<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Borg12345</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>And how! XD
Pontypool is amazing. It's a zombie movie with a twist, a proper one at that. Instead of your usual "bite = zombie" affair, the infection is spread through language. Certain words get infected, and once infected will infect anyone who hears that word. Closest thing there'll ever be to an "artsy" zombie movie, and I recommend it to everyone.
The first Saw film is actually pretty good. It's not that focused on the whole gore aspect (there's some, but not a huge amount), it's more about the fear and desperation of two men locked in a room. I'd recommend it. Two and three are okay, and my girlfriend refuses to accept the films after three happened. XD
Shawn Of the Dead is very good, but also being a comedy it might miss the point.
It needs to be a legal requirement to watch Alien. Aliens was also fantastic, but it's more of a tense action movie then outright horror.
28 Days Later is brilliant, a modern classic. Very atmospheric, and even more so compared to the sequel 28 Weeks Later. It's very obvious 28 Weeks was a Hollywood film.
Pitch Black is one of my favourites, and had a very original premise. Plus Vin Diesel played the role of the cold blooded killer Riddick brilliantly. The Chronicles of Riddick is alright, but again it's an action movie. The games are highly praised, and rightly so!
Dawn Of The Dead is another must see, as are the rest of Romeros zombie films. Day of the Dead and Land of the Dead are more actions films though. What is it with horrors getting action film sequels?! Oh and make sure they're the originals, not remakes.
Speaking of a Romero film re-make, The Crazies was really good. Fairly different from the original but in this case I think it was a good thing, it really tightened it up. Apparently people laughed at the title, philistines! [/snob] (For context if you're not aware, The Crazies was to 28 Days Later and the whole "viral infection" genre like Dawn of the Dead was to modern zombie movies!)
Repo! The Genetic Opera is a very cool musical horror. It's pretty silly at times but it's most definitely a horror movie (unless you're particularly bloodthirsty
Cloverfield is definitely one to watch, it was a very interesting twist on both monster movies and "low budget" films.
The Blair Witch Project, which genuinely WAS a low budget movie, is freaking amazing. It feels real, which is the biggest thing I think (to the point where I wondered if it was based on a true story or myth).
That's all I can think of for now, hopefully there's some inspiration there.[/quote]
Hm, I've never seen Pontypool, Saw, or The Crazies. I have a feeling Saw wouldn't help very much or, y'know, I might not be able to watch the whole thing through because horror films that show that sort of graphic violence on people (like Hostel, which I know I know, it was only an eye and only in one scene and I'm probably a wimp but.... yeah. I refused to watch that film and I've never even thought about touching 2) is just, bluuuuuurgh. Eurgh. Yuck. Basically XD. And I've only seen The Blair Witch Project for about ten minutes. So, I guess that leaves me plenty to dive into when it gets really desperate XD-and if I'm honest it's starting to.
I do love all the Alien films though, I've seen all of them, even seen Aliens vs Predator which I'm not sure what to make of still however I refuse to accept that that little yellow Alien creature with four Predator mandibles is in any way shape or form canon. That's just silly XD. However I have had several dreams more than nightmares actually involving these guys.
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Alakin</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Halloween was pretty good, as was the second one (they're pretty much one movie split into two). The ones after the first two a bit less so, but still not bad.[/quote]
I've never seen them either, guess that'll have to be added to the list too.
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>MDude</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>I've been told that eating a lot of sugar before going to bed can cause weird dreams, which lines up with the ones I had near Christmas after having a bunch of cookies and stuff. Junk food in general does that, I think. Also consider reviewing your dreams like you would a movie, acting like the ones you don't like are boring. Be careful though, one time when I did that, my subconscious went and decided to get artsy on me.[/quote]
Huh, I've never really experienced nightmares through eating lots of sugar. Mind you if I do have any sugar it's like half a bar of little chocolate or a yoghurt or in a small cup of coffee or tea. I do know that sleeping with your head near a socket of any sort messes up your brain and dreams-it did mine when we slept in the living room with our heads almost directly above an unused socket for a phoneline, and gave me a headache when I woke up too. I don't recommend ever doing that. Or putting a mobile phone near your head since that does the same thing.
I could do that, I suppose. Well, it's another thing to consider doing, which is definitely appreciated ^_^. Though knowing my subconscious in dreams it's quite likely to pull off the artsy thing too.
