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Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:34 am
by Swix
It's the big Pagan Pride Festival in Nottinghams Arboretum today. Should be fun ^_^

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:38 am
by MDude
Well this is rather interesting. Wondering how Gameware was doing, I looked up some news on it through Bing, expecting either nothing or maybe something a little nice like a way to use play Creebies without one of those newfangled smartphones (Honestly, when I'm done with this older model Nokia I'll make sure to an N-Series!). What I found was not one, but two articles claiming a Creatures 4 was in the works. Interesting that something like this comes out right as I've finished reading Creation: Life and How to Make it. I don't know if they're a bit nervous about Steve beating them to the punch with Grandoids, but I am a bit, as I've been sitting on an idea for handling dominant and recessive traits in diploid genetics for far too long. So I might as well describe it now:

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>The basic idea I have for dominance/recessiveness in non-haploid genes is each genetic string has two major control flow points: Sites where transcription is initiated and conditional halts that cause the transcriber to detach at that point depending on the presence or absence of a specific chemical. Here, the gene that lacks the halt acts dominantly because the protein it codes for will be transcribes either way. But if this protein is the right chemical for activating the halt condition of another gene, then production of the second protein will be a recessive trait. [/quote]

There, that's much better. Anyway, I'm going to try to play Spiral Knights a bit more, among other things.

Edit: Oh, it looks like I wasn't the first person to notice this. Seems interesting. At first I wasn't sure about the new norn's head design, but then I realized it was a reasonable adaptation to constantly hitting your head against a wall.

Edit2: Also, at 11:30pm you are a liar or not the question is we are trying to strafe jump to run.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:04 am
by Tav
I'd found out about the whole creatures 4 thing a few months ago, back in may I think? But I never thought to actually mention it. D:

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:16 am
by Borg12345
As excited to see Creatures 4 as I am, I REALLY don't like that new norn design. I don't know, it just seems wrong. It does't feel like a norn, it looks like a knock off norn. I can't quite put my finger on it, I just don't like it. :(

The scenery on the other hand looks neat. In some ways I'd prefer a slightly less cartoony look, but it works and looks good still.

But that norn. In my mind, it's just... no. Maybe it's because I was introduced to the series at C3, and it's nostalgia kicking in, but it seems too different. There's improving a design, and then there's change for the sake of change.

EDIT: It's free to play. That worries me. As insane as that might sound, let me explain.

Free to play games still need to make money, and in this case it'll likely be in the form of DLC. SO why in the world would they allow 3rd party development? Why would they allow outside people cutting into their profits by making free content, just like in the previous games? "But Borg, you crazy person you, Gameware sold the norn packs and allowed 3rd party content&#33;" you might cry. Apart from the fact that you could do that before they got a hold of the game anyway, this was in a time before games companies began trying as hard as possible to rake in as much money as possible. In a world where companies are terrified of doing anything different for fear of loosing money, so all we get are sequels are remakes, I'm fully expecting that there will be no modding of this game, since they'll rely on DLC to make money.

I hope I'm wrong. I really, desperately do. But I've not got my hopes of this game giving it's players the freedom of past games. Modable games are getting rarer and rarer, and there's a reason for that.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:01 pm
by Swix
What Borg said pretty much echoes my feelings about C4 ^_^

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:18 pm
by MDude
I'm concerned about that as well. There really don't seem to be many other ways of making money, though I hope they don't just restrict making objects entirely. In existing Creatures games, there's a finite number of slots for making objects in, and they might charge for official registration or something, but that hardly even makes sense unless there's a separate namespace for prototyping objects in, and you'd be able to get around any limit on the number of them by using an object that emulates the existence of other objects through scripting. I'm thinking something they could do that actually adds to the game would be to make a transfer system like Docking Station, and have any officially approved object be transferable between worlds like norns are. It wouldn't really block anything we'd have otherwise, since there's no way we were getting object transfer like that without screening for content anyway.

Another thing is that playing Creatures 3 with more than a dozen or so creatures can still be rather resource-intensive, so maybe they'll rent out server space for computing norn behavior faster? Or maybe they'll make a bioenergy system like in C3 and sell that. :&#124;

As for the way the norns look, I think it's just the predominant art style of the day. Or specifically, it's the style I find to have an odd association with most websites that really like using Wordpress for some reason, and that's exactly what they have for a blog. So I'm going to mostly blame Wordpress for the new norn look. Looking at their other games, none of them really seem to have a particularly distinctive look to them, but they're alright. It's more odd that most of them can't be played except on WiiWare or itunes. I think I'll have to see how the norns looks in profile before I decide what I think of them, since that's how you see them for most of the game.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:45 pm
by Borg12345
Wordpress, ruining our Creatures&#33; XD

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:26 pm
by MDude
"If x is a positive integer that is equal to the love you make an insider word with someone than next thing everyone says is so good but so loud that it makes one unselfish and unselfish."

