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The Beginning

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:19 pm
by Swix
(Ana, skies Furnace)

~The mountain it is then. Keep up Shadow~ Furnace sent to the youngling, quite clearly pleased
with her choice of prolonging the Princess torment. He then turned his narrow head towards the small group consisting of Raven, an injured yellow rat and the well dressed man, opened his maw as a mass of black smoke escaped his throat-and unleashed a single fireball in their direction. It was lazily aimed, as it wasn't intended to kill or injure. Just alert them even with the squabble. That and the light briefly emanating from the flames should outline him and the fact he was obviously holding a captive nicely. It'd probably hit the ground somewhere off to the side of them, close enough for them to feel the warmth but not close enough to burn.

Just for good measure, Furnace let out a long roar full of his nasty amusement before he began to set off for the small mountain.
"You asked me what it's like to be a dragon, Mary. So stop being pathetic and open your eyes" he told the Mirthia, though his eyes were now fixed on their destination "See how glorious it is to fly!"

<hr />

(Ana, Fade)

The assassin opened her eyes again-it had been a short meditation, but it would help better than an interrupted one, and besides all that this camp was rapidly becoming a place she no longer wished to be. Calm, collected and cold once again, Fade stood up and brushed herself off. She spared only a brief glance and a slight bow to the armour clad woman that was still standing in the doorway. There wasn't any reason to be rude right now, of course. "Excuse me, Miss". the assassin said to her, then took a step... and was no longer there. It wasn't her usual trick of fading into the background until it looked as though she wasn't there, but something else entirely. Not that that was really something that the woman would know.

(Fade Shadow Realm)

The assassin stood in the shadow realm, looking out at all the different places on this world that she could travel to. Since it was dark, there were quite a few more than usual. If she hadn't gone back to her normal cold self, she'd probably consider it lucky that she still had the Onyx Longsword-it had been with her the entire time, but invisible, as it wasn't an item she wanted broadcast about. What too was even luckier, was the fact that it still worked. She hadn't expected it after the note, but, it seemed it still held it's powers. Now where was that yellow rodent that seemed to want to push her buttons in all the wrong ways... ah, there. On The Sommeliers shoulders, perhaps recovered a little? There was Raven too, sailing past in her rage, looking as though she'd intended to knock one of them out.

(Ana, Fade, behind The Sommelier and CP)

Fade took a step out of the shadow cast by a tree, taking care to at least keep the toe of her other boot in that realm, grabbed hold of Sommeliers arm not holding the bottle aimed at Raven, as well as CPs paw, and pulled them both back through the shadow. She knew of one place they might be able to get CP some help-as she too did not wish for him to die just yet, and he seemed to have been hurt very badly. No, they still had some business to work out.

So, the two of them would very briefly see the shadow realm they were travelling through, for Fade had located the area she believed would be the best area for them to get help-the spot of trees in the forest her ally had nearly set fire to a while ago. This might possibly require a brief explanation, but it was better for them than waiting for the rodent to go slowly.

(Ana, Fade, Psiot Town)

Fade let go of them both once they'd arrived inside Kalshsazakks forest, very slightly tilted her head and regarded the both of them coldly so they could at least get their bearings before she spoke. "My apologies for the rough exit, but it appeared to be the better choice. If there is a healer or doctor in this world so early then the race called Psiots that live here is probably your best option"

She didn't say how she knew of course, but then she was fairly sure one of them would ask questions. In doing this she'd shown more than she wanted to, but at least it was only to two people-and possibly Raven if she noticed who had just snatched them both away.

The Beginning

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:33 pm
by Tav
(Ana, Psiot Town)
"You request a healer?" Came a voice from nowhere. "We see no reason not to assist." There was a flash of light, and a small, violet pikachu hopped out of the bushes, approaching the injured CP and brushing Fade and The Sommelier away. Placing it's hands on his stomach, there was a loud, uncomfortable, and undoubtedly painful creaking noise coming from the poor rodent's ribs.

The Psiot don't have physical forms of their own, instead using 'mirror' versions of others. A psiot has multiple personalities; They were lucky that this was the 'giddy, helpful' Kalshazzak, over the conniving evil one.

And also, the Psiot were used to healing trees, Not bones. Trees couldn't feel pain, while CP was going to be in a lot of it.

The Beginning

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:08 am
by Coolpikaaa
Braced to fight off Raven, CP was not at all prepared to be pulled right off The Sommelier's shoulder by a mystery assailant. Even worse though, was the odd sense that he never exactly hit the ground...

The short trip through the Shadow Realm was over almost as quick as it had begun, leaving the electric rodent with a sense of wonder... and nausea. But now where was he? A forest?

...And Fade was here?