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>3kul</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>You should probably be a little careful before diving into the horror movies Swix; they might work as Borg suggests, but if they don't you may find that they serve as inspiration for future nightmares to flourish on (that's what they do for me ...)
I don't get nightmares all that often, but dreams are something that I find quite interesting anyway so maybe I can help you out. If you don't mind, could you answer some of these questions for me:
* Are you experiencing an unusually large amount of stress, for any reason, in your life at the moment?
* Is there anything that your nightmares have in common? For those that you do remember, what happens in them, and how do they make you feel when you wake up (aside from scared)?
* What is your sleep routine like? I.e.: what do you do before going to bed, when do you go to bed, when do you wake up, and about how much uninterrupted sleep do you usually get each night?
You don't have to answer all of the questions (or any of them, I guess) if you don't want to, but the more I know the better I can advise you
(On an aside-note, I saw the second half of Aliens on TV a while back without having ever seen the first half, so I was incredibly confused during that scene at the end where Bishop gets chopped in half - it wasn't until I looked it up later that I found out that he was an android )[/quote]
Yes, I can imagine that horror movies can/will/would provide new inspiration for new nightmares since that's happened before, as did playing Dead Space last year which I know was responsible for the two weeks of back to back nightmares. I do know that that is not the reason for them this time since I haven't been playing it. But, well, I'll take any help or advice I can get at this point I am becoming quite desperate :S.
There was one point where I didn't really get any nightmares at all, and even if I did most of them didn't scare me. I think the first time this happened (during the back to back weeks) was that when I'd had it I remember being completely amazed that my head still had the capability to seriously frighten me. That initial reaction has faded now.
I don't mind answering your questions about them at all. I actually started keeping a dream journal (that is what they call it, right?) on a suggestion from my partner to see if there was some link. It's also got a few in it I guess I can't really term as dreams or nightmares and a few rare dreams in it. I made the mistake of thinking maybe just putting them down in something had calmed them down recently and then had one of the worst ones that same night-guess something in my subconscious decided I needed a good kicking for daring to think such things.
*I don't know if I'm experiencing an unusual amount of stress, I guess. Getting increasingly disillusioned with my 'job' and their outright refusal to actually let me do anything that involves anything that I actually have the skillset to do, and we had a change of store manager and they (Head Office) keep changing things and cutting hours and making dumb policies I swear I am really not at all surprised that less and less people come into the place, never mind the fact that a lot of people have little to no money to spend anyway (seriously the jobs 'market' over here is really bare compared to how it was at one point)
I am quite worried about my Uncle and have been for the past oh, two years I think since he's developed lung cancer from smoking and the doctors originally gave him only six months to live after diagnosis-boy has he showed them! And the cancer, too. Just shows what a little digging of your own can do.
... I'm always worried about my dad, so I guess that doesn't really count.
*As for the third question. my sleep pattern is usually regular. Usually, I come home from work, I have a small supper if I'm hungry-usually crackers or noodles or soup, on one occasion a single baked potato, something quick since it's about half past ten when I get home with a little cup of coffee or juice. Or I'll have a little fromage frais pot when I'm really not hungry Then I'll try and do something to get my mind off work and calm it down a bit. Sometimes I'll play my DS, or watch The Big Bang Theory/Coupling/South Park, or watch my bf play a game which was more recently Skyrim but was Mass Effect before that, or I'll play some little arcade game on the 360, or read. Then we both go to bed at around half eleven or twelve, to wake up at 6 in the morning. Sometimes we'll sleep in the bedroom but I think our neighbours downstairs might be deaf because sometimes it's impossible for us to go to sleep in there since they've got their tv on so godsdamn loud we can often guess what the film that they're watching is called, never mind just the genre, so we sleep in the living room on those nights.
As for uninterrupted sleep that very rarely happens, whether in the bedroom or the living room. I will almost always wake up at some point during the middle of the night for some reason and sometimes, but not often (well more often now really) several times during the night. I have no idea why. There was one point where when I woke up and looked at the clock every time it was exactly 3:46 AM.
*And the nightmares themselves, I thought I'd put this last since I'm gonna have to go retrieve my little book of horrors. I'll have to brb for a bit, then I'lll be back to edit. So, brb!