"If y is a function of y but not x class z."

"If x and y are positive integers what is the value of a dollar over time? http"

That Google Chat Bot is making some pretty crazy stuff right now.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:35 pm
by Borg12345
Valve are doing Counter Strike 3. Good for them. Two tiny little problems with it though. They need to change Counter to Half and Strike to Life.

But hey, at least Valve can count higher than three&#33;

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:13 pm
by Swix
Just found this on another forum, and I thought it had to be shared :D.

Top ten myths about
Myth #1 – Introverts don’t
like to talk.
This is not true. Introverts
just don’t talk unless they
have something to say.
They hate small talk. Get
an introvert talking about
something they are
interested in, and they
won’t shut up for days.
Myth #2 – Introverts are
Shyness has nothing to do
with being an Introvert.
Introverts are not
necessarily afraid of
people. What they need is
a reason to interact. They
don’t interact for the sake
of interacting. If you want
to talk to an Introvert, just
start talking. Don’t worry
about being polite.
Myth #3 – Introverts are
Introverts often don’t see
a reason for beating
around the bush with
social pleasantries. They
want everyone to just be
real and honest.
Unfortunately, this is not
acceptable in most
settings, so Introverts can
feel a lot of pressure to fit
in, which they find
Myth #4 – Introverts don’t
like people.
On the contrary,
Introverts intensely value
the few friends they have.
They can count their close
friends on one hand. If
you are lucky enough for
an introvert to consider
you a friend, you probably
have a loyal ally for life.
Once you have earned
their respect as being a
person of substance,
you’re in.
Myth #5 – Introverts don’t
like to go out in public.
Nonsense. Introverts just
don’t like to go out in
public FOR AS LONG.
They also like to avoid the
complications that are
involved in public
activities. They take in
data and experiences very
quickly, and as a result,
don’t need to be there for
long to “get it.†They’re
ready to go home,
recharge, and process it
all. In fact, recharging is
absolutely crucial for
Myth #6 – Introverts
always want to be alone.
Introverts are perfectly
comfortable with their
own thoughts. They think
a lot. They daydream.
They like to have
problems to work on,
puzzles to solve. But they
can also get incredibly
lonely if they don’t have
anyone to share their
discoveries with. They
crave an authentic and
sincere connection with
ONE PERSON at a time.
Myth #7 – Introverts are
Introverts are often
individualists. They don’t
follow the crowd. They’d
prefer to be valued for
their novel ways of living.
They think for themselves
and because of that, they
often challenge the norm.
They don’t make most
decisions based on what is
popular or trendy.
Myth #8 – Introverts are
aloof nerds.
Introverts are people who
primarily look inward,
paying close attention to
their thoughts and
emotions. It’s not that
they are incapable of
paying attention to what
is going on around them,
it’s just that their inner
world is much more
stimulating and rewarding
to them.
Myth #9 – Introverts don’t
know how to relax and
have fun.
Introverts typically relax at
home or in nature, not in
busy public places.
Introverts are not thrill
seekers and adrenaline
junkies. If there is too
much talking and noise
going on, they shut down.
Their brains are too
sensitive to the
neurotransmitter called
Dopamine. Introverts and
Extroverts have different
dominant neuro-
pathways. Just look it up.
Myth #10 – Introverts can
fix themselves and
become Extroverts.
Introverts cannot “fix
themselves†and deserve
respect for their natural
temperament and
contributions to the
human race. In fact, one
study (Silverman, 1986)
showed that the
percentage of Introverts
increases with IQ.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:25 pm
by Borg12345
I did some packing today. It involved an axe, some fire, and chucking things into a skip at great hight.

I love my families idea of packing&#33; :D

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:22 am
by MDude

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:51 pm
by Swix
That's the most cheery song I thnk I've ever heard about a people eating monster O_o

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:26 am
by MDude
Woops, looks like I forgot I had the Pax chat window open.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:30 am
by Coolpikaaa
Oh hai guys&#33;