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Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:54 pm
by Swix
The twitching goop near Markus stopped twitching, but only for a minute. The oily liquid pulled it's unaffected pieces away from the bullets that the mercenary had shot her with, and slithered away from it. It now sat between the man and The Encampment, and flattened itself on the floor until it looked like a black stream, or marker between him and civilisation.

The Collector didn't know who'd shot her or with what, but she wasn't going to let anyone that she'd had a grip on get away. Even if the mercenary wanted out of this, C wouldn't allow it. He could try and go back, take his chances with the 'stream' alone, or he could go after the group he'd seen fit to straggle behind. Personally, the entity preferred the former.

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:21 am
by Coolpikaaa
Coolpikaaa was sent rolling feet over head when Raven kicked him, eventually coming to a stop on his bottom facing her. Okay, so he wouldn't bring up the things she said while under the influence of madness. He would... keep that in mind for next time.

"Ugh, Ray, what the heck?!" He moaned, holding his bruised side. "It was a joke, and on your favorite subject too!"

The electric mouse eventually managed to stagger to his feet and shoot her the dirtiest look. Swix too, because she practically looked like she was going to burst into the giggles any second.

"Oh, nothing. Raven was just spreading some of her love..." Cp stated, hurt when Laxus arrived.

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:30 am
by Raven
"Wonderful" Raven cheerily said at Swix's answers. Though she sounded pleased, she was anything but. How the hell were they going to do this? Ugh. She'd figure something out. If Raven could use ice, she'd try freezing the goo... but she had a feeling it wouldn't work for very long if at all.

"For now, my home will probably be safe. We'll be there in a minute or so." Raven replied, marching along her invisible path. She hoped to christ she could think of something to separate the Collector and Swix. No offense to her, but she didn't think having her stuck in her house for the rest of her life would be fun. Oh well, she'd think of something.

Then suddenly, Laxus zoomed off.

"What the-" Raven spun, looking for him. "Alright, I KNOW he can't fly like that." When her eyes met nothing around them, she shrugged. "I'm sure he'll be fine. Anyone see what happened?" She asked, wondering if he'd gained some kind of new ability. She doubted it though.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

"Oh hi! I'm Laxu-" As Laxus began to reply to Swix, he was grabbed from behind by a mechanical... thing. With a shout, he was suddenly pulled backwards from whence the robot-thing came. "What the hell?!" He shouted, words being lost as the air whipped passed him. His sword, still in his hands, threatened to tear lose. Instead he swung it in an attempt to hit whatever was pulling him.

"This really isn't my day!"

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:47 pm
by Swix
Swix spared a wink at the electric mouse for CP's dirty look, it was an oddly... lighthearted gesture for the woman but she could spare lowering her defences on occasion, before she turned back to the demon hunter. Laxus greeted her in such an upbeat way that she wondered if he even understood what was going on here-or at least, he began to greet her before something round and metalicl, with glowing blue lights zoomed up behind him and apparently decided he'd be better off going the other way.

"HEY!" Swix yelled, as surprised at the flying performance as she was at Ravens spin, that sent her stumbling around the Demoness. The only reason she didn't fall flat on her face was because she instinctively gripped Ravens linked arm.

Then he wasn't there anymore.

"Uhh" she said, in answer to Ravens question when she'd regained her balance "it looked like he just got dragged off by a flying grey and blue disco ball"

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:24 pm
by Borg12345
Markus stopped in his tracks as the wall of darkness stood between him and the rest of the encampment. Well that plan was definitely out of the window, he had no choice but to turn back. Well he could shoot the collector again, however his not being dead suggested that she wasn't aware that he'd shot her in the first place and he intended to keep it that way.

"Right." He said, in a monotone totally inappropriate for the situation. "Other way it is."

Then Markus heard the electric whine again.



The mechanical spider few through the air, dutifully delivering Laxus to the mortal in the hat. It's simple robot mind cared not for the reason, nor could even comprehend it, but The Faceless Lady had ordered the delivery and that was enough.



Before long it had arrived before Markus, who at this point was swifty marching back towards the group, and dropped Laxus at his feet. A strange amalgamation of female voices barked through the spider at this point.


With that, the spider let out one last chirp, and flew away. Markus could only stand there, dumbfounded. He thought for a moment, and then spoke.

"Well. Um, yea. Wanted to talk to you. Sorry I guess, dragon trying to break my ribs and a god like being possibly after my head... bit distracting."

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:06 pm
by Coolpikaaa
Cp wheeled when Swix shouted, trying to catch a glimpse of what had happened. His short frame didn't help much in this regard, and by the time he got around the two towering ladies, Laxus had completely vanished.

"Wha-? I didn't see anything!"

Despite the disappointment, he had still managed to catch Swix's wink, cheering up intensely. Displays as such were oh so rare from the lady, and sharing a moment with his best friend almost made some of the day salvageable.

