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Post by Jent » Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:25 pm

((@Coolpikaa: I'm not the one worried of the gap, Claymolder :P. Though if you were shrunk to less than half your size, around people that would not think twice of dissecting your froggy body to win, you wouldn't think straight either. At least, until you are better used to your new form. He is still getting used to moving around in it. Combat... without his shell he would die easily against the likes of Swix, Artificer, Raven, and Spinner.))

Almost clear from the gap, Claymolder hopped forward to (6-L).

((BTW, what are you going to call Raven when she reaches the chasm? Raveny? Hope not Ravy, as it sounds like rabie(s) in my head. And I don't think Raven will like the odd name XD.))

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:14 am

Hey, at least you did some tests to be somewhat sure this wasn't going to kill you.

Unlike that other girl...

As the potion ran over your now elongated tongue, you immediatly take ill. There might have been a reason the stone takes three steps to get you to a frog. It's a whole lot of changes to fit into a short span.

You feel your bones creak back into place, shifting to the humanoid structure you grew up with. Again, it feels like a cloud of worms moving around under you skin as everything rewires itself back to normal. Webbed appendages turn back into fingers and toes, and your froggy face shifts.

As soon as it began, the oversized orange pond creature is gone, replaced with a certain sultry demoness.

As for what's next, torches light up a tunnel into the distance. You can almost hear sounds that might br voices and.... elastic bands snapping?

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:22 am

((I've actually been thinking a lot about that Jent! I'm sure something will come to me...))

The chasm:
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¤= Arty

((I think just being turned into a Frog against your will would be rough enough. Let alone having a murderfest to take part in. Maybe if you hop on one of them they will freak out and fall down the hole?

Also, a lot less torches being thrown down than I thought.... Interesting. Also, off to work&#33;))
Last edited by Coolpikaaa on Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by 3kul » Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:17 am

((@CP: I haven't gotten around to making a character sheet for Spinner yet, but for now just know that he's a hairy crab about the size of a small car. He has six legs, long shaggy hair, small eyestalks that poke out of said hair and a pair of relatively small claws that are about the size of a human's arms - they're more useful for grabbing stuff and have the cutting force of a pair of scissors. He's not magically or technologically inclined, nor is he particularly sharp. He makes up for it by being extraordinarily sturdy and capable of stomaching just about anything he can get his claws on.))

For now Spinner was quite satisfied with scuttling in an around the pond, trying to catch and eat as many fish and frogs as he could get his spindly claws on.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:04 am

(( The size of a car?&#33; Yep, that's the kind of info I was hoping to gather. XD Also... I've never had anyone *not* want to move on from a challenge. I think I'm going to have fun with this... ;) ))

... Wow.

You stayed at the pond.

... You know this is a race, right?

As in, the first person to fight their way to the scarf gets it?

And here you are, lollygagging at the very first trial. It's not even that hard of a challenge&#33; You can actually for once, swim&#33;

If you really like muddy water, and weeds so much, why not go ahead and get turned into a Frog, then come back and spend your challenge here.

But no, you would rather catch fish.

Alright. Let's catch fish.

You decide, even though that you passed the challenge, to spend your precious, precious time chasing underwater butterflies. Most of the frogs seem wise to your antics, and stay far enough away from you that it isn't really a problem. Some of the fish on the other hand, are not as bright. After a good time hunting, you finally spot a rather large, bright orange fish that seems completely oblivious to the fact you probably want to eat it. It swims slowly, somehow unaware of your giant body, until the point where it is stuck between a patch of wooden debris, and your claws.

You clamp it, somewhat surprised yourself how easy it was to get a meal in this pond. The fish seems rather bony, and probably doesn't have a lot of meat, but if they are all this stupi-

You are now upside down, half buried in the mud. Spots cloud your eyes, and you try to figure out exactly what just happened. All you remember is a sudden, blinding glow, and a whole lot of thrashing. It's around the time when you start to wonder exactly how you are going to get yourself out this muck, when a whole lot of water pressure grabs hold of your body, and bubbles once again make it far too difficult to see.

