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Hello everyone. I tried to come up with a funny title.
Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 11:24 am
by Darthwarth
I failed at a funny title.
NO MATTER! Let me start by saying hello to everyone. I have been role playing for a little while. I like all type from sci-fi to fantasy. I like music and drinking. (more then I should.)
I hope we can all talk soon.
Hello everyone. I tried to come up with a funny title.
Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 12:18 pm
by TheDarkPsycho
Hello! I am The Dark Psycho. Old name, don't dwell on it too much!
Please partake in all the insanity - err - fun we have here. Please deposit any sanity in the skull shaped baskets at the entrance, and here's your gift basket.
Mind the brain bleach in there - you will need it at some point, and the stuff isn't really being made anymore.
Hello everyone. I tried to come up with a funny title.
Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 1:21 pm
by Darthwarth
Well thank you very much. I always wanted brain bleach, How else could I keep my brain squeeky clean.
Hello everyone. I tried to come up with a funny title.
Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 1:26 pm
by Jent
Just be careful overdose. Can lead to slurring, short-term memory lose... And other symptoms depending on the batch. Still less extreme compared to Pixie Punch.
Anyways, welcome to the forums!
Hello everyone. I tried to come up with a funny title.
Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 1:47 pm
by TheDarkPsycho
Also a note: Here is the instructions to join us on chat. Things tend to be more active there.
Hello everyone. I tried to come up with a funny title.
Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 1:55 pm
by BoltAscendent
Ey. I'm Bolt, the local guy who sometimes does stuff. Feel free to hit me up. I tend to not show up the most frequently on the forums as I've had some weird issues making the thing hard to use, but I'm on all the time on the chat and normally up for stuff. Have a good one.
Hello everyone. I tried to come up with a funny title.
Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:03 am
by Swix
Hello there! I'm Swix-and I seem to be taking the role of almost full time troublemaker (canonically of course) because after all, what is the point of heroes if not to defeat villains? And what is the point of villains if not to make things interesting and give you something to do? Though it can get a bit fatiguing at times.
Aaaanyway, welcome to Pax. We combine fantasy with sci-fi and it has a strange success. You can find me active on the chat usually chatting, but atm I'm mostly restricting my roleplay to the forums. Can't forget the place of origin, right? I look forward to seeing you in action!