Stephline's characters

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Stephline's characters


Post by Stephline » Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:16 pm

Name: Flipside

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Human

Appearance: Brown hair, usually tied back in a plait. Not overly pale skin, but not tanned either. Usually found in jeans, plain white T-shirt and black waistcoat. Dark grey eyes.

Personality: Quiet. Flipside is a thinker, not an actor, and does her best to avoid fights. However, this doesn't mean that she can't fiht back if push comes to shove, merely that she doesn't want to. Fairly friendly to people she doesn't know.

Brief history: Was born, grew to 14, tapped into innate ability. Vanished for five years which she cannot remember. Arrived in Pax amidst much confusion, but with a fully-functioning memory of how to use the few abilities she's gained over the years.

Abilities: Flipside possessed the ability to create something she calls 'The Network'- a jumbled mess of items she acquires and assembles. Somehow, it is capable of answering some of her questions, but not always correctly. Whatever it is, she refuses to explain to anybody who cannot guess correctly what it does.

Items: A deck of cards, two chess pieces (Both white. King and broken Queen).
Last edited by Stephline on Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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