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Rxi's Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:10 am
by Rxibot

U-um, hello! My name is Melu! I, wait, six years old now! Six! My Mama, Daddy and big brother and I were all moving to a new house, and, um, then I saw a shop for flowers!! There were SO MANY FLOWERS! It was amazing. Then, somehow, my family got lost, but that's okay, because I found some really nice people who are taking me to find them again. One of them even let me fly with his mind, and this one man gave me a whistle and said that if I blow it when it is the right time, something will happen. This other man calls it my Rape Whistle, but when I ask everyone what that means, Lutha just says he will tell me when I'm bigger. I think I'm big enough right now, though! Sometimes, Lutha can be so mean like that.

And more to come later.

Name: Melu IhadalastnameforheratsomepointbutIdontwanttoopenupcharacterbuilderrightnowbecauseithatesme
Age: Six years old
Gender: Born a female and favoring a female
Class: Telepathic Psion
Race: Doppelganger

Family: Mama, Daddy and Big Brother

Primary Caretakers Recently: Lutha and the rest of her adventure party

Likes: Cookies, flowers, heros, fun things, The Rape Whistle, flying, wandering off, interrupting people, attention, being carried, songs, dances, books (for pressing flowers)
Dislikes: Mean people, things that are boring, being treated like a kid, people who ignore her
Fears: DUCKS. D8

Appearance: Melu favors her human form, because it is what her family always used to fit in. She has brown hair that is longer in the front than it is in the back and medium dark skin. Her hair is straight and can be used to cover her face if she is in a situation that she doesn't like and she can't shift her shape. Did I mention that? Ah yes. Since she is a doppelganger, she can shift her shape to any form she wants. Of course, it will be the same age she is, but, what can you do? When she shifts shapes, she is able to speak like whatever race she is mimicking. Not that talking really matters to her. ANYWAYS. Later on, later on. Her eyes are teal, because she thinks teal is really, really pretty. Not as pretty as purple, though. That's the color of her dress. It is a tattered old thing, having clearly seen better days, but she adores it. She always carries a pretty red bag around with her to keep all her important things in. Around her neck is The Rape Whistle. That will be explained later.

Personality: I want to call Melu just your average child, but, really, she is every stereotype of a child wrapped up into one compact container. I can't....really....describe her too well. She likes things her way and she likes it when people don't treat her like a child. Melu tends to jump to conclusions about people and things and has some trouble telling genders apart, since she doesn't think there is really any difference between them.

History: Melu's Mama and Daddy had lived so long as humans, trying to fit into society, that they adopted many of the human traditions. Monogamy, families, raising children, the whole kit'n'caboodle. They decided they wanted to raise a family together. However, while they were perfectly capable of knowing that humans must not be allowed to see their true forms, children are always rather bad at understanding this. It seemed like moving to the country was the best solution. Thus, they bought a house in the country and moved out there to raise a family. Their first child was quiet and serious. He wanted to be a wizard when he grew up. Their second, however, was a lot more carefree. She also had a special talent.

Child number two, Melu, was a psion from birth. She could communicate with people just using her mind. Mama, seeing that her daughter was quite gifted, did her best to train her to control her powers. Everything was going fine until, one day, Daddy decided that the children were old enough to be around other humans. The family packed up and headed off to a city. They walked for many days. About half-way through their trip, the family stopped in a large city for supplies. Mama left Big Brother in charge of Melu, telling him to make sure he kept his eye on her.

Big Brother was doing a pretty good job of watching the easily distracted child until he saw the magic shop. That was when Melu's big adventure started. With her brother distracted, Melu wandered off to see the sights of the town. Guess what? There was a shop. All. For. Flowers. Who wouldn't stop and look at all the pretty flowers they had for sale. And then, there was that bakery and the inn with the funny counter that sold weird smelling drinks. Melu went everywhere she could, poking her nose into every corner until a mean man caught her and dragged her off, putting her in a cart with all these other people.

Eventually they formed a barely functional adventuring team, all trying to get back home. Lutha, the most responsible of the bunch, took responsibility of Melu, basically acting as her guardian. The other psion also did a lot of looking after her, playing games with her and everything. On one of their adventures, Melu was given a whistle which was said to be a normal whistle unless used at a moment when it is needed most.

Later on, after prostitutes tried seducing every single member of the team in a Red Light district they had to walk through, the whistle was dubbed The Rape Whistle.

As the campaign progresses, there may be more information on her. Also, because of a terrifying nightmare she had once, she is utterly horrified of ducks, even they don't exist in her original world because that's how my DM rolls.

-Throwing rocks at your face
-The Rape Whistle
-Tearing a hole in your memories of her
-I need to stop being lazy and just open up her character sheet