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Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:24 am
by Coolpikaaa

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:21 pm
by Swix
Could've swore I just saw someone in a white u-shirt sitting in the front of a stationary car- which turned out to be empty

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:08 pm
by Borg12345

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:26 am
by MDude
Minecraft 1.8 is out, though I haven't tried out any of the new stuff yet aside from messing around in creative mode for a minute.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:43 am
by Tav
The only real new thing in 1.8 that's notable is that the biomes are differently generated, and there are new 'artificial' biomes. It makes the world seem much more like the aftermath of some sort of medieval world that was soon. . apocalypsed? Apocalized?

Plus endermen. They're creepy when you don't notice them until the last second, when they're just . . .staring at you.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:36 pm
by Borg12345
Bluuuurgh, I've been given a blessing from Grandfather Nurgle. It sucks. :P

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:24 pm
by Swix
Who's Granfather Nurgle?

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:45 pm
by Borg12345
Chaos god of disease and pestilence, from the Warhamer universe (either Fantasy or 40K, though they were once the same thing). He's actually a rather caring god, it's just his blessings are in the form of lovely diseases and mutations. And by lovely I mean disgusting and painful beyond imagining.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:34 pm
by Tav
Isn't he also the patron chaos god of despair?

Were I a chaos cultist, I'd go for either Tzeentch or Chaos Undivided, personally.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:18 pm
by Borg12345
Everyone knows Slaanesh has the best parties. XD

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:11 pm
by Tav
I find Slaanesh incredibly creepy, actually.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:21 pm
by Borg12345
Well you have to be careful if he offers you a drink...

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:24 pm
by Swix

Who are these, err, people? XD (Seriously, I'm curious ^_^)

Grandfather Nurgle sounds odd XD

*Suddenly feels the need to run to her Daedra Mephalas secret shrine, since everyone's talking about gods they follow in games*

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:04 pm
by Borg12345

All the information you'll ever need to know about the Warhammer universe, both 40K and Fantasy. It's actually pretty good, Games Workshop put a lot of effort into their fluff.

Unless they decide to take stuff out. You don't talk about Squats (Space Dwaves).


Anyway, in a nutshell there are Currently four Chaos gods, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh. Khorne is the blood god who sits upon a throne of skulls. Bloodthristy Warriors follow this god, destroying all in his name. Tzeentch is the god of change, he manipulates the universe in a great, unfathomably complicated plan. This plan may not actually go anywhere in particular, he just manipulates the materium because he can. Nurgle, or often Grandfather Nurgle is, as I have said, the god of disease, pestilance and mutation (though whilst all the gods mutate their followers, Nurgle is particularly fond of this one). He is actually a benevolant god, and sees his followers as his children, but his blessings are terrible sicknesses and mutations. Those that do survive them however, most notably the Plauge Marines, come out far tougher than before. They are the true embodiment of "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger". Finally there is Slaanesh, the god of lust, pleasure, and general decadence. Created after the Eldar, powerful psychic beings that they are, became debauched enough that they created him (after which they became the paragon of discipline... well not the Dark Eldar). Followers of Slaanesh will experience the world like no other, their senses heightened to amazing levels. It is also their curse, as they must seek out stronger, more powerful stimulants to slake their thirst for sensual experience, driving them to commit heinous acts in the name of their god.

There was also Malal (or Malice), the true embodiment of chaos and anarchy. He was known as the Renegade God, for his purpose was to destroy the other gods. His power would only grow however as the other gods power would, meaning he would turn their daemons against them. He had little in the way of followers for those that did became unimaginably powerful, but often died extremely quickly, either in brutal battles or just from the sheer power bestowed upon them. But he popped out of existence too, just like the Squats.

Oh, THIS again.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:59 pm
by Tav
Also notable:

Tzeentch is Hope, Slaanesh is Desire, Khorne is Passion(From my perception, anyway), and Nurgle is Rebirth.

Even though they're all jerks that mutate you, they derive their power from living beings' emotions.