Oh, THIS again.

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Oh, THIS again.


Post by MDude » Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:02 am

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Oh, THIS again.


Post by Borg12345 » Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:52 pm

I've just caused so much havoc at the LARP tavern night. SO MUCH. >:D

I love playing Tarath. :P

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Oh, THIS again.


Post by Swix » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:32 pm

Just experienced THE Strangest Thunderstorm Ever.

Never heard anything like it in my life. Didn't see any lightning, but the thunderclaps, they were so long and loud. So long.

And just after the initial, familiar noises at the start they suddenly sounded like, well, like drumbeats beating a regular rhythm in the sky. Off massive drums. In the sky.

If I see anything giant and mechanical striding through the streets tonight I'm outta here.

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Oh, THIS again.


Post by Swix » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:03 pm

Had to wipe and reinstall the entire pc due to everything crashing. Damn pain in the neck.

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Oh, THIS again.


Post by Borg12345 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:40 am

Oh man, that suuuuucks. :(

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Oh, THIS again.


Post by Borg12345 » Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:58 pm

This day... this day can go fellate a razor. Not to be crass or anything. :P

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Post by Swix » Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:42 pm

I take it since you're telling it to go and maul itself that you're having a bad one?

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Oh, THIS again.


Post by Borg12345 » Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:26 pm

Veeeeery stressful day at work. And beyond!

So bank holiday monday seems to be EVERYONE SHOP ALL AT ONCE DAY! The trollies were a nightmare to deal with as it was, but it wasn't gonna stop there, oh no.

So half an hour before my shift started I thought I'd chat to my friend, who was stuck outside in the cold with a sale going on. The mistake there was having my uniform on, since a manager decided that her standing there doing nothing was far too important to interrupt, and ordered me inside. Git. So now I will NOT be wearing my uniform, or at least my top, before or after my shift (since that's clearly what caused it, he wouldn't have dared approached us if he thought I was a customer). I don't take kindly to people bossing me about when I'm not working. I would have made more of a fuss but I didn't want Tabatha to have to deal with the resulting bullshit.

So miffed off about that, I started my shift and oh boy to call it a train wreck would be an understatement. For the first, what, hour maybe I was ON MY OWN. IN THE BIGGEST ASDA IN THE COUNTRY. FUUUUU-

Then when other people did finally get sent out, we were all scattered to do other stuff. Nick had to bugger off to watch the door whilst the security guy went to the toilet, and I at one point got asked to help with a load of boxes before being sent back out. So that made the trolly problem worse. As soon as one of us left, they'd start piling up again. That or the traffic would get so heavy that we'd be stuck where we were and all our work would be undone.

To continue the day of HATE, a customer started backing out of a parking space very suddenly. Fine, whatever, I just have to move the trollies to the side-


I can't describe how much willpower it took to stop myself telling him to fuck right off, if you're suddenly gonna back out then I can't be expected to shift a long line of steel by myself from the middle of the road (to avoid hitting cars) to the side (to let your ungrateful fucking ass out). However another customer did it for me. God bless that man.

So after a tiring but thankfully short day at time and a half pay (and boy did I work for it today), I grabbed a well earned KFC and started to head home. Well my bus had just left as I got to my stop, so I headed to the main station since it'd take ages for the next one to arrive anyway. I wait a little time there and when a bus does arrive... my bus ticket app crashes. And then starts behaving again just as it's left. SO MUCH HATE.

So 10-5 minutes after that another bus arrives and I'm slowly on my way home, however as per usual with Sunday/Holiday Bus times it's taking forever for my second bus to arrive, so I wasn't home until 6 despite leaving ASDA (after my lunch) about about 4:30. And then my parcel I was expecting had tried to be delivered whilst I wasn't in, but luckily that was with a neighbour. However, neighbour, pro tip. If it's raining, and someone knocks, don't stand there behind a closed door asking who it is. Just fucking open it a little, or hell be less paranoid, and see who it is. It's not like we live in a rough area, it's really nice here! Seriously, you could almost leave the door unlocked. URGH.

Not quite done fucking with me, the powers that be compelled our cats to take a nice big crap in our spare room. ACE.

And now all I want is a sandwich, but we have no margarine, and we have no cheese. I'd get some, but bank holiday times say otherwise (I assume, I'm too stressed and tired to walk down to our local tesco and check).

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Post by Swix » Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:49 pm

That sucks Borg, hate days like that. Where coworkers and customers conspire to make the day worse and worse. Hope you've had better ones since then.

And in other news...

I HAVE AN INTREPID CLASS STARSHIP! OH YES! No more flying about in the Horizon class ship. Not that she was a bad ship or anything. Just had... unique looks :P.

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Oh, THIS again.


Post by Borg12345 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:55 pm

I almost put this in my rant thread, but it's not a rant really. Just some reflection.


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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:38 pm

... Shit, bro.

You alright? :/

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Post by Borg12345 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:53 pm

You know what? I actually am. :P
Sure, it sucks now, but I've grown from the experience, ya know? And hey, if I can pass down my wisdom to help others avoid this very situation then that's a good thing right? XD

EDIT: heh heh, just remembered something funny. One of my work mates made a comment to me yesterday: "You know, for someone who isn't sexually driven, you sure do have a lot of girl problems!" XD

I don't try, it just sorta happens. :blink:
Last edited by Borg12345 on Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Swix » Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:44 pm

Well... That was some intense stuff to read through.

It's good to hear you're healing though.

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Post by Borg12345 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:11 pm

Yea, I'll be fine. Swinging a bit between angry(ish) and upset, then back to relief but I'll be fine. :)

To compensate for bumming you guys out, here's some kittens in cups:
Last edited by Borg12345 on Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Oh, THIS again.


Post by MDude » Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:59 am

This is always a nice thing to listen to: http://www.songstowearpantsto.com/songs/acid-boy-theme/

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