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:43 am
by Raven
"Really? I thought it looked rather bug-like." Raven mused to Swix, before apologizing for spinning her. "Anyway," she began, looking bemusedly off in the direction Laxus had flown. "We're almost there. About five minutes at most."

The vegetation around them was slowly bursting into colour, with rare flowers and plants springing up in usual places. Raven had rather varied needs for her experiments, so with a little magic she could grow a lot of things not normally able to cultivate in such a climate. However she may have gone... a little over board. They passed everything from gigantic orange lillies with sweeping leaves to tiny little forget-me-not's littered across the ground. Even the trees became slightly different. The normal greens of the area's strain was replaces with reds, yellows, even a blue. The exotic trees cast strange lights as they approached the beginning of a cobblestone path, ridden with moss.

The vegetation grew both more clustered and more organized as they walked along the path, and after about five more minutes of walking the little group would begin to see a stone house, ivy bursting with white flowers grew in abundance on the walls. A wrought iron gate attached to a low, stone wall led to a garden just as colourful as the surrounding forest, but laid out in patters - each section to different types of potions or poisons. The cobblestone path led up to a red door, standing out in stark contrast to the green and dark grey of the house. If one looked up one could see a balcony to the left side of the house, also seemingly littered with plants. Large windows adored both floors and the chimney let out a steady stream of smoke.

When CP or Swix pass through previously mentioned gate, they would feel cold breeze going over their body. Raven's wards would slide over them, allowing them entrance to her sanctuary.

--- --- --- --- --- --- ---

"AHHHHHHHH!" Laxus yelled the entire way, the speed whipping at his hair. Forestry sped by him, bugs flew past him - a few going into his mouth. He did his best to spit them out, but at the speed he was travelling... well that didn't work out so great for him.

This was NOT an experience he wished to repeat!

When unceremoniously dumped on the ground, Laxus almost clung to it. Ground had never been so wonderful. Solid ground! He needed a moment to catch his breath - and unscramble thoughts. What the HELL just happened?

Hey, that might be a good place to start.

"That's fine, no problem about that. What, however, the HELL was that?!" Laxus exclaimed, pushing himself up off the ground. He swayed slightly, feeling rather dizzy after the experience. He reordered his thoughts. He was walking in the forest, something grabbed him, then flew him at RIDICULOUS SPEEDS through a FOREST to this guy here, Markus.

Apparently he wasn't going to have to put up with the demoness after all. Awesome. Best news he'd heard all day. Well as long as this guy wasn't worse, but he doubted that.

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:12 am
by Borg12345
"From what I was told, that thing was some sort of servant robot, a creation by one of our-" Markus paused for a second. "...hopefully friends."

Markus glanced behind him, ever wary of the darkness that may or may not be following.

"Of course it's the really tiny ones you want to watch out for. They'll swarm and devour you. I saw some beast picked clean in about 5 seconds the first time I encountered them."

Markus looked around again, this time trying to see if he could catch a glimpse of any of the machines. He wasn't sure he could trust them still, but on one hand the Collector had tried to throttle him, the machine had let him blow her brains out, if only temporarily at least.

And then there was the issue of Laxus. It seemed he was to work with this Laxus and he didn't like partners. Partners got killed. But at least it was another pair of eyes, another head... another target.

"Right, well first things first. You DO NOT know that I shot the collector, okay? If she knew I'd likely be dead by now, but I'm not and I'd like to keep it that way. Second of all, there's every chance she'd following us right now. If I'm right though, she's going off where I'm walking, not the others. This leads into our first job of the day."

Markus' stomach turned slightly. He felt like he'd just signed onto a suicide mission.

"We're gonna re-direct her, if we can. Try to make her run into a different machine, a renegade machine. With any luck it's still holed up in the last place I met it. Of course if you want out you're more than welcome to try, but I have a feeling you're going to be dragged back in I'm afraid. "He finished, with a genuinely sorry tone in his voice.

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:23 pm
by Swix
"I guess it could've been bug like, I didn't get all that much of a good look at it" Swix said, squinting in the direction Laxus had started flying off in before she'd lost sight of the demon hunter. She waved her free hand at Raven when the Demoness apologised to her. It was fine, really... but only because Raven had been the one to spin her around like that. Anyone else might have ended up with an injury.

The Split humanoid marvelled at the vast array of vegetation Raven had growing around her home. She wished she knew how to get plants that clearly weren't supposed to be around to flourish like this. It would have saved her a lot of work.

"Wow" she said, when they got to see the full extent of Ravens residence "your house is really ornate Raven". She complimented the Demoness, clearly impressed. There was nothing at all like this where she came from.

Swix felt a tug from where she'd stopped to admire the view, and continued walking forwards with a heavier step than before.