The sudden shift in position hadn't done much for his injuries though, and he had to rethink his earlier plans of greeting the assassin to settle for a polite nod- a thank you for her unexpected, though welcome rescue. He wondered why she had brought them here though. This place seemed far less civilized than before...

And then, it seemed his questions would be answered with the arrival of the strangely coloured doppelganger. It was an interesting person, slightly shorter than himself with that shocking violet color. The sitting CP watched as the other made it's way over, offering help.

If only he had known.

Minutes maybe. Minutes felt like hours of the most horrifying pain ever felt by his body. It was unbelievable. He could feel his bones moving under his skin.

He tried to push the monster away, stumbling back only to fall on the ground, racked with spasms. Cp looked to Fade and the Sommelier. He needed them to end this, to do something. Searching them with his eyes, the poor electric mouse gave a last gasp before losing consciousness...

The Beginning

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:48 pm
by 3kul
The Sommelier suddenly found himself somewhere else entirely, having been pulled out of danger by Fade. After a matter of seconds the journey was over, and he found himself alongside the Blue Lady and the injured Yellow Guardian at some kind of forest. The land of shadows did not agree with the Sommelier, and he stumbled slightly as he emerged from the murky realm, then brought the empty bottle to his mouth. A pale and viscous liquid gushed into the bottle, like water from a tap, only thicker. Somehow not a drop was spilt, it was as though he was simply regurgitating the contents into the bottle like a mother bird feeds her child.

When the bottle was about two thirds full the rushing flow ceased, and the Sommelier removed his lips from the opening and placed a stopper on it. "Surprise, concern and distress... I cannot imagine this being a popular blend." He concluded as he labelled the bottle, thereafter tucking it under his arm. He quickly realized that he had left his bottle of child-like joy behind, with the rancorous Raven. This was a shame, for he should have liked to offer it as a reward to his saviour... Oh well, there was no going back now.

"Do not worry yourself Blue Lady, I would prefer to be dragged through the shadows with you than tangle with the Queen of the Night any day." Though he was conveying gratitude his face remained as expressionless as always, making his show of appreciation a confusing mixture of sincerity and insincerity. "I must offer my own apologies for altering the state of your heart and mind earlier, clearly that was a moment of poor judgement on my behalf." A most grievous one at that, for Fade seemed to be far more knowledgeable about this world than anybody else that he had encountered in his brief search for a doctor/healer.

He watched silently as the purple pikachu appeared, offering it's healing services simply for the sake of doing a good deed, it seems. It sent to work immediately on Coolpikaaa, though the treatment seemed rather intense.

"He seems to be in considerable pain." The Sommelier observed, seeing the Yellow Guardian struggle briefly to resist the healer before losing consciousness. "I do not mean to pry or imply that you are lacking in skill or knowhow, but do you have much experience in healing his kind?"

The Beginning

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:15 pm
by Tav
The psiot tilted his head. "I suppose I do not," It said, watching CP spasming in pain.

Putting a palm on the rodent's forehead, it concentrated. Not towards forcefully twisting the bones into their 'supposed' shape, but instead, giving CP's body the energy and the method into healing itself.

The Beginning

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:59 pm
by Jodie

Shadow Roared with Furnace evan through her roar possibley couldn't be Heard over Furnace's roar,

As she flew she looked back and looked in shock as they Vanished, She was so intrested she forgot about flapping her wings for a second and started to fall but flapped her wings again and flew back up

She then Said in a Shocked Voice
"They vanished, Just Disserperd&#33;" and looked back with a Shocked look on her face at where the group was once was,

Onley the Strange Demon looking Lady was there, She then said in amazement
"Wait is that a demon?, I'v Heard about them but never seen one before"

Her Eyes Sparkled and she Said Exitedley "Disserpering People, Demons, Princesses and no Parents to boss me around, this place is Epic&#33;"

She then did a backflip from Exitment


Mary flintched at the Roars then squeaked
"Um sorry, But I prefer my Eyes shut right now"

But After Hearing what Shadow said her eyes flew open
"What?, Who Disserperd&#33;?" She asked both Scardley and Curiusley

She then looked down then said in Shock
"Woh, how many trees&#33;" as she looked at all of the many trees below her

She then looked at Shadow as Shadow did the Backflip and she couldn't help but to giggle a little at Shadow

The Beginning

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:31 am
by Swix
(Ana, Skies, Furnace)

The dragon grinned a draconic grin to himself, hearing the twos astonishment at seeing the group below disappear before them. "Oh Shadow, I've seen disappearing soft-skins, demons, aliens, Gods, Spirits and all manner of creatures. What a wonderful treat you are in for" the larger dragon said normally to her, before looking down at Mary who'd finally decided to open her eyes and look "Now you see. Excellent"

