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Deathwatch: The Green Tide

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:42 am
by Borg12345
((Even if it doesn't start for a little while for whatever reason, I thought it'd be cool if I wrote up the prologue for the first Deathwatch adventure, something to give you an idea of the 40K background it's set in as well as just the adventure. Even if you don't plan to join in, I hope you enjoy!))


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. The holy empire of man stretches across countless worlds in the galaxy, bringing the light of the God-Emperor to the darkest of shadows. Yet there are those that would seek to destroy the Imperium, either foul Xenos set on tearing the empire asunder, or the terrible forces of chaos seeking to rot it from within. Untold billions die for the Empire everyday and upon this Shrine World, a planet dedicated to the reverence of the Emperor, the flames of war burn just as brightly.

"Sisters! Rally to me, push the xenos scum back!"
Shrine World Calithinium, a normally shining world with a golden, planet wide city covering it's surface, is in ruins. The green menace, the Orks, have arrived to plunder this world. For every Ork that falls, five more take it's place. With the Imperial Guard forces overwhelmed in just under a week, the zealous Adeptus Sororitas, the Sisters Of Battle, are the only defence left for this planet. Numbering at just a thousand sisters, they are outnumbered by the hundreds of thousands razing the planet to the ground. Yet they fight fearlessly, their faith in the Emperor creating a will stronger than their ceramite power armour.

"Purge them with holy promethium, let them burn in the Emperors wrath!"
The commander of these Battle Sisters, Canoness Solaria Veyda, leads them against a large and final push against the Ork Warboss, a vile and hulking creature who calls himself Gutsmasha. Clad in a crude exoskeleton, the beast was the cause of the Orks arrival on the planet and he has been tearing a bloody path of destruction though the Imperium, having just reached the Jericho Reach. His death will scatter the Ork forces and whilst not solving their problem, it will make the Xenos far easier to hunt down and kill.
Solaria is a tough soldier, and a faithful one at that, even for a Battle Sister. Her armour is battered, scorched and almost as scarred as her face, a testament to her years in combat. She is a veteran of the highest order, and not daemon nor alien has bested her in battle yet. Wielding a giant shimmering power sword in two hands, a rare gift from the Adeptus Astates, she charges into battle, litanies of hate bellowing from her cracked lips. If these dim witted creatures felt fear, by the Emperor they were going to feel it.

"HAH HAH, Dem humies chargin' right inta our shootas!" Were the last words of an unfortunate Ork as the Canoness, followed by her retinue, piled into the Ork Boyz and began to hack them apart. Sheer numbers didn't matter, zealous fury drove the Battle Sisters onwards. Behind them bolters let rip and cut down any Orks not slaughtered by the initial charge. In the skies, Seraphim bring bloody retribution from above, attacking Orks away from the main fighting from above before cutting them down with combat blade and power sword. It would seem the Sororitas were winning, but alas this was but a mere drop in the ocean in this great battle. A great thumping noise shakes the ground, and soon the towering form of Gutsmasha looms above the battle, a gigantic mess of metal and wires enhancing the already hulking Ork.
"I'm gonna rip your skull from yer neck, and sitck it at da top of me spiky pole Umie!" Cackled the Warboss. "Dat's an honour dat is, for all da GREAT FIGHTIN'!"
"SILENCE FOUL XENOS!" Solaria spat, every word filled with rightous hatered. "You will all burn for the heresy of setting foot in the Emperors domain!"
The Warboss laughed some more. "Dem's fightin' words!"
More Orks charged and surrounded the sisters. Hopelessly outnumbered, all they could do was fight tooth and nail with the xenos.


An hour into the conflict, almost two thirds of the Sisters were dead, and the Ork horde was unrelenting. The Canoness was locked in battle with the Ork, the exosuit provided a suprising amount of speed for the Ork, but Solaria was also quick to parry the heavy blows of the Warboss. It was not until she managed to slice one of the mechanical limbs from the suit that she and her sisters had the chance to fall back. Fighting all the way, they retreated to the safety of a Fortress Monastery, one of the only intact buildings in the area. Siege shields were holding, but power to them would run out eventually.
"What do we do Sister Canoness?" Asked a young Battle Sister. This was her first true war and fear was beginning to ripple to the surface, if only just.
Solaria didn't know what to say at first. Retreat was not an option. This world could not fall to the green tide and there were no ships to take them anyway. The nearest battleship, and therefore reinforcements, was two weeks travel away. There was only one option left to save the planet, one thing left for the Adeptus Sororitas to do.

"We call in the Deathwatch."


((Fun fact: Gutsmasha was actually something I saw scribbled on a bridge I used to cross to get to college. I kept seeing it and thinking "what a cool name for an Ork". So it is a cool name for an Ork!))