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Character Sheets: A how to.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:09 am
by Tav
Whenever you come up with a good idea for a character, it's always nice to figure out exactly who they are and what they can do. For this purpose, you can use a template of some kind; Here are some you can fill out to figure out who your character is. You can even make up your own segments to fill, if you want! This is just a suggestion!

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div><small>Name: Well, you have to call them something.

Gender: Are they male, female, neither?

Race: You can be something simple, from human, to a creature of your own creation.

Appearance: What does your character look like?

Abilities: Can they run fast? Can they fly? Use magic? Do they have special abilities? If so, this is the place to put them.

Personality: How do they act? Happy? Sullen? Dark and brooding?

History: The rest of this template says who your character is. But now, you have to write out who they were.

Notes: Anything that doesn't fit any of the other segments can go here&#33;</small>[/quote]