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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:09 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"Uhm..." CP mumbled, apparently lost in thought over something the chocolate rabbit had said. When Claymolder finally snapped him out of it, he looked at their future ride with skepticism. The creature was absolutely covered in spikes... and didn't seem at all capable of supporting Claymolder, the rabbit, and him.

"Suure..." The electric mouse said, sizing up the jump before leaping directly onto Claymolder's shoulder. Not having to navigate spikes was better than being skewered the whole ride.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:09 pm
by Swix
"Pffft " the rabbit harrumphed as he was tightly bound to the back of Kemosabe, apparently not feeling uncomfortable at all. He was also not breathing, which would become apparent to Claymolder's snakes. "All you need to do is follow the spiders. Pretty sure you don't need me to do that"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:22 pm
by Jent
"If it comes to it, I may needs some collateral," Claymolder snarled at the rabbit, clearly not washed off his burning temper. Throttling the antlers, the robot neighed a baby-ish scream before charging ahead. Agile in its pace, the group raced off to the trail of the spiders.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:28 pm
by Swix
After Claymolder's talk of collateral the rabbit started laughing hysterically, and the spiders they were following just kept going, off into the wilderness towards the Estre Bunnies master and the kidnapped townsfolk.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:05 pm
by Jent
Claymolder observed the spiders journey into the forest. The surviving jackalopes from the rodent's electrical ambush promptly dived at the larger automaton, their bodies dissolving away, focusing all of the creator's mobile units as one piece. "So, Coolpikaaa, are you going to be ready for this?"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:58 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"I suppose we don't know exactly what it is we have to be ready for." Cp said plainly. "But if you're asking if my paralysis is completely gone... it seems to be. As long as we don't bug anymore of those spiders.

The trekked deeper on the path into the wilds.

"Weird day, huh?"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:27 pm
by Swix
Before Claymolder could answer CP, they'd come across an area that had been flattened by something very large, the trees uprooted by something that had pulled them out of the ground. They'd also find a seven foot tall bird letting the spiders pass it but glaring at them.

The Bird was sky blue, but it's feathers were made out of clouds, and at seeing them it shrieked, opened it's magnificent wings and flapped in their direction, sending a gale force wind at them

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:05 am
by Jent
"Weird day, huh?"

Absorbed at the scenery, or lack there of, the grathon observed the strange area. Trees uprooted, hills steamed to a mere plains; all of which gave off an unnatural vibe. Quite a development, indeed. This perplexing titillation numbed his visual perception, only the painful shrieking overcame the aura.

Kemosabe responded harshly to the shared sensation. Spirits heightened, the automaton's programmed action turned against it, where a once galloping machine skidded in reverse of the path.

"Fasten your feet!" Claymolder barked to his growling steed. Commanded, its legs submerged down in the soil, numerous branching tendrils ingrained themselves to the substrate. Aware of the success, he briefly checked on Coolpikaaa's whereabouts, then responded. "Adamant avian, stand aside! We do not have time to squander our time with meaningless quarry."

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:58 pm
by Coolpikaaa
Cp clung as best he could to Claymolder as the colorful bird screeched and whipped up a whirlwind. The electric mouse didn't know what this thing was... he hadn't seem a bird of this color and skillset before.

"Knock it off, Bird!" He yelled, sparking. He didn't want to have to zap the thing, but if it wasn't going to stop he didn't see much of a choice.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:02 pm
by Swix
The 'adamant avian' tilted it's head to better examine the intruding pair, it's sky blue eyes narrowing at being called 'meaningless quarry'. The creature took off, but before it left them completely it whipped up an actual tornado, flying around in quick circles as it stirred up the air.

The Bird flew off in the same direction as the spiders, and it's present made it's way over to the group.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:16 am
by Jent
"Hold your breath."

Thrusting his arms into the back of robot, the porcupine's passengers soon fell stricken to its adaptable skin. This enchanted material swashed over them while Kemosabe submerged deeper into the soil. Only the grathon could perceive anything underneath the mesh of clay and rock. Charge.

One with the earth, Claymolder sailed the dusty waters, slamming through the tornado head-on. He leaned further as the powerful winds heaved at its hide, narrowly parting the terrible tempest, bar a few pieces of the armor. Enduring the trial, they carried on with the trail.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:15 am
by Coolpikaaa
Rather than surrender, the bright blue bird began to spin, faster and faster as it rose into the sky.

"Oh... da-" CP said before the wind was quite literally pulled out of him. The initial pressure threw him right off the Claymolder's shoulder and into the trunk of a strong, formidable tree. The heroic mouse almost lost consciousness right then and there, but unluckily for him, he held on long enough to be lifted into the sky.

The electric mouse wasn't big in any regard, and the strength of a full fledged tornado easily carried him into the air above the woods. He sailed around and around in the whirlwind, flapping his arms as if imitating a bird might actually allow him to fly out of this mess.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:51 pm
by Swix
The bird shrieked once again, far enough away from the group not to have seen CP get carried off in the wind, and where it was in the air suddenly turned into a falling cloud of dust glittering as it descended.

The tornado holding the mouse would disappear at about the same time...

Ahead of Claymolder and Kemosabe, above ground, the spiders were busy putting the townsfolk into tubes attached to sophisticated machinery, that would keep them in an unconscious state.
There were wide and high walls around this area, but no roof, and overseeing it all was a creature that stood about six feet tall wearing a light grey cloak.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:57 am
by Coolpikaaa
Cp continued to flap his arms, though at this point it was clear it wasn't effective. The tiny electric mouse was thrown over the treetops far ahead of Claymolder.

He braced for impact, covering his face with his arms. Crashing through the treetops was only slightly better than impacting the tree trunk earlier. Cp rolled end over end on the ground several times before finally stopping when he impacted the base of the wall.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:20 am
by Jent
Claymolder detached from the steed when it came to a stop. Testing out the sturdiness of his armor, he surveyed the scene ahead. Much like a horror movie, hoards of chambers scattered throughout the complex, with all the villagers pacified for some scheme concocted by the grey figure. "By Gaia... " Snapping his fingers, the captured pawn's head emerged from the bulging tail.

"Well Cp, how-?"

The grathon watched the Pikachu crashed into the stone wall. "Oh, there you are," he said in his now human form. "Nice for you to stop by; however, we need to get serious now." Glancing at the annoying rabbit, his attention recast itself to the supposed leader on the wall, eyes glowing once again.