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Post by Coolpikaaa » Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:27 am

My username is "Agoeb."

With a period!

But yeah, if we are both on the same time, we can meet for sure. So... I can be on at... some point.

... When are you on? XD

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Post by Swix » Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:47 am

I won't be on properly 'til around Monday morning, although I might be on for a short while on Saturday from about 9:30pm, which I think would be 7:30am for 3kul and 5:30pm for CP, if the timezone site I looked at is right anyway, and Sunday morning for a short while too ((Edited for newer info))

If you wanna contact me in the game through mail or add me as a friend on STO it's Swix@ladydragonfury for me ;).
Last edited by Swix on Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Swix » Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:42 pm

Double post of doom.

I swapped stories with RPers I met on STO yesterday, attracted the attention of some KDF RPer folks as well as Federation, chatted amenably enough with them for a while, then got into a heated debate with the KDF players (a half Klingon, a Klingon, a Romulan and a 7 foot tall Alien who was playing as a freelancer) before being abducted by the Romulan player I was debating with, and ending up on an enemy ship surrounded by enemies where I got a reassurance from the Romulan captain that I hadn't been brought there as a prisoner, but a guest, and a more reassuring reassurance from the freelancer that he'd have my back if anyone did turn hostile XD.

Although they did say something about hoping someone was going to pay a ransom for me, in Klingon, which I can't speak As a joke. I think. XD.

Now we're all good friends OOC, as it often goes.

I love RPers :D.

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The Games Thread


Post by Borg12345 » Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:57 pm

So I started playing Dead Space 2.



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Post by Swix » Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:42 pm

I will always remember the Dead Space games as the only games that spark off my nightmares. Even over Doom 3, which didn't spark off any nightmares.

... You should be scared Borg :P. I finished Dead Space 2, it's um, well, you'll see. Heh.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:41 am

So, I've just discovered that through a special mission unlocked as part of a temporal promotion, you can recruit Doc Brown's son to your crew in Star Trek Online...

... I got her instead.

Ain't time travel grand?
Last edited by Coolpikaaa on Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Swix » Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:47 am

You got Martha Jones! Actual Dr companion of the Doctor (specifically the one played by David Tennant) that is awesome!

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Post by Swix » Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:49 pm

Borg, Borg, Borg! I have something to show you! I'm sure you'll like it since you like the Borg so much :P.

I got a Mirror Universe ship as a gift off another player recently so I've been flying around in that when I play. It used to look like this:



There are two pics because I wanted to show off how awesome the underneath looks too, with it's third nacelle and all. Looks pretty cool right? :). All Starfleet regulation though. Well, apart from it being a Mirror ship of course XD.

Well, I got some Borg tech afterwards and with the modifications that were integrated into the ship it looks like this!


Borg technology rocks! Doesn't it look wonderfully nasty? ;)

Also, has anybody played Dead Space: Extraction? I'm still not quite sure what to make of it myself.
Last edited by Swix on Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by 3kul » Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:28 am

Another delay for Creatures 4... The game was announced in mid-May 2011, with an original release date was January 2012. Now three delays later we won't see it until Q2 of 2013 at the earliest (delays went from Jan 2012 -> Q2 2012 -> Q4 2012 -> Q2 2013). Their new mantra is "ship when it's ready" apparently, so it seems now that we should be taking that release date with a grain of salt :-/

Don't get me wrong, all of this polishing can only make the game better, but it's kind of annoying to have more than a year of delays, and just to make things even more frustrating each time they announce/confirm the delay right at the end of their original deadline. What's the point of even having a deadline in the first place if you're going to fail to meet it so badly?

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Post by Borg12345 » Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:17 pm

I'd rather all game devs just took the old Blizzard approach of "it's done when it's done". Not even Blizzard follow that any more. :/

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Post by Swix » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:47 pm

Another C4 delay? I wonder when they actually realise when things are going to be delayed, or when they see something is going to cause a delay. Because it can't be on the eve of the deadline every time, surely?

This is starting to remind me of the 7 year wait for Kameo to come out.

Also, game related, I finally cashed in the 2100 Microsoft Points card that my brother got me for my birthday on Dust: An Elysian Tail off Xbox Live Arcade, and it is so very amazing! The handpainted graphics are beautiful, the humour is excellent (*Dust, the main character, comes across monsters* Sword of Ahrah: Use what you have learned thus far. Fidget, the little sidekick: No, mash the buttons! DO SOMETHING!), the story starts off slow but it gradually draws you in more and more and I've seen homages to two other games that I recognise-the Mysterious Wall Chicken is a homage to a Castlevania game and the first Merchant you come across is a homage to Resident Evil 4s weapons merchant.

The music is epic too, I can't get enough of it. Although the difficulty of the enemies from one chapter to the next has a fairly steep learning curve it's likely because it's creator wants you to finish the quests before going to the next chapter, but even so it's not so punishing that you can't get anywhere if you leave a couple for later.

The world is set in Elysium, which is populated by anthropomorphic, crazily coloured mammals (furries, I think someone called them). The main character is a turquoise coloured cat and his sidekick is an orange and white cat-bat creature. There are even some lizards in the world too, but that's as far as I'm getting into the storyline. As much as it doesn't take itself seriiously, it really draws you in to the serious main plotline. It's also not exactly free roaming, but you can revisit areas of the world map that have been opened up through accepting quests at any time, during any chapter.

It's a beautiful fantasy scrolling beat 'em up with swords, magic platforming and rpg elements, like levelling up and a crafting system

Oh and one more thing. There is this game called Star Citizen that is extremely ambitious and is calling for crowdfunding donations. It has reached over a million over it's goal (as you can hopefully see from the link I'm going to post in a minute) but more is the ideal.

The idea is to make a PC exclusive massively multiplayer online persistent dynamic universe. So, for example if someone came and blew up an asteroid, then another player came and visited that same spot, they'd only see the debris left over from the attack. Including an on and offline mode and the ability to play the game however you want, because not everybody wants to be a part of a Faction. The idea is that if players want to be a freelancer, a pure explorer, or a soldier for the empire, they can be! Oh and mod-able content from player hosted servers too.

I've only seen a few of his videos so far but what I have seen is pretty exciting.

Here's the site link:

EDIT: One more, one more thing, lol.

Star Trek Online has just launched Season 7. I am going to reserve judgement as I haven't tried most things I usually do yet, and the community is split right down the middle between loving it and hating it, but, it seems to have recieved prettier graphics in places and they have a lot of things to fix. Some that they had managed to fix before this Season and broke again, apparently.
Last edited by Swix on Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Borg12345 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:08 pm

A new god game headed by Peter Molyneux? Backed so hard I broke something. :P

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Post by Raven » Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:12 am

I'm looking forward to playing Dishonoured. I watched a friend play it, and it was good. :D

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Post by Borg12345 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:17 am

Dishonored has been really good fun so far, I really must get to finishing that. Four hours play time my arse, I spent 6 on the first assassination mission alone. :P

I got into the Hawken closed beta yesterday and HOOOO BOY is it good fun. :D It's a very interesting mix between the industrial/military look of western mechs with the speed of Japanese mechs, and I'm loving it. I must give Mechwarrior Online a go soon too, seeing as I was bouncing around with excitement over that not long ago. :P

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Post by Tav » Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:37 am

The first time I played through Dishonored, I basically went completely overt, charging into battle as a teleporting, timestopping, pistolwhipping angel of vengeance. It gave me bad habits for when I started trying a stealth pacifist run.

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