Odd, why was she suddenly finding the act of walking so strenuous? Another step, and another, and the pressure on her to stop moving increased the closer she got to the wrought iron gates.

About to move through the gate and the will to keep going forwards had almost fled.

The woman looked at the floor and then up at Ravens sanctuary. Her right eye had gone completely black and the right side of her face had been forced into a twisted grin.

"Such a lovely home" she said in the Collectors voice, and then Swix made such an effort to step forwards that she thought she'd collapse when it was over.

C's presence receded just before the woman stepped through the gate to Ravens garden, she fell to her knees when the wards slid over her and shivered as she panted on the ground. She felt exhausted-what had that been all about? She'd never been possessed like that before...

"Need... to... hurry" she gasped, before pushing herself up again. Whatever the mercenary had done was wearing off, big time.

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:56 pm
by Swix
Markus did well to look around, because the black mess that had made him turn and start marching back was following him. The goop had pulled itself together, it was now too wide to step over. However though he could see the ends, the oily liquid would move with him, continually barring the way to the settlement.

It didn't do much else though, just sat there and bubbled on the ground.

Watching them both.


Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:00 pm
by Borg12345
((OOC: Could you please clarify how close it is, that'll change my actions when the time comes))

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:02 pm
by Swix
((Sure! I'd say it's about six feet away from you))

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:43 pm
by Borg12345
((Oh dear, Markus may have ratted himself out :P))

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:50 am
by Raven

Raven smiled at the compliments. "I am a woman of pleasures. Sight, smell, taste, sound... and well obviously touch." She gave Swix a wink at that, more joking than flirtatious. She noticed Swix's movements slowing - had expected something really. They needed to move faster - she still hadn't put up Collector specific wards and they would be difficult. She almost wished they still had Laxus with them, just for an extra body, but knowing him he'd be more hinder than harm. Idiot constantly questioned her judgement. Sure, she was a murderer, hedonistic, evil, demonic and sometimes downright mean - but at least she wasn't prejudiced!

Her other hand grasped Swix's elbow, a show of helping her walk, but really... it would be best to have both hands on her if anything happened. Then the Collector spoke, and Raven's smile light up. "Well, isn't she so polite. I may have to invite her for tea if this all get sorted out." Of course, said smile was slightly insane. She grasped Swix around the waist, stopping her fall as quickly as she could. "Don't worry dear. We'll have you right as rain and ready to wreak havoc with me again in no time." She singsonged, leading them up to the door. The knob turned blue as she touched it with a finger and it swung open, leading into a small kitchen with dried plants flowers hanging on the walls. An island counter was in the middle, covered with other plant-type produce, and large cauldrons bubbled away on the stove. Experiments she had stewing, of course. One could do wonderful things with potions and poisons.

She led them through a doorway directly in front of them, the other door being shut and a side door leading to another part of her garden. This room was lined with books, old, new, every size and variety. Two plush, red chairs and a love-seat sat in the middle of the room in front of a dark-stone fireplace. "Now, sit down darling. I have something I have to do quickly. Feel free to borrow a book or something." Raven purred, leading Swix to the couch. "Now, I have to leave you two for a moment. Do try not to break anything!" She said, the latter directed to CoolPikaaa. "Also, make sure Swix is alright, rodent. If I find her in ANY way worse condition, I will skin you and wear your pelt as a hat. Dyed, of course. I've never liked the colour yellow." If one was looking closely, they would notice her smile flickering for a moment.

Without another word, she waved her hand in farewell to them and stalked back through the door they had just come from. She turned left, towards the shut door they had passed earlier. Through it was a hallway and a set of stairs. Instead of turning down the hall, she sprinted up the stairs to another hallway, six doors along it. She kept running, into the third room on the left. The room was pitch black, but soon glowed in the light of her purple flames. Alcametic circles filled the floor, interconnecting, weaving around one another. The symbols pulsed, her own magic stored and infusing them. Then, she knelt down and touched them. The fire ran from her hand, running through the carved symbols and runes and they light up in the eerie purple light - no longer flames, simply energy.

Then, Raven began. Whispered words, both demonic and ancient fell from her lips. Her eyes glazed, her whole being lost in the weaving of magic. Her hands waved through the air, forming invisible patterns that only made sense to her eyes. Pulses sent gusts of air around the room, speeding faster and faster - a frantic heartbeat of energy. The light began to spread on the floor, new runes and symbols being burned into the stone. Her voice reached a crescendo, words obscured by the hum of the magic. Even Raven's voice sounded harsh, alien and unnatural. Her eyes light up, as though her irises themselves were alight with purple fires. The breeze, now a whipping wind, swirled faster and faster. Her hair lifted as though Medusa's snakes, given animation by the wind. Her pitch reached a fervor and then... nothing. The winds stopped, the light blacked out. and Raven crumpled to the floor.

