The Expedition

For RPs which do not take place within the linear setting of Pax.
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The Expedition


Post by Redcoat » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:35 am

So I'll begin this RP with an out-of-character RP-administrative post outlining exactly what is going on here. To start, let's begin with RP structure: all events take place in a European-style country with strong parallels to the Holy Roman Empire, the entity ruling Germany from 982 to 1806; for the non-history nerds among you, this basically means that things are mostly peaceful, but every city-state does its own thing. Furthermore, this planet is magical; magic exists as a natural force and is explainable, though not necessarily explained using the scientific method, meaning that scholars will often be mages of some caliber and vice versa. All of your characters are in the employ of my character, an Anikus. S. Barrka, who is in turn in the employ of a set of local entities including the Baron; our job is the exploration of a nearby cave which is known to run very deep into the mountains. Don't worry, things will go crazy soon enough. You don't think I'd sign up here just to run an RP about walking through dark spaces, do you?

Your characters must be detailed and realistic people, and they must remain within humanish limits; this is not to say that you cannot register a skilled archer, but it is to say that your archer will not always hit their mark. Furthermore, personalities must be kept in check; I will not accept annoying characters, nor will I be accepting Anti-Sues with severe emotional trauma. Your writing style must be mature, readable, and done in book-style (this is to say you must use paragraphs and explanations, not script-style writing and *action stars*). In addition, as scholars are so rare (remember, Middle Ages), we should keep the number of mages in the party low--at present, my character.

Speaking of forms! You should fill this out and PM it to me, should you decide to join the expedition.

<blockquote class='code_blockquote'><dl><dt>Code: </dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><code>Name: I shouldn't have to explain this to you. XD
Nickname: If any.
Sex: Please don't say "yes please". XD
Age: Keep this within reasonable limits; we would not send 17-year-olds into caves.
History: Plenty of opportunity for intrigue. Remember not to make it too tragic; we don't want to read stock stories of rape-trauma. Make it interesting&#33;
Personality: Same advice goes here. Sues will be destroyed with extreme prejudice.
Skills: Everybody can do something.
Weapons: Realistically, you might have a couple. They'd also probably be pretty light.
Armour/Attire: Keep in mind you're exploring. This will remain light also, not to mention basic and utilitarian.
Other Equipment: Remember; you're on the road.</code></blockquote>

I will begin once I receive at least a couple other people. Registries accepted will be edited into this post.<hr />Name: Anikus Sven Barrka
Nickname: Red, The Scholar
Sex: Male.
Age: 32
History: Born in the democratic city-state of Arkhova, Anikus was raised by a military family. His father, a captain in the local Civic Guard, taught him what he knows of swordsmanship and war; the local Mage's Guild, which quickly grew to occupy much of adolescent Anikus' time, taught him of the world beyond, as well as helping him discover his latent magical talents. He joined the militia at age sixteen, leaving two years later to pursue his own ends of adventure after catching a serious case of wanderlust. Since then, he's published a number of journals and seen many a sight.
Personality: Anikus, true to his profession and reputation, is an extremely curious individual. Though this is often seen as a virtue, he is occasionally reckless in his pursuit of knowledge, often leading himself into situations which can be escaped only by quick thinking or prefabricated contingency plans--or, in more than one instance, having his sorry hide saved. He is also a somewhat heroic character, sparing no opportunity to stand up for the broken, beaten, and damned. In his dealings with others, he will tell lies to secure the greater good or the completion of his relatively non-malicious aims. He is somewhat aloof, and does not often recognize others' cultural niceties or sensitivities, living according to his own situational, though basically noble, code; when push comes to shove, Anikus will serve others before himself.
Skills: Swordsmanship and duelling, culinary arts, medicine, navigation and cartography, engineering, writing and speaking, leadership and problem-solving, history, military theory, and politics. Also a mage of some talent.
Weapons: Arming sword, knife, utility knife, and enormous backpack. Shield could also be used as a bludgeon. I'm sure there's other stuff too.
Armour/Attire: Magically augmented dull-red traveller's clothing, made to be waterproof and fire-resistant; can also defend himself with a forearm-affixed buckler.
Other Equipment: Journal, maps, paper, pens, and ink; rations and a simple pot, plus tinderbox; a Field Manual and Guide Book; a kit of medical supplies, including ointments, tonics, and bandages; a set of knives; a small supply of Aurum, or gold coins. He also maintains several more bizzare collections inside of his enormous backpack.

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