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EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:32 pm
by Swix
((Well, I spent half an hour on this post and my phone has just deleted it :S. So I'm afraid you'll just have to do with the bare bones))

"They're not food, and I don't know any Collector" Kheesth told CP, then barked out a "Ha!" at the stone 'chu's speech "It's attitudes like that that allow people like me to flourish! It's great to know you don't care about your own history... but this conversation is over" the Tezcan pulled out a bag with an embroidered fire symbol on and sprinkled the contents over the side of the wall, before jumping off herself and landing on the Fire Elementals shoulders, who in turn swiped a fiery clawed hand at the pair after Kheesth spoke in her native hissing language.

"What rabbit?" the voice of the white chocolate rabbit said as there was a thunk behind Claymolder. The chocolate rabbit itself was still held by Kemosabes tail, but it had been nothing more than a shell-and that was now all that was left of it, a cracked open shell.

The creature that was now on the ground, was the skeleton of a Tezcan whose bones had been charred black, and who was stretching "You know, you should really pick your questions more carefully"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:30 pm
by Coolpikaaa
((Nooo. Why has gour phome deprived us? D:))

"They aren't food? What is it you think chocolate is?!" Cp pleaded. He needed to know why. He needed to know all about this, from every angle, so he could stop it. Instead, the snake woman tried to flee, summoning her fire friend to slash at them with flames.

Cp took a great step backwards to dodge the attack, and nearly froze right up when he tumbled backwards off the wall. The little electric mouse was only barely able to catch the edge and hang on, dangling over the drop.

Coolpikaaa hung on, trying to decide his next move. Was The Collector involved? She hadn't made her presence known quite yet. It had to be her though. No one else would come up with an idea like turning an entire population into chocolate just to teach a lesson. The second question was had the process already started? How long would it take before everyone was candy? They needed to shut these pods off, but without Kheesth it would be impossible to know what to do without harming the person inside.

Cp scratched with his legs, trying to climb back up.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:07 am
by Jent
Clone-ku's instinctual drives were irrelevant when the creator took control. The fire elemental's claw seared the outer-layer of clay from it, allowing any attempt to snatch it failing as it fell off the wall. ~My history...~

The automaton crashed in front of the group group. Kemosabe snarled at the flaming skeleton appearing beside them, discarding the worthless shell and flaring its quils. Claymolder peered at this new development. "Limited time, limited choice," he remarked. "Spirit, regardless of either of your desires with this 'friend,' we will defeat you." Reacting to a personal mindlink, the porcupine stood on its hind legs.

He placed a hand at the chest of the robot. Channeling the material, the clay oozed over the grathon, enveloping additional coats over his own armor skin. At his left arm, a bulbous mass blossomed into a oval shield, and at his right a long spear held tightly by hand. Claymolder straightened himself at the opponent, radiating a golden aura around his thickened hide. "What be your name?"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:37 pm
by Swix
"Nobody will be eating them " Kheesth shouted in Common at the mouse dangling over the side of the wall, clearly he had completely misunderstood "Unless they decide to turn on each other, which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. A hundred or so lives is nothing compared to the trillions I have seen pass in my lifetime. I was rather looking forward to this part, pity it had to be you"

The Tezcan spoke in her native tongue again, and the Fire Elemental made to punch the wall he was on.

On the ground, the Spirit watched Claymolder pull off parts of Kemosabe to add it to himself, after the other machine had crashed onto the floor. He waved an arm dismissively at Claymolders explanation for his choice of questions "Excuses excuses..." he muttered.

"Ah! See, now we're almost getting to the right questions!" the black skeleton clapped both bony hands, and the shell got up and started dancing as though directed by a terrible puppet master. "My name is Seegk, and I am the Spirit of Animation'" so saying, Seegk dropped the rabbit and instead, his influence caused one of the uprooted trees to rise "What might be your name?"

((Seegk isn't on fire, he just looks like he's been in one XD))

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:33 pm
by Jent
((Oh, nevermind then lol.))

Caught off guard, Kemosabe hissed at the animated chocolate. Being teased by this spirit infuriated the porcupine, nearly caving in to primal fury and shatter every ounce of the rabbit's shell. The grathon ordered against it. Over the minion's eyes, a brief flash of light shimmered as he settled down. "My true name is kept to me and me alone. In this world I go by the epithet of 'The Claymolder' for common use. Otherwise, I am Grathon: 'The Graikos of Marathon,'" he answered Seegk. "Are you a sort of ancestral entity to the one above? Your skeletós form leads to the to the assumption of a reptilian-like origin, does it not? At the least, I have to applaud the effort you two put in this."

Point first, Claymolder set down his spear into the ground... Clap... clap... clap... A trivial gesture at the spirit, what could he be thinking? Looking at the wall, he muttered a few words under his breath before the automaton shouted.

"Spartoi, let's start this! show this petty officer who's the hardest!"