The dragon half-furled his narrow wings, diving down towards the trees that enthralled Mary so much and snapping them open just before he reached them, the Mirthia in his claws not far from their tops and the dragon laughing. "Not far now, then I'll have to drop you"

<hr />

(Ana, Psiot Town, Fade)

The assassin simply looked at CPs nod to her, and very curtly returned it before she stepped back to let the Psiot through, since he seemed so adamant on waving them away from the yellow rodent. Sommelier removed what appeared to be his own feelings and stored them in the bottle, before speaking himself. Fade listened impassively, quiet, only raising an eyebrow during his apology. Though before she could say anything back, he turned to look at CP who had been struggling with the Psiot before passing out once more, as did the assassin, and spoke to the 'healer'. Fade just got a glimpse of CPs desperate look before he keeled over-but his desperation did not move her. The assassin just stood there and watched as the Psiot amended it's methods.

Now there was an opening for her to speak properly "Sommelier, although your earlier act was... admittedly unpleasant, you may have stopped something far worse from happening by doing so" Fade told him, and stopped short there. There was no need for her to explain any further, as far as she was concerned "Your apology is however appreciated"

Fade then turned to look at CP, to see if he would get up, and reflecting that he was far more bearable to be around when he was quiet

The Beginning

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:53 pm
by Jodie

Mary Screamed as furnace Dived, She then Squeaked "this is a bad day for a Princess"

She Gulped then tryed to grab at the trees in attempt to get free


Shadow's mouth dropped open, she then closed it then said "woh, You get around alot then, I'v once seen a Ghost before, or was that one of those inter-dimesinal light dragons... I have no idea which one it was, Atleast I knew it was somthing"

She then mumbled "I'm always in my nest, or somewhere else underground, or in the volcano... well exept when I sneak out, Then my parents find me and put me into more training, Which makes me want to sneak out more"

She then watched as Furnace Dived and Giggled at Mary, She then said happily "Well, Atleast i may have a VERY long vacation ahead of me"

The Beginning

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:11 am
by 3kul
The Sommelier noted that the strange Pikachu healer had altered it's methods shortly after he'd spoken to it, and that the Yellow Guardian seemed to be in a little less pain... Although that could simply be his mind making him see what he wanted to see. Admittedly The Sommelier was not very knowledgeable when it came to medicine.

The Blue Lady then spoke. "Oh?" The Sommelier replied, raising an eyebrow. As soon as he noticed his behaviour he immediately lowered his eyebrow, pulled a small empty vial from his jacket pocket and spat into it. This time the liquid seemed quite hot as it was steaming, and a bizarre mixture of changing colours. "Apologies, I felt a hint of curiosity at your remark." He scrawled this onto the vial ('hint of curiosity') quickly, then continued. "A considerably more popular blend than the one created moments before it." He explained, indicating to the bottle held firmly underneath his arm. "I can't say that I approve but I hear that it is often slipped into drinks at business meetings or during courtings, to entice one party to indulge the other for just a moment longer than they otherwise would. It is a weak mixture, and lasts no longer than a minute, but that is more than enough for some people."

He thought for a moment, then handed the vial containing the odd liquid to Fade. "Consider it a gift, since you inspired it's creation. Legends tell of your skills with poisons, so I am confident that you will find a good use for it."

The Beginning

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:10 pm
by Swix
Fade took the vial that was handed to her by The Sommelier, and held it up to her eyes to get a better look at the hot, colourful liquid. Yes, she could certainly find a use for such a thing. The assassin put the vial in one of her inside jacket pockets and very slightly bowed to the well dressed man. "My thanks for the gift" she said, voice devoid of emotion "I am certain it will come in useful"

Fade glanced over at the yellow rodent and the healer to see how they were doing, before turning her head back to The Sommelier. She had an expression of, not curiousity, but more interest for information. "If you do not mind sharing this with me-how long was I gone from Blackstar? It has been a mere day here"

Oddly enough, the assassin had come across dimensions that were not only different in their places but different in the way time moved as well. Something sie was fairly sure that the gentleman would have no trouble picking up.

Being a legend was one thing, but having legends told of your skills was quite another.

((I think I need to go find something useful to give you now 3kul XD))

<hr />

Furnace actually managed to notice Mary making a grab for the tree branches despite his great elation at her scream and his dive, and jerked his hand back from them, curling his lips back in a full-blown snarl. "What are you doing, you're going to tear your own arms off&#33; Of course if you want to die, I'd be more than happy to help you along, soft-skin"
Honestly, he couldn't and wouldn't care less if she managed to grab hold of a branch long enough for her to get loose from his grip. However at the speed they were going it would topple him too-and they were minutes away from the landing spot in the mountain.