The silence of the room was broken with a gasp of air. Raven's body arched off the floor in an attempt to drink in more of the sweet oxygen. She was panting, a thin sheen of sweat shone on her brow. With her limbs shaking, she pulled herself up to a sitting position. Damn, that had taken it out of her. If she was lucky... it would be worth it. She had done her best with the wards, nothing she did not want should be able to get through them. The Collector especially, as they were tuned for her. Her hands fumbled with a pouch on her hip. The little button proving almost too difficult for her in her weakened state. Finally, she succeed and her hands grasped inside and pulled out all the potions. Checking the colour of each one, she chose three and downed them in succession. Then she reached into the pouch again, retrieving what seemed to be a large amethyst crystal. Dark swirls curled and twisted in it's centre and it almost seemed to glow, a reminiscent humming of the earlier power. She placed it on her lap before turning on hand palm-upward, and slicing it deeply with a nail of the other. Her hand went down on the crystal, and in a moment it was gone. All that was left was a pile of crystal-dust on her robes, which she scooped carefully into the pouch.

She came alive again. With a self-satisfied smirk, she stood easily and walked out the door - leaving the dark, ominous room and locking it with a tap of her finger. Lacrimas were really wonderful things. It was a shame they lost their form and ability after one use. She had stored her magic in it for an emergency, but hey. This counted, right? Either way, she could find more. That Laxus did have a rather inviting one in his sword... Hmm. She would think on it another time.

She was on her way down the stairs when she remembered something. "Oh SHIT" She'd barred the Collector from her house and used all her mana to do so. It was the most powerful spell she could create. Swix had a piece of the Collector inside her. What the hell was going to happen there?!

And so once again she sprinted, slamming her way into the reading room to see what she would find.


"Uhh... you may have just given yourself away." Laxus replied, eyeing the tar-like substance and stepping back rather quickly. Its movements were rather mesmerizing, but they were...well at the very least on her shit-list right now. They were the only two who'd attacked her, not that Laxus' 'attack' really counted. If one could even call it that. He sighed. He'd really thought he was cool before he came here.

Robot bugs that devoured flesh, Demoness' killing other demons, rodents talking. This place was rather crazy. "Well," he began, resigned to his fate to be killed horribly. "Which was is this killer robot?" A heavy sigh escaped him. Well, at least he had a 'friend'.

(( Sorry about the overly long Raven post! I just have this image of her house in my head and started writing and didn't stop, then didn't haven anything to day for Laxus in comparison. Poor Laxus! xD ))

Darkness Takes it's Own

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:16 pm
by Swix
((Raven, that post is amazing! :O))

As Swix was led forwards through the garden, she really did feel exhausted. Why do that? Did C mean to make her too tired to resist so if any of the others weren't around she could get her easier? Or was the entity trying to psych them all out? Maybe both, although it was entirely possible the Collector was only playing with all of them...the humanoid put her hand up to her head as they walked, this was all giving her a headache... she couldn't express how grateful she was just to sit down on the couch inside the Demoness' house. Swix just nodded when Raven left, and looked around at all the books and the stone fireplace that adorned Ravens home.

She looked to the books, got up and started browsing them. If Raven was going to be quick, she probably wouldn't have much time to read, but, it beat getting another headache. Swix bounced back onto the couch, stared at the electric mouse in the room with her, and then put the book up in front of her face obviously on purpose. Swix started to read the book she'd picked up after she figured she'd been staring at him for long enough.

She didn't get long to read anything though, because her eyes were going blurry whilst she was trying to make out the pages. Swix blinked and shook her head, trying to clear her eyesight. When she opened them again though, she couldn't see anything. Just a darkness that slithered around her field of vision. Her eyes had gone black again, both of them this time-but she hadn't been pushed aside and possessed by the entity, so what was happening this time?

"What's going on??!!" the woman said, dropping the book and bringing her hands up to her face like she wanted to claw at it. Suddenly it felt like she had a million bugs crawling under her skin, everywhere under her skin, no part of her escaped the horrible feeling. The crawling turned to itching and then to pain, now it felt like she was being spiked by a million tiny needles.

Unbidden, the limbs that would usually have taken time to grow from her back instead burst out, the two uninjured ones and the stubs that had been left from Laxus magic absorbing sword. The two remaining limbs, devoid of any controlling intelligence whipped about the room chaotically. Nothing was holding them back any more, and Swix was far too preoccupied currently to even notice they'd come out.
The woman suddenly convulsed on the couch, going stiff and sliding off the red material until she hit the floor, back on her knees, the humanoid bought her clawing hands up to her head and looked she was trying to pull her hair out when Raven opened the door again. She felt like she was going to throw up... or be torn apart from the inside out... into little tiny pieces.

Swix's hands clamped onto the sides of her head, her nails dug in to her skin, she opened her mouth and screamed.