You don't even know you left the water, until you are suddenly cartwheeling down at it from the sky.

There are flashes of blue, a whole lot of angry looking teeth, and you feel yourself pressed hard against broken logs by what has to be the pond's equivalent of a tidal wave. When the water calms down for a minute, you can get a better look.

And your stomach drops.


<big><big>Optional Objective Available: Defeat the Pond Gyarados...
</big></big><small><small>*Optional Objectives are mini-missions that may become available depending on how you play. They just may net you a small prize that can help in your quest, if you manage to complete them. All of these missions are completely optional- you may just ignore it, and move ahead if you so wish.</small></small>

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Post by Swix » Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:38 am

Swix bounces forwards again, onto the other side of the chasm, where she immediately makes a beeline for the nearest torch,

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Post by Jent » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:35 am

((Yeah, that might work CP. Though with Swix, he might end up as a skewered frog if he isn't careful. Oh, and 4-L.))

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Post by Borg12345 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:33 am

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div><big><big>Optional Objective Available: Defeat the Pond Gyarados...
</big></big><small><small>*Optional Objectives are mini-missions that may become available depending on how you play. They just may net you a small prize that can help in your quest, if you manage to complete them. All of these missions are completely optional- you may just ignore it, and move ahead if you so wish.</small></small>[/quote]

Last edited by Borg12345 on Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by 3kul » Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:56 pm

((Actually, Spinner still doesn't know that this is a race :P

Also, how did that Magikarp evolve in mid-battle? THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS IN THE GAMES&#33; :O ))

Spinner quickly averted his eyes from the ferocious looking beast and stood perfectly still. He had no idea what had just happened, but in his experience making sudden moves in a situation like this, even to escape, was rarely considered wise. Maybe if he was lucky the monster wouldn't notice him - he was covered in quite a lot of pond scum by now, which combined with his thick coat of hair acted as pretty good camouflage... he hoped.

((Spinner used DON'T MOVE.))

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:35 pm

The chasm:
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¤= Arty

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:42 pm

((I can't open your link, but I'm sure I'll like it when I can, Borg. And 3kul, this is what happens in my game...))

The rampaging Dragon actually seems to ignore you when you stay still, taking out it's frustrations on the cliffs, wood, and passing birds. It starts to rain rather aburptly, which makes everytjing so much worse. At least it isn't targeting you.

From the corner of your eye, you can see a massive group of people come out from around the bend to see what's going on. Once they spot the monster, they leave in a hurry, to somewhere that must be a shelter.

The creature is getting closer with it's rampage. It won't be long before it remembers, hey, it wants you dead....

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Post by Raven » Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:06 pm

Raven sighed in relief, checking her hands and skin to assure herself she was normal again. With that, she grabbed a torch and started down the tunnel - towards those strange sounds.

'It sounds like I've caught up.' Raven's face twisted into a demented grin. This was going to be interesting.

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Post by Coolpikaaa » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:25 pm

The chasm:
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¤= Arty
â–¼= Ravvy

You had arrived.

Before you spans the chasm, with a bouncing robot and your best friend forever, Swix. There also seems to be a frog hopping around down here, but you have no idea where it could have come from.


You can see what looks like a large, scorched hole in the jelly, and everyone seems to have a torch. It can't be hard to piece two and two together... but could you really do anything that could harm a fellow council member?

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Post by Jent » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:39 pm

((Why am I not surprised you used a down-pointing triangle to represent Raven/Ravy?))

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Post by Borg12345 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:40 pm

The Artificer took in the new information and began to wonder if maybe it was best to let the mortals deal with themselves. Still, even if that were to work it'd still need to act as if it was playing fair...

((G8. Also, I've just realised what the inspiration for this may have been :P))
Last edited by Borg12345 on Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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