The Beginning

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:38 am
by Jodie

Mary Grabbed at a branch as she was pulled back and the branch snapped, Mary froze then Cryed


She then gulped then squeaked

"I rather prefer to be very much alive, And what I'm doing is um... Trying to Escape..."

She then mumbled quietley to herself whilst looking at the Branch in her hand

"If onley I could turn this branch into a sword..."


Shadow Giggled at Mary, She then wonderd if there ever was a princess that fighted back against a Dragon, She giggled at the Thaught

She then looked up at the Strange Blue Planet above her then giggled

"I wonder if a Dragon has ever tryed to fly to another Planet?"

She then Sighed "Sadley, I don't think Black Dragons are built for Inter-Planatery Traveling..."

She continued to watch the Strange Blue Planet curiusley then Sighed

"I wish I stayed at home for atleast another 9 or 10 years so I could Learn how to Teliport and some other Magic Skills needed for Suvival" She then Mumbled

"But now I'm here, I guess I'll just Learn By Scratch, Through it is said those who are raised in the wild take on the blue fire, Through... It's Just a Myth... a cool one at that..."

She then Sighed then turned her attention to the mountion

The Beginning

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:50 pm
by Swix
Furnace laughed cruelly at Mary's ouburst. He couldn't help it, he just found it so funny that she thought this was all centred around her being a Princess. Still laughing, he landed on a ledge jutting out of the side of the small mountain, his diamond hard claws scratching grooves in the rock where his feet landed, due to his weight. The dragon simply opened his forefoot to let Mary drop onto it, then turned to the wall. This would do for the time being-it just needed a cave. So the beast set about pulling off great chunks of the mountaim and hurling them over the side.

"Black Dragon huh? You and I appear to almost be kin-close but different. My kindred are called Dark Fire Dragons-but they are not here either, just like your family, Shadow"

Furnace spoke to the youngling whilst he worked, before pausing to throw a particularly large chunk down the mountain "I can teach you to dig well, use your flames well and fight, but my kin don't use magic like that. So, what's this blue fire you were talking about?"

The Beginning

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:09 pm
by Jodie

Mary Gulped when Furnace Laughed then Squeaked as she was Dropped, She then looked at the Groove Marks on the Ground then Gulped,

She then watched as Furnace was making a Cave and Listend curiusley at what Shadow and Furnace where saying


Shadow Giggled then Landed then said "I think your Spicies name is Cooler than my Spicies name"

She then Sighed "Well, I was Hoping for a Vacation but I guess More training can't Hurt"

She Looked in Disbelife at Furnace then said quite Shocked "You don't know about Blue fire&#33;?", Shadow then said More calmley "Blue fire is said to be the hottest fire a Black Dragon can Make"

Shadow then kicked a pebble then said "My Parents Think I'm capable of Making blue fire because I can breath the hottest Fire out of all of my Brothers and Sisters, So I'm the One who gets Trained the most"

Shadow then Sighed "I onley got my fire to Flicker blue once for 1 or 2 seconds, but never managed to do it again..."

The Beginning

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:42 pm
by Swix
Furnace snorted, tiny flames flickering out of his nostrils as he did so, whilst he threw more rocks over the side. The hole was actually starting to look more like a cave now, if rather jagged. "Why would I know of something specific to your kind? Did you know that my kind rarely births Seers? Or ShapeShifters? I doubt it" The dragon told the younger one, then turned to inspect the cave he'd just torn out. With a twisted look on his face, Furnace took a deep breath, opened his narrow jaw, and sent a stream of white hot flame at the cave walls and floor, until the very rock started to melt.
~Shadow~ he said through his telepathy, since he couldn't speak ~is your flame hot enough to do this?~

The Beginning

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:24 pm
by Jodie

"Why would I know of something specific to your kind? Did you know that my kind rarely births Seers? Or ShapeShifters? I doubt it"

Shadow tilted her head then sighed "sorry, I'v never realy met a Dragon of another spicies before..."

She then said "Some Black dragons can Shapeshift, But only from a spell, and some can Merge their souls with others, Usraly the ones who call them selfs the 'Light' Dragons make them with Surface dwellers"

~is your flame hot enough to do this?~

Shadow giggled telepathy ~Yes, I remember my fire training from my parents and my training was originarily Melting Rocks, it was fun the first couple of times then started getting boring...~


Mary gulped as she watched, She was intresed in what they where saying

She then squeaked "that looks like a very hot fire..."

She then Broke a twig of the branch she was still holding and started writing on the ground and written a big


Then sighed "i'm doomed..."