Ketchup's Characters

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Ketchup's Characters


Post by Ketchupface » Fri May 09, 2014 6:26 pm

Name: Niketas Bordello

Gender: Demigirl, uses she/her or he/his pronouns. Presents androgynous.

Race: Human, Stand User

Appearance: Bordello is very tall, standing at a surprising 190cm - being tall and buff runs in his family but he only had half of the good genes. He has asymmetrical, wavy blonde hair that curls down over the right side of his face covering the massive scarring and missing eye. He wears a lot of layered, conservative clothing to cover up when he uses his ability. He has a massive, deep scar running from his right eye down and around his right arm and shoulder blade. It appears like an inch of skin went completely missing and healed into scar tissue. The eye itself faintly glows yellow.

Abilities: Bordello possesses the Stand Bee Gees - his soul given a unique physical form, granting him supernatural power. Bee Gees gives him the ability to turn parts of his body into bees - a completely disproportionate amount of bees, totaling around three billion if he completely disassembles himself. The bees are all typical female members of Apis mellifera, with all the characteristics of one. Notably, they are capable of stinging, and fatally injure themselves if they do so; and are susceptible to all poisons and pesticides a typical bee is susceptible to. Bordello receives all sensory input from every bee - even when thousands or million of bees are out - and can control them all individually and does not find any difficulty in doing so.

The bees, being formed from the mass of their user, will cause the loss of their representative mass upon death. For example, if the bees representing a fingernail all die, Bordello will lose that fingernail. Though the pure amount of bees to body mass helps supplant serious injury, Bordello is human in his healing abilities and will take time to heal from injuries from bee loss.

The Stand Bee Gees itself only appears if Bordello disassembles his head. It, as a single unit, represents his entire brain in mass and takes the form of a two-foot long mechanical Vespula maculifrons. It is able to sting freely without injuring itself and is much more resilient to damage. However, if fatally injured, both it and its user will die. When Bee Gees is present, Bordello's consciousness is transferred to it.

Personality: Bordello has severe social anxiety. He feels more comfortable in the senses and minds of his bees than in interaction with human beings. He is very shy and quiet and distant; he usually has at least three or four bees out and exploring and focuses on them over any social interaction when possible. He's also surprisingly voyeuristic; given that his bees have no need to forage or reproduce, he spends much of his time people-watching from the eyes of his bees.

History: Bordello was born in the Ukraine in the mid 1980s. When he was a toddler, he and the entire family on his mother's side was stricken with a mysterious illness that took him into a very deep fever. He was the only one to survive, and with his recovery came the birth of his Stand, Bee Gees. His father blamed the illness on him and sent him away to relatives in America, where he grew up and later became a naturalized citizen.

In his mid-teens while exploring his abilities, he had an accident where a swarm of several thousand bees landed to rest on a children's swingset. Irritated parents discovered the mass of bees and sprayed pesticides on them, killing them all and maiming Bordello.

Bordello more or less had an uneventful childhood, coasting through school and eventually graduating. Before he ended up in Pax, he spent his days working meaningless part-time jobs and not caring too much about his place in life.

Notes: This OC borrows concepts and setting from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and if you want to read up here's a nice primer on Stands. I'm just ignoring the bit where only Stand users can see Stands because nobody else in this setting is a Stand user.

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Ketchup's Characters


Post by Ketchupface » Fri May 09, 2014 8:35 pm

Dunno how much I'm going to use her, but I might as well write her up. For old time's sake.

Name: Paranesia.

Gender: She/her pronouns. Thinks human concepts like gender are very funny but plays along.

Race: Goddess.

Appearance: Paranesia's physical form is currently a nondescript cloud hidden amongst an amount of other clouds slowly navigating their way around Ara's stratosphere. She is currently looking for a safer place to stow herself but currently to no avail.

She is able to project herself as just about anything imaginable, but for recognizability's sake, prefers the avatar of a silver fox. She does not keep a consistent size on her fox form, though in casual usage it tends to be around the size of a very large dog.

Abilities: As the Goddess of Illusion she has almost complete domain over all aspects of the mind of organic creatures. She is able to silently and invasively intrude on the minds of any organic being and, in fact, does this completely instinctively on a massive scale (hundreds to thousands of beings at once) to project herself. She can alter each and every aspect of the mind and brain function of any creature she has dominion over.

Uniquely, she is unable to directly grant mental illness to any being, due to that falling under Au'Marui's powers. If needed, she gets around this easily enough by just traumatizing the mind enough to force mental illness to form.

Since she never appears using her physical form, she has no sensory ability of her own. All her senses come from accessing the eyes and ears of anything in her surroundings. She cannot go to any place no living thing is at.
She also only has dominion over organic beings; non-organic creatures, such as robots, cannot be affected by her in any manner. She cannot project through technology, though she could, say, project by having a security guard see her in a tape rather than projecting in the tape itself.

Personality: She is intensely secretive, only revealing information those who need it, when they need it. She's always on some sort of grand plan and does not care about the worth of anyone except herself. She stops at nothing to get what she wants.

History: Paranesia is actually embarrassingly young for a goddess, and keeps her history a secret mostly to hide how little there really is.

Some time in the last 300 years, in the end of her personal holy war with Chronos, she had a hit successfully taken out on her; from it, she had her powers, memories and really her entire sense of self stripped from her. From the wreckage of her body was created a second personality, Shaon Galatea. Shaon journeyed for several years, recovering the lost pieces of Paranesia, who regained herself and as she gained more power, completely crushed her alter. Shaon technically exists but it is a very rare moment that Paranesia would ever let her front.

Paranesia took up residence in Blackstar and used the realm as the home base for her retaliation against Chronos. As Blackstar failed and winked out of existence, she made herself scarce, spending much of her time in her own personal realm, The Void. Her time there was spent in solitude and safety.

Her presence here, in Pax - especially her full presence, her physical and illusory forms - is of reasons unknown.

Notes: I didn't change a whole lot, I just rewrote everything and clarified stuff that became RP canon.

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