The aforementioned battle cry stirred the earthen forces. In a frenzy, Kemosabe drove past the spirit, nearly bumping into it as it scaled the wall to Cp. Whilst during the distraction, the grathon bounced backward, sinking in the ground around several copies of himself that rose, armed in the same manner as he. "Its time to fight fire with fire, as one would say."

((FYI: only Kemosabe, Grathon, klone-chu, and the shields have any reliable durability. Though the Spartoi make up for it in moxie.))

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:48 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"Why would they eat each other?!" Cp yelled back, trying to climb the wall. "We are good, innocent people trying to make a living! We've done nothing against you or you kind, and for some unexplainable reason you want to turn us into sweets."

"Well you missed one. You didn't catch and take away me. So I'm going to fight for and protect these people, whether they are all chocolate or not." The little mouse lifted with all his might, hoping to hoist himself up.

Then the wall absolutely exploded.

Cp was thrown, along with the rubble inward, towards the pods. He was battered, bleeding from where a piece of shrapnel struck his cheek, and so concussed he couldn't tell which direction was the right one to try and stand in. He leaned against a brick, and tried to see where the snake woman was, all but defeated.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:11 pm
by Swix
"Bah" Kheesth said, in answer to all of CP's questions and his little speech after he got thrown into the pods. Damn. The mouse had landed in the one place she daren't damage too much. The Summoner spoke in her native tongue again and slithered back onto the wall, making her way over to the pods and where CP had landed. "I can soon rectify that missstake" she hissed.

Meanwhile, Seegk clapped his hands at the show, as though he couldn't be more pleased at this outcome "Do you want to dance Graikos? What fun!" The Spirit dipped his tail into the ground and had his two lower bony hands palms down to it, whilst the dead tree was dropped.

"One? You really think there's only one god up there? There are plenty. But you're right, I am an ancestral spirit of sorts connected to a god" as Seegk spoke, skeletal remains of animals rose up from the ground surrounding him, moved by the Spirits ability "I used to be a type of serpent, a very long time ago"

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:32 am
by Jent
"I can soon rectify that missstake."

Among the pods, Kemosabe rose from the rubble beside them. The automatron survived tougher landslides by far, though not particularly happy at the fire elemental's attack. It murmured sounds like a demented baby as it lunged a claw at Keesth.

"Not quite," the spartoi replied in sync. Freeing themselves of the dirt, their spears advanced towards the animated beings. The grathon adjusted the group link for a more cryptic frequency. He was unsure of any other abilities this spirit possessed, keeping himself within the group for coverage.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:01 pm
by Coolpikaaa
"I can soon rectify that missstake..."

Cp pushed off the brick, wobbling to an upright position. He could see... three of the snake woman, all coming to get him, and vaguely connected like a horrific, pissed off Hydra. Despite the gravity of the situation, the little mouse laughed.

"It Ssssseems you have a bit of a lissssp, dear Kheessssth." He joked, until he coughed, and spat a bit of blood. It was then Kemosabe revealed itself to simply be knocked down, but not out, and lunged at the woman. Good. It would give Cp a moment to recover.

He gave his head a shake, though this time it did nothing to clear his vision. Direct explosions to the face was something he would have to cut out from now on...

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:41 pm
by Swix
"You know, you might have been able to learn a passable version of my language, hissing like. This one is so abrupt and segmented" Kheesth told CP, shrugging off his obvious jab. Since Kemosabe decided to make its presence known at that point, the Tezcan was prevented from saying anymore since she now had to concentrate on the porcupine.

Since she was a snake, Kheesth dodged the swipe moving her body backwards whilst not moving her tail, so she formed a sort of wonky questions mark. She also hissed primally at the interruption, pulling out handfuls of powder as she back pedalled and throwing them at Kemosabes face, the handfuls turning into large rocks in the air.

Seegk giggled at all the Spartoi talking together, his skeletal form appearing to grin. "Pity. Your creatures and my skeletons could make a most entertaining show" Seegks dead things advanced towards the Spartoi whilst the Spirit himself hung behind them, it was a wolf skeleton that was the first to make a move, lunging at the right side of Claymolders creations.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:02 pm
by Jent
Kemosabe's head endured the full impact of the falling rocks. The weight shoved its head hard the ground, seemingly capsizing the large automaton, thought not quite. Pivoting on a forelimb, the porcupine spun itself free, aiming the spiky body right at Keesth.

The Claymolder's own warriors reacted fairly to the attack. Spears entangling the skeleton wolf's head and claws, with the blades hissing at this undead puppet. "They would indeed, Seegk," the five spartoi in front replied. "Your methodology appears to be animating the lifeless vessels. Quick and easy, but what of creativity?"

