. Numerous spiders be at great disappoint or anguish. The grathon's clay armor quickly harden, ensnaring many of the arachnids' appendages in the cracked fissures sporting over his skin. Those (un)lucky to pierce the thinner layers by his neck felt their fangs melt off. Tiny trickles of golden ichor traveled down the puncture wounds for a short while before the clay sealed the openings.

"My, what an assortment of allies you have, mister rabbit. It intrigues me that you command such forces, could there be another lurking in the shadows that us 'heroes' are unaware of?"

His voice, not originating from his mouth due to the lingering effects of the venom, but from the jackalope perched on his shoulder. "As a 'villain,' your motives still remain ambiguous to purpose. However, attacking civilians generally shows an act of malice, in no regards to benevolence to others." Claymolder retorted.

Popping out from alley sides, his snakes crept around his sessile being. Several of the creations fused to the clay shell, forming powerful bulges of fake muscles, all tugging at different points of the body. Now mobile, he swats away remaining pests attacking Coolpikaaa. He then guides the paralyzed rodent behind him, where his clay armor clutches around the enfeebled pokemon.

"Because of this, my mercy will be meager. For you have to deal with me&#33;" The grathon shouted at the anthro-rabbit-thing. Reeling back his hand, he appeared ready to strike at his enemy, only to flip his wrist around. Descending from the rooftop, a giant clay porcupine plummeted down, aimed at the chocolate creature.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 5:45 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"Guiding" wasn't going to work for CP. Instead, at the bare minimum, he was going to have to be picked up and carried. He was still frozen solid, in that exact same pose with the exact same expression, trapped frantically in his mind.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:14 am
by Swix
The white chocolate monster tilted his head at Claymolder, apparently curious to see what he was going to do with his fist, only for him to make some strange downward movement. "Is that supposed to mean something to me-GAH&#33;"

The creature yelped as he was tackled from above by a clay porcupine. The rabbit went down rather easily, the two chickens flying out of the basket he just dropped in apparent panic, and well, his grin seemed to have come back....

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:46 am
by Jent
Disapointed at both the ease at knocking tone rodent down without dificulty, and the other inert at his touch. Now having affixed the Coolpikaaa inside his shell, he lurched forward. "Shame, thought you had better reconnaissance skill than that," the Claymolder remarked.

The grathon was oblivious to the sudden change in the rabbit's attitude. Instead, he stretched a thin tendril of his armor to poke at his opponent.