An automatron dropped his current armament and leaped over the phalanx. Gripping a glowing xiphos in its right hand, the blade seared the air as it tried to slash the spirit with the ichor-laced strike.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:32 am
by Swix
Kheesth had taken out yet another handful of powder from the bag, when an apparently downed Kemosabe pulled off a surprisingly agile move by spinning around on a single limb and throwing his massive spiky body at the Tezcan. The Summoner had neither expectation nor warning of this manoeuvre so was hit full force by the clay porcupine. Kheesth gave an abrupt and embarrassing hissing yell as she was hit hard, her lithe body proving in this instance to be detrimental as she lost hold of the powder and went flying backwards, smacking right into the side of one of the pods. Fortunately, it didn't break, but unfortunately, now she was the one seeing stars.

"Creativity? You mean like this?" Seegk answered, as he spoke the wolf skeletons bones shook and then flew off in all directions. Didn't stop the blade connecting with Seegks many blackened ribs though, the Spirit yelled "Agh" as searing pain hit him, and the skeleton recoiled with one arm holding the damage. He may not be able to die, but that didn't mean he couldn't feel pain. The other three skeletons, another wolf, what was once a stocky cat - possibly a type of tiger-and the bones of a Griffin lunged at the Spartoi.

Seegk was injured, he wasn't out. "Who do you think moulded the spiders in their candy eggshells?" the black skeleton asked, before whipping his tail at the one in front of him, to try and wrap it around the automatons leg and pull it over.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:26 pm
by Jent
"Na, na, na," Kemosabe's jaw hung loose from her attack, which it snapped the mandible back in place through a quick jab. The large robot grazed the surrounding debris with it prehensile spines. Each of the blunted points proded around, gathering both the weakened Pikachu and Klone-chu underneath its belly for protection. Muttering, its eyes beamed at Keesth, not wanting the Tezcan to escape.

The undead wolf explosion vexed the three in charge of ensnaring the skeleton. Enraged, their unified will volleyed the combined effort at the next combatants, staggering against the animated party. Shields cracked, spears regrown, as the trio dealt with a with limb-breaking strikes. "That is impressive for a simply trick," the less active units in the replied. "Yet, does it come will a follow up?"

Not programmed to dodged that well, the single spartoi dangled in front of Seegk. The automaton abandoned its spear as it clutched the spiky screen before itself. Whereas the lone weapon quivered, sinking into the earth below.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:27 pm
by Swix
Kheesth had to wait for her eyes to regain their focus, since she was incapable of blinking, and shaking her head could send her flying over the edge with her sense of balance all skewed, plus the ringing in her ears was entirely unpleasant too. The Summoner slowly pushed herself off the pod however, trying to at least stand upright.

Seegk wasn't entirely sure what to do with the automaton after he'd managed to pick it up, he'd only been trying to trip it over, not catch it like this. The Spirit decided to throw it off to the side instead, away from the others.

Seegks animated creatures ribs came flying off and, as well as the skeletons that were relentless in their attacks, curved rib bones now tried to capture the clay party so they were unable to be so efficient at defending each other.

There was a problem with trying to break animated things bones too. They weren't alive, so though limbs cracked and somewhat slowed the creatures movements down, they certainly didn't stop their assault.

There was no way Claymolder was going to win this one concentrating on the pawns.

EGG-stra Ordinary Circumstances

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:19 am
by Jent
Skidding across the terrain, the automaton's armor battered along its stop. Fidgeting limbs about, it scanned the overall attitude of the spirit who tossed it, smirking. ~Worst choice...~ Eyes shimmering, the robot silently submerged in the earth, concocting its own plan of action.

Claymolder's forces dwindled in mobile units. The surviving automatons guarded the grathon with armaments asserting themselves at the undead swarm, neither pleased or angered at the situation however. He and the spirit overall averaged out in strength, durability, and control; yet his bones striven through the burden they took. Most likely if he had more time, these raggy foes would have been crushed to dust at his spartoi.... dust...

"It appears I met my match," he lamtented, witnessing another soldier succumbed to the horde. "I must admit, this has been quite a fun challenge, but though I this quarrel needs to end." Clasping his hands together, Claymolder dove underground with the last two at his side, gone from sight. Still struggling, the seized clay fighters sizzled near the bleached bindings, along with their gear. The spirit's army fitted were sticking to the melting spartoi, primed to explode in a matter of seconds. Seegk's personal bomb bloomed underneath, the spear head molded to a furious serpent racing at him.

With the Tezcan still unstable, the porcupine enacted the capture procedure. The porcupine coagulating the rodent patients to its body, where Coolpikaaa being stored inside a hallowed sphere within itself as the klone's head instead emerged on the spiky back. “Nananaaaa...” Kemosambe growled, its upper body liquefying all over the ground. Seething, the automatons primed themselves for attack, though got a preliminary-


Erupting behind Kheesth, the forgotten pawn barred a pair of trees roots at her as it overwrote the porcupine's ploy. Possessed, the malleable clay surged around the combatants, aiming to capture both of them.

((Ug, horrible week... Note to self, don't get sick again.))